Video game addiction - Patrick McKenzie

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What he is really saying is that he is lonely, needs a loving community and needs a purpose. There are so many men who share this life. It takes bravery to step out of this cycle. Much love and blessings to all who are suffering like this❤


Games are a huge improvement over doomscrolling because you can actually work toward solutions to the problems a game throws at you. Gamers are also pretty friendly and constructive if you collaborate on a speedrun or mod. Helping each other out feels good even if it's just a hobby without many real-world uses. It's probably best to play singleplayer games with a finite campaign to avoid the addiction issue.


I absolutely agree. Had to walk away from my video game addiction, it's no different than a drug addiction, turned my life around


As someone who plays online every once in a while, I find it sort of frustrating that there seem to be people that do nothing else.
On the other hand this keeps me from playing more.


Imagine working for a executive assistant


I'm grateful that my parents won't buy me games.


You gotta love our society
Spending 40 years working: society doesn't blink an eye
Spending 2 years having fun in your free time: outrageous, how dare you have fun and just emjoy the third/quarter of your life that is actually free


Patrick, I don't know if you'll even see this, but I'll ask you anyway....

Patrick, do you have any family members in the UK? 🇬🇧
More specifically, Scotland?
Even more specifically, Glasgow?


….He must have worked it out. He’s wearing a wedding ring.


This is extremely dumb. First of all, why the Hell is this guy just letting his employer monitor his free time, seeing EXACTLY what he's doing, without a second thought? That's an insane level of intrusiveness from an employer. Secondly, you can throw out a big figure for the number of hours you've played games for, and maybe that sounds bad, but: a) it's your free time, and you need downtime to relax after work; it's a mistake to assume that an hour spent playing games = an hour that could otherwise be spent working productively, and b) most people spend just as much—if not far more—time than that on social media or watching Netflix, so this is hardly a problem specific to video games.


How does he have time to do his laundry, pay bills, clean house, brush his teeth, etc.


The difference between video games and Netflix for instance, is that your mind and body are totally involved in a video game. You can’t even ask a person playing video games a question without feeling like you’re interrupting them. And they are irritated by the interruption. I can have Netflix on while doing the dishes and caring for kids, etc.


The vast majority of gamers aren't addicts. Please make that clear when you have these conversations.


That sounds sketchy.

“I’m working for someone. They want to friend me on steam so they can see how much I’m playing games. And, if I miss any of my deadlines they will hold the time I play games against me.”

That doesn’t sound helpful.

He mentioned playing a game for 750 hours in a year. That’s like 14 hours per week. That’s an hour or two per day with a little more time on the weekend. Similar to people who watch TV.

You know what WOULD be helpful? Nanny software so he can monitor it himself. Or … a timer.

Tools like this exist for children and they’re effective.


Only 6000 hours dude I put 4000 into skyrim alone. And I'm a mechanic 20 hour fays 6 days a week. You are not a hood gamer lol


6000 hours is not that much time in the grand scheme of things I have 3000 hours on rainbow 6 siege alone and that’s only 125 days or a little over 4 months 🫠
