Doom Metal Amps: Laney AOR

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Gear Used In This Video:
Peavey T60 With Electrical Guitar Company Neck
Fender Jazz Precision Bass
EHX Green Russian Big Muff Reissue

Intro - 0:00
Demo - 0:24
Tone Stack Frequency Analysis - 3:29
Monolord Audhumbla with Dunable R2 DE tuned B standard into Fuzzlord Effects FU-2 - 5:02
YOB The Great Cessation with Peavey T60 tuned A standard into Fuzzlord Effects Dark Master - 6:46
AOR50 in a mix with Woodrite Guitars Warlord tuned C standard into AOR channel 8:03
Credits/Thank You 9:28

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The AOR Pro Tube Lead is an accidental doom amp. When first produced in the 80s they were pushed as hair metal amps. The problem was that the massive bass boost made the amp sound muddy. So a lot of players in the L.A. scene where I was duking it out would get their AORs modded to cut the bass boost and get more clarity. Modded AORs sounded insane, about as good as a Soldano.


This is easily one of if not the best video on YouTube covering these amps. I just found an AOR 50 combo that I snagged to balance against my Super Crush and this video has basically been my user manual. Thanks for doing such awesome work and helping the tone chasers out there.


it sounds so unbelievably crunchy, awesome and unique


The tone stack is perfect as is. I always found the best tone on the AOR was Bass and Mids pulled and set around 6, Treble not pulled and all the way up. Huge


I had the combo in the mid 1990's. It was my first tube amp and I ordered it from Daddy's Junky Music. They used to have a monthly newspaper mailer that had every used piece of gear that a broke highschool kid could lust after. I miss that amp. I bet my parents sold it at a garage sale for $20.


1:40 - that's pure Sabbath right there!


I just bought this amp because of this video. My neighbors would like to have a word with you.


I had the aor 50 back in the was my first "real" amp. It broke in the early 90s and was told it couldnt be fixed, so i sold it with the cabinet for 200$. I found an aor 100 yesterday for 300$ not working so i bought it. The impedance selector switch was dirty is all. It is an absolute beast... I think it may sound better than my 50 did! Doom for days!


I've had a few Laney AOR Pro-Tube Lead 50s over the decades - first one in the early 90s. It was the original "Marshall killer" for metal players and the pull boosts were pretty much always on. Great amps - they were fairly reliable and great-sounding for the price, when you think about comparing it to other 80s amps (JCM 800, Mesa, Seymour Duncan Convertible, etc). This and the Dennis Kager Sundown are still hidden gems from that era.


Had a 50 in the 80's, have had all sorts of vintage amps since then and now i found a 100 with the 412. Like coming home. Such a useable and brilliant sounding amp


LOVE my AOR 50 head !!
My fav artist using one ?
The obvious one, right ? Liz Buckingham, from Electric Wizard <3
The AOR, in stereo with the OR120 = my Doom voice !


Definitely a diamond in the rough. Very glad I grabbed on about 6 months ago. One of my favorite amps I’ve ever owned. So many tonal options. Grab one if you can.


Just finished a pilgrimage to save one of these puppies and add it to the studio inventory thanks to this video and one other you’ve featured it in.


What an absolute monster.


Really appreciate the way you formatted this demo. I've been getting back into guitar after taking a break for a few years and your videos/channel have definitely helped spark some inspiration to continue the sonic journey. Thank you man!


Love that Monolord riff!! Great video man! Listened to your podcast a bunch on my move cross country this past weekend, hope to hear more in the future.


Hi Jason. I loved watching your old videos, when you just sat down and talked about something you have knowledge about and you love. After the Fet120 demo or so, I kind of forgot about the channel. I recently started watching your videos again. I have to say, your channel has come a long way! The videos are short and crisp, well structured and very informative, with a scientific approach. I think you are currently among the best pedal channels out there. And by the way, when manufacturers show that they have a clue about what they are talking about, are not only interested in their own products, but are simply a pedal lover like all of us, that's the best advertising you can do.I'm afraid this is a very long comment, but I want to express my respect and appreciation for the time and effort you put in here. I look forward to new quality conntent!


Love my AOR 50. Great video Jason and helpful advice about the caps, had that done on mine a couple years back!


Thank for you using a spectrum analyzer. It's always nice to see what you like to hear!


I'm a bassist but happen to own this amp along with a couple other guitar amps. I honestly think it's really awesome. I can obviously do the stoner/sleep tone really well. But it can do so much. Love it.


Thanks for this review !! This amp is a killer !! Awsome heavy jams for demo too !! This sound is awsome for those heavy licks indeed !!! Well played !!!
