Doom Metal Amps: Laney AOR

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Gear Used In This Video:
Peavey T60 With Electrical Guitar Company Neck
Fender Jazz Precision Bass
EHX Green Russian Big Muff Reissue
Intro - 0:00
Demo - 0:24
Tone Stack Frequency Analysis - 3:29
Monolord Audhumbla with Dunable R2 DE tuned B standard into Fuzzlord Effects FU-2 - 5:02
YOB The Great Cessation with Peavey T60 tuned A standard into Fuzzlord Effects Dark Master - 6:46
AOR50 in a mix with Woodrite Guitars Warlord tuned C standard into AOR channel 8:03
Credits/Thank You 9:28
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Doom Metal Amps: Laney AOR
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