Am I Saved if I Still Struggle with Sin?

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There is much discussion among Christians about the relationship between sin and the believer in their lives. The Bible has quite a bit to say about this, but it isn't as straightforward as we would like. In this video I seek to present the balanced perspective that we see in Scripture.

Hey, everyone! I'm pastortanner, and yes I am a real lead pastor of a real church. The aim of my channel is to bring discipleship to the place where people are forming REAL communities: the internet. God has given us the gift of this new frontier, and we have the opportunity here and now to utilize it. The church as a whole is often slow to utilize growth and technology, but I hope that this channel is a small way that Christ can be shown forth and God can grow his kingdom. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life: I would love to talk to you about him.

#holiness #sanctification #assurance

#theology #church #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #pastor #wisdom #disciple #Bible
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No man can stop with out the holy Spirit of God you can set your self free no matter how much you pray and try out of your flesh of good work s no matter how much Bible you read it takes God though the holy Spirit alone


Thank you brother for this message I was about ready to give up I must press on in my walk with God anyone reading this pray for me I’ve been healed of cancer twice in my life now I may be faced with it again 🙏


Pray for me to be deliver from my sins in my life. I struggle with sins in my life.


Thanks for this, I’ve been struggling for years simply thinking I’m not saved which is something I still struggle with but the Holy Spirit has really been convicting me and causing me to really hate myself (my sin) a lot more than than the illusion that it is enjoyable, I am greatly encouraged to have victory over this sin at the end of my journey and to not give up or in.


Yes 🙏 it is very exhausting and take so much from God but he is graceful he will never leave me


Bro thank you for this message so much, because what you said is 100% true. God called me in mid 2020 and I have always struggled with alcoholism. The first year I might have only drank 4 times, but it seems the longer and longer I go the more and more difficult this is to fight. I'm at a point right now where it's so hard to make it through a month without it and the day after I fall and I pray I absolutely hate myself and want to scream or punch something in prayer because I'm so angry with myself. I do get heavily convicted and know what I am doing is wrong and this is where it is so difficult for me is one side of me says "If you're being convicted that is evidence of the Holy Spirit working in you" and another side saying "If you were truly a Christian you wouldn't fall this often" and it's these 2 sides of me in a constant battle.

I'm currently on a 5 day fast asking God to strengthen me in this fight and I truly would give anything to stop, but randomly the temptation hits and the battle is so hard to fight, but in the midst of battle I never pull out my bible or get on my face in reverence and cry out to God asking Him for help (which is where I'm falling and I know it). Just if anyone reads this please pray for me, and I don't know what God has in store for me, but by His grace alone I pray I never give up this fight because it is by His grace alone that I am saved nothing of myself and that is the only way I will have victory is by His grace alone and nothing I have to offer.


Brothers and sisters please pray for me, ive been giving into sin and ive been a mess


Thank you for this video. The last two videos "Am I REALLY Christian" felt like the outline was sort of ambiguous. This makes me more confident the Holy Spirit is working within me.


Thank you Tanner. It’s been a long time.


I understand what you're saying but Jesus said he's divine we are the branches without him we can do nothing so it takes him to help us through life it's not an overnight journey


If you are not struggling with sin, it's a sign that you are not really saved. What the heck is sin anyway?


Your salvation was either a free gift, not of works or it was not.


I'm struggling trying to overcome alcohol. I feel I'm still a slave to it. I have overcome it but I keep falling back into drinking again and again. Please help


raw and direct i love it - great work brother


God will have to work in hour hearts Jesus looks at the heart not the outer man the heart must change in order for the inner to change because he told the Pharisees you are wash white tombs but inwardly you're full of dead men bones keep speaking of the heart and only God can change the heart and remove that desire for those certain sins that so easily beset the people


Some of them have a demons that controls some of them


I struggle with a sin, I take it one day at a time, but I hate myself and I beat myself up when I let it over take me. It's like I forget everything I read. I need help. I've been struggling since I was 12. Im now 30. Pray for me. What should I do?


Yes Im really strugg;ing and I hate myself and I feel that I am a failure as a follower is Christ!🥺☹😥 My conviction has beaten me down to the point at times I dont want to live anymore my life here on earth! That I pray almost every night for God to take my life because I dont deserve this life... I want to return to Christ but if I do that I will only fail Christ again and backslide.. again.. and struggle again... emotionally beat down again...


I dont know what to do, i have been saved 11 years and struggled with masturbation/porn etc for years before and after getting saved. Ive made progress but dont give it up completely


I have been a Christian for one year now and continue to struggle with pornography, have I lost my salvation?
