Homemade All-Purpose Non-Toxic Cleaner

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#AcreHomestead #Non-ToxicCleaner #DIY

If you are interested in zero waste and reducing toxins in your home this cleaner is for you! I have been making this non-toxic all-purpose DIY cleaner for many years and I have loved it.

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In the Middle ages, servants would clean their work tables every day with a mix of vinegar, salt, and rosemary. And they would use cut lemons dipped in salt to scrub pots and pans. So this is getting back to basics in a big way.


I have to admit to getting a hearty laugh at accidentally drinking it! It is a very good habit to get into to remove the label and write what you are refilling a repurposed bottles, jars etc.


My wife (and I) really loves your channel and she sent this to me to check out. Were going to be doing this soon! If she happens to read this, I love you Lacey ❤


Bet your parents are so proud of you, and your homesteading gifts. Great work!


I love using citrus peel to make flavorings extracts. Just zest the citrus and add to vodka in a container. Allow to stir 6 weeks to get the full flavor.


82K!!! Holy smokes it was 67K last week! So proud of you! I love doing this too! Keep them coming!


I told my husband that your channel is so genuine and i love that you never use clickbait titles. I don't watch those channels. Hope you stay that way ❤️


I love doing this- I add rosemary, basil, etc., from the garden! It’s such a great cleaner!


RoseRed Homestead made lemon powder & tried both freeze drying & dehydrating methods. This week she made a peach jam using Red Hots candy. She used her lemon powder instead of a commercial pectin. She’s a university professor of science. Just another great way to use lemon peels!


You could add fresh rosemary to the orange peels for a fresh scent. This is so environmentally friendly! I have been doing this for years!


PLEASE NOTE... NOT TO USE VINEGAR ON YOUR GRANITE COUNTERS!!! Vinegar is too acidic & will etch the granite counter tops & dull & weaken the sealant. Just use soap and water & hydrogen peroxide to disinfect.

I love this recipe... been using it for several years & absolutely love it... use it on my kitchen sinks, bathrooms & even mopping in my bathroom as I have glass tiles! 👌 A great recipe💖💖


Great stuff. Incidentally; if you throw those peals into the same container with rain water and a handful of organic raisins it will make it's own vinegar in a few weeks. Then it really will be zero dollar cleaner. I made juniper vinegar for cleaning and OMG, it smells great and cost me absolutely nothing! Apple peals, melon rinds, virtually anything with sugar can be fermented to make vinegar. Always enjoy your videos; thank you!


You could also zest your citrus & allow to air dry & add the dried zest to rubs & seasoning mixes. Love your channel ❤


I always through away my citrus peels.. never again will I be doing that.. thank you so much for sharing, I love it. ❤❤


This is a great idea! I can hear the doggo's feet pitter pattering on the floor, so cute! The doggo's agent called and said that they need more screen time footage :)


This is AWESOME! You need to plant a lemon tree or find someone that has extras for you. Then no cost at all for lemons!


I started doing this - big jar on the kitchen counter for all the citrus skins etc. As I was decanting into my cleaning jars a bit splashed on my hand. Unthinkingly I licked it and damn, it tasted so good. Now we use some for our salad dressings and the rest for cleaning non-porous surfaces.


I have a lemon 🍋 tree, so I definitely need to try this!! I’m going to make up a batch tomorrow!! 😊


Hi Becky! I too make this with squeezed lemons, BUT: before I squeeze them, I grate the peel of und put this in a jar with sugar in den fridge. Then I squeeze the zested lemons and what is then left I put in vinegar. so: 3 products out of 1 lemon. The peel from - in my case all organic - lemons is way too good for making cleaner with it.

The lemon cest (or orange cest) sugar I use for baking, for cocktails, for cooking and so on. Sugar too is a preservative and kept in the fridge it stores some months.


You’ve been quite an inspiration to me! I make my lemon vinegar a little different than you do. I got the information from a YouTube channel called Rain country. I just take the lemons after I’ve juiced them, put them in a jar, add some sugar and fill it with water and cover it loosely like you would something you’re fermenting so it can breathe. Every day you stir it and in about one month it will be vinegar. Just drain and use. Then you don’t even have to buy the white vinegar. I also have learned from her that you can make vinegar out of anything! I really enjoy doing it. Floral vinegars for hair rinse, citrus vinegar’s for cleaning, even made some vinegar out of cedar branches off of a tree. Lotta fun and very frugal! Thank you so much for all you share! You have so inspired me to do large amounts of cooking so I can continue doing something besides just cooking!
