Warrior cats who have a bad relationship part two

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this is why I wish Shrewpaw lived he was a good cat and truly did love SquirrelFlight


I don't think Squilf ever planned to be romantically involved with Ashfur, It kinda just happened as they spent more time together


Squilf did not “lead” anyone on or owe anyone anything. She broke up with brambleClaw, started dating ash fur for like 2 weeks, broke up with him, and then dated brambleClaw again. She didn’t owe either of the He-Cats anything.


squirrelflight out here being emotionally abused by bramblestar in broad daylight and still being treated like the toxic one by the community lol


Don't forget the fiasco when BrambleClaw found out about The Three not being his real kits :D


Squirrel: hey, Hawkfrost is being suspicious, could you possibly stop hanging out with him?
Bramble: look, if you hate me just say so


The thing was squirrelflight and Brambleclaw were not mates when she began showing interest in AshFur. She was geniunly considering him as a mate, but soon found he smothered her too much and tried to “protect” her when she was just fine dealing with the problem. She rejects ashfurs advances from then on, politely. Brambleclaw apologizes to squirrelflight, and she gets back with him. Both Brambleclaw and ashfur were bad choices. Brambleclaw took out his anger on her whenever he was even mildly stressed, and AshFur simply wasn’t the type of cat squirrel was looking for, but it was made clear he was unable to move on as we see later, and his obsessive behaviour is toxic and ends in his demise as a villian in TBC.


Then again, remember that Bramblestar has Tigerclaw's genes; he had to get a few traits from him. Plus Ashfur controlling him didn't help much.


don't forget when Squirrelflight lied to him about Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze


Thank you SO much for crediting the artists- I see so many people not doing it and it makes me upset as an artist myself.


only 10 seconds in and you’re already spreading false information lmao:

squirrelflight did NOT lead ashfur on. People who say that either didn’t read the books, or were not paying attention when they were reading.

Ashfur and Squirrelflight were never mates. Squirrel did have a small crush on Ash but that was it. It was just a crush.

it was specifically stated that Squirrelflight was hanging out with Ashfur because he calmed her. She was not showing any romantic attraction towards him aside from playing moss ball with him, which could be considered flirting. But that’s literally it.

In the third book(i believe?) Squirrel compared Ashfur to a large, cool and calm body of water. She described him as peaceful and calming. That’s why she was hanging out with Ashfur. Because he made her feel better after her fights with Brambleclaw.


I think Bramblestar did that because he realized the three weren't his kits and he thought Squirrelflight didn't trust him, and Bramble loved all three! (Removing the point of Jessy and Bramble, ofc.)


I love how everyone is only talking about what Squilf did wrong instead of Bramble literally abusing her


Literally Squirrelflights hope was about just how toxic their relationship is. She wanted more kits. Bramblestar ignored her and guilt tripped her. Then got pissed off when she was helping the Sisters


Squirrel flight wasn't "leading him on" she was thinking she wasn't gonna go back to bramble claw but ended up doing so anyway




I'll try to explain their story as objectively as I can for the people who haven't read the books. If you have read them and see something off about my comment, let me know! I won't think it's hate or see it as rudeness. Anyways, the first interaction that these two had (that we know of) is during both of their apprenticeships. Squirrelflight as an apprentice was fiesty and reckless while Bramblepaw was boastful, proud and secretly insecured about his past and afraid that Firestar would abandon him and his clan and that he didn't trust him because of his father (the boastful personality was more visible during his young warrior/oldest apprentice phase. He was, however, a rough player as a kit and judgemental of Snowkit's weakness). Bramblepaw was annoyed by Squirrelpaw and would mock her until she and Leafpaw got swept away from their clan and had to find their way back. While the two sisters were away, Bramblepaw was worried and regretted what he had said to them. When they were found, he apologized to them. In the new prophecy, we see Bramblestar as a young warrior and Squirrelflight as an apprentice. Brambleclaw was constantly annoyed by squirrelpaw and her habit of following him around. Squirrelpaw, on the other hand, was annoyed by his bossiness and would tease him about it or simply not listen to him. Their relationship changed when Cinderpelt received a prophecy and intercepted it as Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw becoming rivals and being a danger to the clan. Firestar tried to keep the two away from each other by assigning them on different patrols and giving them extra duties so that there was barely any time for them to interact. However, this only irritated the two and they secretly met whenever they could. When Brambleclaw received a prophetic dream and went to the fourtrees to meet the rest of the chosen cats, he realizes that Squirrelpaw had been following him and is forced to take her along with him. During the journey, the chosen cats grow a bond between them. Brambleclaw becomes respected by the group as a natural leader and Brambleclaw, along with Stormfur, develop a crush on Squirrelpaw. The band of cats have to overcome many challenges together and with the help of Purdy and the tribe, they manage to find a new home for the clans. The two have a good relationship with each other until both of them realize that Hawkfrost is Brambleclaw's half-brother. Brambleclaw chose to trust him while Squirrelflight was apprehensive about him. The two start quarreling and Brambleclaw eventually becomes offended and hurt that Squirrelflight doesn't trust Hawkfrost because of who his father is and reminds her and that he as well was Tigerstar's offspring. After that, Brambleclaw keeps avoiding her and Ashfur starts inviting Squirrelflight to sit besides him during meetings. Squirrelflight accepts the invites but keeps thinking about her relationship with Brambleclaw. Ashfur keeps inviting her more often to sit next to him and during a moss gathering patrol, Squirrelflight starts a moss ball fight with him which is interupted by Brambleclaw scolding them for wasting moss and acting like apprentices. Soon, Squirrelflight confides to Leafpool about her worries that her and Brambleclaw weren't meant to be. Leafpool reassures her by telling her that she received a vision about her and Brambleclaw walking side by side on the lake as starry cats. Brambleclaw's and Squirrelflight's relationship starts to heal and they choose each other as mates. Squirrelflight then tells Ashfur and Ashfur, outraged, reminds her that Bramblestar's father killed Brindleface (Ashfur's mother). Squirrelflight is offended by that and defends Brambleclaw by saying that he can't help who his parents are. Then the scene with Hawkfrost, Bramblestar and Firestar trapped in a fox trap happens. Squirrelflight along with her sister find Ashfur and ask him where Firestar is. He replies that he is hurt and that Bramblestar is with him making Leafpool believe that Bramblestar was trying to murder Firestar. The sisters arrive to find that Brambleclaw had saved Firestar and killed Hawkfrost. After that, Leafpool receives an omen by starclan (bramble bushes with claws instead of thorns protecting the clan) that says that Brambleclaw should become deputy. Ashfur immediately calls her a liar and tries to convince his clan that Leafpool's only saying that because her sister is Brambleclaw's mate. Despite the accusation, Brambleclaw is chosen deputy. Brambleclaw has trouble at first but his clanmates are patient with him knowing that it is his first time. When Brambleclaw accidentally assigns Ashfur on two different patrols, Squirrelflight scolds Ashfur for not speaking up. When Leafpool becomes pregnant (other cats assumed she was just eating more), she asks Squirrelflight to act as the kits' mother. Squirrelflight is hesitant and starclan visits her to tell her that she is sterile and will never bare kits. Squirrelflight, although still hesitant and unwilling to lie to Brambleclaw eventually agrees. Ferncloud and Daisy help Squirrelflight feed the kits because of her lack of milk while Leafpool stops her own flow with herbs. The kits grow and are assigned mentors. To help mend Ashfur's anger, Firestar makes Lionpaw Ashfur's apprentice. The two start off alright. Soon the three apprentices travel with Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw to the tribe then are given their warrior names. Lionblaze and Ashfur grow apart after a fight and are no longer in good terms with each other. Then the famous fire scene happens where Ashfur pretends to help Squirrelflight save the three but then blocks their escape route and tells Squirrelflight that her kits dying is the only way to make her feel the same pain she caused him (he also tells her that he took part in Hawkfrost's plan to kill Firestar). Squirrelflight, having been wounded seriously in the belly during a battle is unable to fight Ashfur off so she tells him that the kits are not hers and that she doesn't care if they die. Ashfur at first doesn't believe her but then threatens her that she'll tell the other clans during a gathering and rans off. When the three question Squirrelflight, she tells them that she lied to save them but they dont believe her. Both Squirrelflight and Hollyleaf try to reason with Ashfur and tell him that he would endanger his clan if he revealed the clan's secrets to the other clans. He considers  this for a while but then he says that he doesn't care. Hollyleaf kills him and when his body is found, all cats except for the three grieve for him. Hollyleaf, angered, ends up revealing the truth during the gathering herself and when she realizes the damage she caused, she rans off. Brambleclaw, heartbroken, confronts Squirrelflight and comes to the conclusion that she doesn't trust him. He then starts avoiding her again. Squirrelflight starts to miss the time she had with Brambleclaw. The two speak again after Firestar's death when Brambleclaw chooses her as deputy and tells her that there's no other cat he trusts more. Squirrelflight becomes pregnant, starclan informs her about their lie and she gives birth to four kits, two of which die. The two have a good relationship until Bramblestar 's storm. When Squirrelflight is second-guessing Bramblestar, Bramblestar humorously wonders why he made her his deputy. She replies that it was because she doesn't let him boss her around and he says that that's true. Afterwards, Bramblestar rescues a bunch of kittypets. He starts bonding with one of them called Jessy and Squirrelflight is seemingly jealous of their relationship. Jessy however tells Bramblestar that she must leave the clan because she is a distraction to his and Squirrelflight's love. In Squirrelflight's hope, Squirrelflight wants to become a mother again and asks Bramblestar for a second litter. Although he agrees, she can tell that he doesn't actually want a second litter so they dont go ahead with that plan.


Yeah Squirrelflight really CANNOT catch a break


Don’t forget, Bramblestar tried to date a she-cat that could be considered a young warrior, whilst in Bramblestars Storm. While the break between him and Squirrelflight and snapping at her when she asked where he was going. And that was before they were in a proper relationship- He was treating her like **** so she searched for more, Ashfur. But then he put on a nice face, letting her come back.


Short answer on why Bramblesquirrel is a horrible releationship: it's extremely abusive. I feel so bad for poor Squirrel, she does NOT deserve to be treated like this, , ,
