Bumping a Lock with a Bump Key | Mr. Locksmith Video

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Bumping a Lock with a Bump Key | Mr. Locksmith Video

Bump Keys: My Grandfather was a locksmith and he called it "Rapping a Cylinder" today we call it "Bumping a Lock" with "Bump Keys."

When bumping a lock, the key is initially inserted into the keyway and the Bump Key is backed out one notch (pin) short of full insertion.

Bumping the key inward forces it deeper into the keyway. The bump key transmit a slight impact force to all of the key pins in the lock. The key pins transmit this force to the driver pins; the key pins stay in place.

The pin movements are highly elastic, the driver pins "jump" from the key pins for a nanosecond, moving higher than the cylinder (shear line of the tumbler), then are pushed normally back by the spring to sit against the key pins once again. Even though this separation only lasts only a nanosecond with a light rotational force or tension is continuously applied to the key during the slight impact, the cylinder will turn during the short separation time at the shear of the pins, and the lock can be opened while the driver pins are elevated above the shear line.

Lock bumping takes only an instant to open the lock. The lock is not visibly damaged, although the force of the bump can leave an indentation on the front of the cylinder.

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It makes it easier if you put a thick castrating band on the key so you don’t have to pull it back one click if you don’t get it the first try.😎


I was surprised this video has only 2k views... Oh... only 2 days old. That explains a lot. ;-)


mine never open on the first try I usually have to tap about 5-10 times but I need to cut more of the shoulder for my grommets my set is kind of old a bit worn my original set.


Does bump key work on smart locks ???? Can someone tell me please


Those are some poor locks you have there....


I hate bump keys !!
I was almost killed thanks to some
Criminals and their bump keys.


How dare you teach criminals how to break in innocent people's homes!


Wow you bumped a lock with most likely only 1 tumbler for it to bump so effortlessly! You sir are the bump king! Hahaha this is fake news! Hahaha


Massive rise in robberies these past few days :/


Is that like a bump stock? Some loonie politician will try to outlaw it.


Given the political unrest today and the resulting potential for violence, why are videos like this being celebrated by YouTube? Isn’t this giving aid and assistance to potential criminals? This is a double standard - conservative comments are banned while detailed instruction about how to break in to your neighbors home is celebrated.
