Day in the Life of a 1950s Housewife | Spring Edition

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Hello Darlings, I have finally made another 50's Housewife video!! I know quite a few of you lovely viewers wanted to see some more of this sort of content, so here it is! We are starting the kitchen renovation in a couple of days so get ready for that video really soon!! I hope you all enjoy this weeks video and I'll see you next week!

Lots of love,
Sage Xx

1950's Housewife Schedule

Click the link below to check out my favourite vintage style lipstick collection from Besame Cosmetics. This is a paid link that helps to support the channel via commission. ❤️
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I am 73 years old and I was a little girl in the 1950’s. My dad was a Marine and he served in both WWII and Korea. You are so beautiful and glamorous. You remind me more of the women I saw on T.V and not my mother and her friends. We lived in a big city in the US. We didn’t think anything we had was cool. It makes me chuckle now how everything old is new again. I love your channel you are so sweet. Keep up your studies


Could you maybe do a 1950s Christmas. How they would have decorated, holiday meal, types of gifts that would have been given.


very cool that your grandfather wrote his memoirs for his family to enjoy. what a treasure to have!


I still enjoy coming back to this video very uplifting thank you


You know what you are? A breath of fresh air in a world gone nuts! Delightful. Subscribed.


I’m not sure how this ended up on my suggested videos but I’m so glad it did! So delightful and inspiring!


Im slowly adopting many lifestyle changes to fit in with a 40s esthetics. I find our grandparents where on to something that we have abandoned in our modern society.
I love your channel and it inspires me to be a little more like my grandfather.


Wow.... this is exactly me. Nothing has changed in my house. Only difference is I have children. I don't use much technology and I literally almost never sit down. I do everything by hand including sewing and other things like that. I always cook home made meals and serve my family just like this. I didn't realize that it wasn't very normal anymore.


Love 1950’s aesthetics my mother in law was a teenager during that era and she always talks about how good and simple life was for her back then. She used to make her own dresses and to this day she is lucky to be a full time housewife😀


I like how you treat the chickens like pets, giving them attention and being gentle with them.


My mother STILL uses my grandmother's old vacuum from the sixties. That dinosaur is SO LOUD that both me and the dog both run out of the house when she hauls it out! She won't let me replace it and she won't let me vacuum for her; she says it's the only exercise she gets nowadays. The thing weighs a ton but if it actually keeps my 74 year old mother healthy, happy and active I can't really take it away from her. The thing sounds like a freight train, or how I assume a mastodon would sound. When she passes (hopefully not for a long, long time) I'll ship it to you, assuming I can afford the overweight charges. Just love your channel! <3


Your husband gets into it also -- you're both so cute!!! His slicked hair and tidy moustache, with the 1950s vibe shirt make you the perfect 50s couple.
Thank you for making and posting these inspiring vids.


What a rare gift to be able to read about your grandfather’s story!


What's my line? is a terrific timepiece. The first one I ever saw was one from 1958. I was struck at the way people spoke to each other and how much different it seems from the way people communicate today. Also, it's so beautiful where you live, half a world away from here.


Fun fact, I was actually eating baked beans with a side of coffee and toast while watching this video. The baked beans were something I bought by accident, so the fact that I had heated them up for my dinner tonight even before starting to watch this video was a TOTAL coincidence. Lol


Sage, I was studying medicine for a while, with some nurse friends, so I know how challenging it can be. It's very admirable for you to study such a hard carrier and still being so calm and soothing


I’m a SAHM and I homeschool my son. I cook three meals a day every day plus snacks and I spend my days cooking cleaning schooling shopping planning pet care and preparing. In my down time I love to listen to music and read and work out. It’s a lifestyle and I left a 20+ year career in nursing to stay home and manage the house. It’s hard work but if you’re organized it runs quite smoothly. Love your channel!


I have watched What’s My Line for going on 10 years (I’m 24). Since buying our home a year ago and living a vintage lifestyle here, I have also got my man on it as well! We are huge fans, glad you love it also!


This is such a wholesome and feel good video 🥺💕 such a contrast to the glam materialistic influencer crap you see all over social media and YouTube these days


I recently inherited my nana’s 1950s bristle brush, and I totally agree with how it makes the hair look. My hair always feels softer after I use it and I doubt I will return to using a modern hairbrush.
