18 May 2018 - The CEC Report - A New Financial Structure / Australia's Expanded Intelligence Powers

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1. Tax won't fix the economy, we need a new financial structure
2. Who is really interfering in our democracy?
Presented by Robert Barwick and Craig Isherwood
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I appreciate your guys passion. I feel we need a new system, not an (Act)


I am in Arizona. I care about Australian housing because our #1 son, an F-35 flight instructor, married and an Australian doctor. She was quite negative about the struggles to get a loan on their house here two years ago. In Australia, her realtor made all the arrangements without documents.

It’s too late for Glass-Steagall. There isn’t enough money to cover the home loans.
In Arizona, we lost 40% equity in 2009, still not back. Glass-Steagall couldn’t work then, not enough money to cover the loans.

But the political arm of our recovery is coming public in the next few weeks. It’s ugly.

And now, again, you can buy a new home here for less money down than renting an apartment.

Out housing crash was caused by housing markets taking a 5% hit. Loans got harder because the reality of housing depreciation. Buyers waited. People who had little invested in their homes, little down payment, walked. It was easier than making monthly payments on a home that was worth a-year’s-pay less than when they bought. Unemployment skyrocketed. Secondary credit dried up. Banks folded. And since then, our Federal Government has continued the trillion-dollar stimulus every year under different names. We have not passed a budget since 2008 and defer to ‘Continuing Resolutions’, spending the same amount as the year before plus some, and the CR foundation year was the year of the trillion dollar stimulus.

But, being wrong is the easy way for me to learn something new. I hope I am wrong with what’s happing now in Australia.

During the downturn, we used to say, ‘Cash is King.’ I we didn’t mean cash in the bank.

Keep up the good fight.


I wish you could get this information out in the mainstream. You are working in the best interest of all Australians, I admire and respect your organisation. I have now emailed my Federal Minister3 times and have told him that I'm expecting him to support Senator Katter, I urge everyone to put the pressure on our so called representatives. I however think they are all a joke !


Informative therefore useful program. Thanks


We have a Democracy? #Legalise Freedom


We don't have small government.

I remember serving in the ADF from 1996-2007. Units use to be self sufficient and capable, then they decided to centralize things, which sounded logical at the time, but after they did this & outsourced the services that units use to provide themselves, with their own people, inefficiencies and poor services began.

Then nobody, including CO's, knew how to complain & fix it.

What is needed is smaller interstate, autonomous territories, with their own central bank, which the people of that territory elect, along with a territory chief/governor/mayor & Councillors.

The commonwealth should at as the financial level to provide needed funding to the autonomous territories, the States can act as a level of Governance, to ensure fraud doesn't occur and services are delivered. The Commonwealth will only basically operate, Defence, National Security, International Trade, Economy, Currency issuing & control, but the Territorial Central Banks will do the creation based in the Commonwealth Treasuries instructions to fund the services it will deliver.

The States will manage the Courts & Regional Policing, Fire & Emergency, but the local level of services is delivered & managed by the Territorial Governing system. The Constitution does allow for this.

That is to say, Commonwealth & States can still passed Acts of legislation & regulation, but are limited in the executive functions.

It would be up to the Local communities to decide if the Local Territorial system should run a public/private delivery of services.

Look at Sandy Springs, Georgia, USA, they have managed that very well & if a Direct Democracy system is used so people can determine the funding allocations, see Porto Alegre, Brazil, this would reduce their power of the Commonwealth & States, reduce the corruption & bureaucracy.

They knew this in Ancient Rome, Emperor Diocletian attempted this, due to issues of inflation & poor delivery of governance, it didn't last & eventually the Empire fell because Central Government doesn't work. Common rules & rights do with a common system of justice to deal with that.

The issue faced in economics, is credit creations powers & controls. Currently, the Commonwealth is the sole power, but has allowed the Banks this power via Fractional Lending. Which should technically make the Banks a Commonwealth Public Asset, it doesn't.

So the RBA can still exist as an inflation rate setter, also as a manager of international currency tasks, but internally, the domestic requirements would merely be Acts of Parliament, then issuing of orders to the Local level, which the Commonwealth can enforce & the States can audit.

It isn't all that hard to fix the existing system under the existing Constitutional Arrangements, but no party is designed for this & no party has any automation policy, so we probably want a collapse now, because that would force their hand.


Is it that hard to press the like button ?.


Ive been preaching your view for years but no one is listening.


1. The government is corrupt
2. Shutdown tax havens - so the (corrupt) government can get more revenue
3. Create a national bank - so the (corrupt) government can create the currency

Makes sense to me :(


Big government is not the answer to our woes.


When is Reserve Bank of Australia raising interest rate? Feds Interest rate 1.75%. Australia follows U.S.A in all but this time not in interest rate and what is the catch, keeping interest rate down?


Privatisation leads to cullusion not competition


Is there still another issue as well as glass steagall, many people talk about fiat currency as another huge part of the current problems. Do gold and Silver still have the potential to have a role in the future.?


This is why we need cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and EOS


How about you don't tax me into oblivion and i pay for my own services and retirement.


Home Affairs copying model off U.S. - martial law


Robbie your funding is getting LOL (not)


Now while you are at it explain to us how high speed rail will be effective in goods
