Japan marks 75 years since Hiroshima atomic bombing

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日 히로시마 원폭 75주년 맞아 희생자 추모

Good morning to our viewers across the globe, you're watching Arirang's 'The World Now'. I'm Kim Jae-hee.
Today marks 75 years since the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima.
The devastating bomb attack was followed by a second bomb on Nagasaki three days later.
Decades have passed, but atomic bomb survivors still speak of the painful memories and their strong desire to abolish war.
"I want them to live peacefully. That means we, now, have to abolish any kind of war. We should speak out more clearly to the whole world."
Japan will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the two bombings today, and again on August 9th.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will attended the annual memorial services.
In past years, Abe had renewed pledges for a nuclear-free world and paid tribute to the victims during the services.
There will also be a minute of silence at the exact time the bombs detonated in both cities.
Commemorations are expected to be scaled back due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A memorial service was also held on Wednesday for Koreans who lost their lives after they were exposed to radiation from the Hiroshima bombing.
The ceremony was held in front of a monument dedicated to two-thousand-773 Korean victims.
But unlike last year when three hundred people came, only around one hundred people attended this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

#Japan #Hiroshima #commemoration

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I wish we could abolish war, like that woman said. Sadly, war happens when humans are cruel to each other, and cruel people won’t stick to any rule stating that war is not allowed. And those having cruelty done to them do have a right to fight back. War will never totally go away, as sad as that is. But I do hope we, all humans, have the good sense never to drop a nuke again.


1945: 75 Years Ago in Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki


No one in this whole world can forget this day. Love from #INDIA


2 min Silence 🔇 for Hiroshima and Nagasaki "Survivors"


Unit 731
Pearl Harbor
On and on
The use of two nuclear weapons ended the war.


I think the country reaped what their imperialistic army sowed across Asia during WW2. Millions brutally and sadistically murdered and tortured. I regret to say this but if those bombings didn't happen, who knows to what extent and how long would the Japanese imperialistic lust would last. It needed hundreds of thousands of their civilians' death to force them to surrender. Regrettable but necessary.


I've often said said that Japan's history of WW2 only began on the August morning over Hiroshime in 1945 and it's been an excuse not to look at there nations actions before that day ever since. Indeed Prime Minister Abe is a leading denier to the horrors his nation committed having gone as far to say that under Japanese Law that his nation had no War Criminals in his viewpoint and it had been a peace proposal by them before the bombing if its forces/officials were charged that its Courts would try them. But it gets better, part of the request not only asked if they could keep some of its conquered lands on mainland Asia, but it would be too humiliating to them to be occupied as Germany was and no foreign troops would come ashore after surrender. Even the word Surrender wasn't it Hirohito's address to the people and to bear the unbearable was all he asked them to do and it's why many on Okinawa have and never will accept US Forces being there even though it defended Japan well past the end of the Cold War. The death toll for Hiroshima/Nagasaki accounted for just around 4 days of all the lives lost during the slaughter WW2 and the only thing shocking was the efficiency of the bombing in delivering death not the scale which once took days/weeks to achieve without them. A majority of Japanese have been brainwashed into thinking that their War which began in 1936 was defensive in nature and most believe the stories of the atrocities on mainland Asia have been lies or fabricated to make them look bad at the time. It surprised many there that when President . Obama who visited Hiroshima he did not apologize to the city and the Japanese people as a whole for that day and the millions that died by their hands during WW2 would say if they could no one ever should. There have been numerous books/articles about those two days back in August 1945 and a astonishing number claim that the bombings were a political gambit by Truman and others on the eve of Cold War that makes Japan the victim even though they were preparing a suicidal stand on their shores in anticipation that US was preparing to invade. Many troops who fought in Europe we're told that they were headed to Japan not going home after Germsny surrendered in May and even after Hiroshima/Nagasaki many of its military\leaders would of preferred to turn Japan into the world's largest mass grave instead of surrendering. in Japan each August they pause and remember the dead in these cities but you'll never find a Memorial there as there are in Germany to those they killed in WW2 and they even had asked that Statues to the Comfort Women in South Korea/San Franciso be moved from near it Embassies/Consulates since it offends them that their version of the truth isn't accepted beyond its borders.


Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The greatest war crimes in history.


This is stupid. Japan started the war and they lost the war. Why the hell they do praying?


I was freak out with the thumbnail (ʘᗩʘ’) I though there's giant human in Japan 😓
