One-Sample t Test & Confidence Interval in R with Example | R Tutorial 4.1| MarinStatsLectures
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One sample t test in statistics is also know as single sample t test. The one sample t test and confidence interval are parametric methods appropriate for examining a single numeric variable.
■Table of Content:
0:00:11 when do we use one sample t-test and confidence interval?
0:00:35 how to conduct the one-sample t-test and the confidence interval in R
0:00:41 how to access the Help menu in R for the one sample t-test
0:01:05 how to test a null and one-sided alternative hypothesis for the mean with a one-sided confidence interval in R using
0:02:40 how to produce a two-sided hypothesis test and confidence interval in R
0:03:16 how to create a 99 percent confidence interval in R using the "conf" argument
0:03:46 how to see different attributes of an object in R using
0:03:59 how to extract specific attributes of an object in R
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Content Creator: Mike Marin (B.Sc., MSc.) Senior Instructor at UBC.
Producer and Creative Manager: Ladan Hamadani (B.Sc., BA., MPH)
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Thanks for watching! Have fun and remember that statistics is almost as beautiful as a unicorn!
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