What is the Best Feng Shui Facing Direction For Your House? | How to Feng Shui | Feng Shui Tips 2020

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This video is about how determine whether your house has a good Feng Shui.
One of the important factors is the direction that your house is facing and sitting. With a compass, we can simply find out which of the 8 directions you house is facing. But if we use a Traditional Chinese Feng Shui Compass, it would be more accurate because a Chinese compass splits the 8 directions into 24 sub-directions.

1. the LHS of your house is symbolised by the green dragon
2. the RHS is symbolised by the white tiger
3. the front of the house is represented by the red phoenix
4. the back of the house is represented by the black turtle.

A house with good fengshui should have the following characteristics:
- The land at the back of your house should be higher than the land at the front - Turtle side should be higher than the Phenoix side
- The land on the Left should be a bit higher than land on the right - Dragon side is higher than the Tiger side .

According to the angle of the sunshine on earth, an ideal feng shui house should be one that is:
- Sitting north and facing south(Northern Hemisphere)
- Sitting South and Facing North (Southerm Hemisphere)

A example of a house that's not quite favourable is:
- Sitting northeast and facing southwest
- Sitting southwest and facing northeast

This because these type of houses get less sunshine, Yin and Yang of the houses are not balanced.

The shape of the house is also very important.
- According to “the book of changes" (周易)
The floor plan of a good fengshui house is either rectangular or square shaped because in such houses, the Yin and Yang are balanced from all directions.

If you have any questions about your house's feng shui, feel free to leave your comments at the comments section.
Рекомендации по теме

Love this explanation with pictures. A voice with clarity too.


The rule should adjust based on the design of the house. The idea of the rule for sitting north and facing south is because the ancient Chinese buildings only have windows faces the front of the house. By facing south, it allows most indirect sunshine coming through the windows. Meanwhile, they set the bed against the north side of the wall, the bed is normally heated to balance the cold wall facing north. With modern houses, you are more likely to have bigger windows sitting in the back. I know many Chinese families following the rule that you just described and complains about the house being so dark all the time. It's because all their big windows are facing north in the back. For the best lighting and most energy efficient house, I would suggest to buy a house sitting south and face north.


The land at the back of my house is a riprap/slope with a height of about 2 meters. Below the slope/riprap is a farm, and further in the distance, you can see the view of a mountain. The front of the house faces a straight road, which is slightly elevated. Essentially, I'm located at the intersection or end of an L-shaped road within a subdivision..

Is this a good Feng Shui setup? I'm confused about whether I should consider the land on my turtle side (back) higher or lower


I don't understand the part of sunshine from northern hemisphere sitting north and facing south? What do you mean? Where is the door facing south? Where the sunrise go ? South then sunset on north?


My house facing southwest and sitting on a hillside down to the left of the house. What are the solutions to remedy these issues?


Hi, My front door facing North, Do you have the tips for remedy ? Thanks


My house isn’t perfectly square. It’s stretch straight to the back ending with the kitchen. I live in the northern hemisphere and my house also is facing east.


What about the direction for southern hemisphere. We get more sun on the north instead of south like northern hemisphere


I have a question. How if you are living in a condominium. My unit is between NW and SE and I'm in ground flr. My front door facing SW inside the bldg. I am West group. I have windows, door and parking at the back of my unit. I have to use everyday my parking area as my clothing photography area. So I have to in and out there. Is it not good if I often use that door(SE)? What's the cure to prevent negative energy coming in?


My home front door is facing west. Is this bad ? If so, how do I remedy it? Thanks


Why you tell about this but in the other hand we have Life Kua that can determine our best sitting direction of house?


Hi. I'm planning to get a house but the only available unit facing on west. Is it okay?🥺


We are looking to buy a home where the front door is facing east and back is facing west. Corner lot. Any advice on that?


i have a question. My house is sitting on North facing South but my main door is on the side facing East. so what is my house direction then? thanks


These are all well and good information. However, where in present day residential subdivisions can you find all of these features?


Hi! How do I determine which way my house is facing and sitting. When I enter my new home in Southern California, I'm entering to the north and when I exit I go south. Help please.


hello good day!how can i use compass to get the right directions using my cellphone?where i will face?


Hi. Could you give me advice.
Im cureently building a house north east is front door facing.
What color of the roof is good for prosperity?


Madam..how about in sitting north and facing south direction is it good for business? From philippines..thank you


Hi Clara what can we do if the house is facing NW seating SE is there any cure that we can do? We just move in and we are located at new York.
