What Does A Medium Experience When She's Channeling Spirits?

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Her hair acts as an antenna for the ghosts. It’s like a lighthouse that guides the departed onward.


Thank you for mentioning something about if you feel tired or drained after a reading. Being an empath, who has gifts that I am developing. You have provided me some insight on how to look at things. More specifically around feeling tired after and not necessarily drained. And that perhaps I should voice what is coming to me in the moment as opposed to keeping it in because that is what is draining. Thank you. COVID in it's own way has been a blessing for me because it's turned the volume down on the noise and I am able to receive messages more clearly.


Being a professional medium has been a blessing to me. Mediumship is a gift to everyone involved in a reading and I am humbled to work with Spirit and to relay their messages to their loved-ones here. Most people think mediumship is about talking to the departed but in my working experience, mediumship is about Spirit speaking to us. I have gratitude that Teresa is helping to make mediumship available to the wider public.


Thanks Teresa! I used your show, Long Island Medium, to practice my abilities. The people you were talking to, would come forward to me and tell me what they told you and then I would sometimes (at the right times) say it out loud when my husband was there. We watched your program together. After hitting the target, on so many things, so many times, I decided to work as a Medium in the crypto currency industry....my favorite hobby. It's the best retirement I could have ever planned for myself, others to a point that I can change their lives!!


I am a Spirit Medium and Love her. My awakening is now. It’s so beautiful to be connected to source.


I can see things in my dreams before it happen and I can communite with my family members that has passed on the other side


This is happening to me right now. Spirits trying to talk through me and it happens as she says out of nowhere


For me, it happens the second I 'zone out' and, essentially, take my mind off of, either, the past or the present. You know those moments when you find yourself staring into space, and family/friends are calling your name, yet you're 'somewhere else' and not hearing a word anyone is saying? Well, for me, that is when I really am 'somewhere else', and I can, simply and easily, get to that place, at will, as frequently, as I'd like! As soon as I let my focus go, and just naturally and effortlessly, relax my mind, I receive messages, of all sorts, from Spirit!


Thank you! This video helped build a part of my confidence as a Medium/Seer. Continue to be Blessed and Bless others 💎 Love and Light


I'll get goosebumps when I feel a spirit, I'll either play a song, they'll come randomly .
I'll feel static shock touching my car, or touching a shopping cart ....
I'll get messages randomly . And feel the need, THE URGE, to say it to myself or someone . I'll respond to whatever voice was reaching out to me .


I agree when they want you to know something it just comes in.i get chills and head feels full when spirit is near.i can also feel how they died.and living people's energy and emotions.sometimes it gets to be alot, so I go to my favorite spot outside and just meditate and release.and then I feel like a million times bttr.


I hope I came across her one day and tell me About stuff too


Welp, I believe in her. And I appreciate that she answered a few questions I was wondering about ❤❤


I didn't know that there are so many psychic mediums out there in the world until I came to the comment section.
Wooahhh.. this blows my mind and makes me think how many mediums do I have around me but don't know about their abilities because well.. people hide such things.
I am blown that there are soooo many mediums leading a quiet life.


For the Lord your God is gracious and compassionate. He will not turn his face from you if you return to him.

2 Chronicles 30:9b


Ok 2021 so 2 years ago I went to my family home town and than I saw a black spirit that had the form of my Lil cousin after that I start hearing this circling echo thingy in my ears 👂 . I don't know how to describe It but it made me very scared after witnessing the spirit right front of me.


Yup. I channel without warning too lol. When I do readings, I feel drained. Especially if the energies were heavy. I love that I've been blessed with these gifts and I love seeing people heal amd I had a small part in that. 💕


Grandma and the rosary beads - SAVAGE 😆😆😆


The life experience being different speaks volumes to me. I get info on jobs and I'm like what the heck is that ? Lol


i see the dead talk to the dead in dreams when i’m awake i can sense them and when i’m high i can hear them an see them out the corner of my eyes i used to fight it but she’s right it’s tiring an you eventually give in i just started to accept them when my cousin was killed that’s what made me care to pay attention to it before his death everyone would come to me for help an i would tell them i don’t know why God gave me this gift but i don’t want to help you now that he’s gone all i want to do is help the dead i love the dead way more than the living
