Prevent and Treat Glaucoma! Breakthrough Supplement Research

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Are you interested in learning about the latest breakthroughs in glaucoma treatment and prevention? In this video, we explore how vitamin B3, also known as niacin or more specifically, nicotinamide, could be a natural glaucoma treatment with promising benefits. New research indicates that vitamin B3 supplementation may help prevent glaucoma by supporting the health of the optic nerve and protecting retinal ganglion cells. We’ll cover how to treat glaucoma using a combination of traditional and natural methods, highlighting why niacinamide could be one of the best treatments for glaucoma when paired with other eye care strategies.

We dive into the science behind vitamins for glaucoma and eye supplements specifically formulated to heal and protect your eyes. You’ll learn about the potential of vitamin B3 for glaucoma and whether nicotinamide could be a game-changer for glaucoma prevention. If you want to know more about the best supplements for glaucoma, this video is a must-watch. Stay informed and proactive about your eye health!

REMEMBER! It is VERY important to continue taking any glaucoma medications prescribed by your doctor and to keep your follow up appointments!

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Clinical Trials

PMID: 33196157
PMID: 32694684
PMID: 28209901
PMID: 31185090
PMID: 32721104
PMID: 34792559
PMID: 39180087
PMID: 36793265
PMID: 11126400
PMID: 4271091

MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences, and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the Site. Access­ing, viewing, read­ing, or oth­er­wise using this content does NOT cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and its author. Pro­vid­ing per­sonal or med­ical infor­ma­tion to the Principal author does not cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and the Principal author or authors. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or its description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health.

0:00 Prevent and Treat Glaucoma! Breakthrough Supplement Research
0:33 What is Vitamin B3
1:19 What is Glaucoma
2:17 Vitamin B3 for Glaucoma
3:03 Animal Studies for Nicotinamide and Glaucoma
3:44 Human Trials Vitamins for Glaucoma
4:42 Nicotinamide and Pyruvate
5:36 Glaucoma Prevention
6:50 Vitamin B3 Glaucoma Clinical Trials
7:25 Side effects of Niacin
8:38 NanoDropper for Eyedrops
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What was your favorite part of this video? Let me know!


I had intra occular pressure elevated for quite a long time. Recorded as 25 mmHg early 2024.
I started vit B3 as Nocotinamide from a supermarket. I mentioned this to my very experienced and science-oriented Ophtalmologist in June. He was sceptical, saying that there were insufficient clinical double blind placebo studies to validate this claim.
Month later, he recorded 19mmlHg in one eye and 16 in the other. He said the intra occular pressure may vary sometimes for unknown reasons.
On the 5th of December, my local optometrist recorded 20 mmHg in one eye and 19 in the other. That, in my opinion, is likely a systematic trend justifying my decision to continue with B3. Next check in 6 months.
Thank you for this valuable information.


THIS is very promising for older people, especially diabetecs!
Really hoping this will slow down the progression of glaucoma!
After all, our VISION is our most precious 'gift.'


I take Nicatinamide regularly and I noticed that my vision has sharpened


Interesting with the B3 vitamins ..I am from Romania and I have glaucoma for some years...thank you for the info and I will keep watching and interest in your chanel.


My favourite YouTuber eye Dr 👁️Dr Allen thank you


I have had glaucoma for years and have damage in one eye. I wish it could be reversed! I have been using glaucoma eye drops for years and for the past 3-4 years I have been taking Nicotinamide (B3) daily. About 500mg, but my specialist said I should double the dose. My eye pressures are not high, so I have low tension glaucoma and I wonder whether it actually would help in my case, or whether mostly beneficial for those with high ocular pressure. I also take astaxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin.


My daughter was diagnosed with high pressure in her eyes and she's only in her 20's I am so scared for her. She hasn't been prescribed any medications. I really need to hear success stories of people who their vision stayed stabilized throughout their lifetime.


I've had glaucoma for 20 years and I've been on eye drops for a long time. So far it's stabilizing my glaucoma to where I don't have to have surgery.


I am glad I found his channel. A straightforward presentation of a potential remedy for a serious eye disease. Keep us informed of any advancements in the treatment of this disease. Thanks. I just subscribed to your channel.


I have glaucoma, and one of the eyedrops I am using (Brinzolamide) really irritates the surface of my eyes. I purchased the Nanodropper when I learned about it on your channel, and it made a huge difference. Because the drop is smaller, I get less of the liquid in my eyes when I put my drops in, which means way less irritation. I mentioned it to my specialist, but she’d never heard of it. Apparently I’m still getting enough of the drug into my eyes, as my pressures haven’t changed.

Interestingly, I recently had a visit with my regular ophthalmologist, whom I see twice a year so he can follow my progress and check my overall eye health. On the counter in the exam room I saw Nanodroppers on all of the bottles of drops they use for various purposes - dilation, numbing, etc. I mentioned it to his assistant, and she said yes, they recommend them to all their patients. Really cuts down on the cost of drops. I told her I already was using Nanodroppers, thanks to you.


I love your new focus on diet and supplements for helping with eye conditions.


That "keep an eye on it" line at the end gave me a good giggle, love it!


Between him and my ophthalmologist my eyes, I am confident my eyes are going to do well


New office and lighting look fantastic! Sounds like great news in the future for glaucoma! I hope it helps a lot of people.


Hello do you know if thyroid or mthfr can cause high eye pressure. Some stuff I read show yes and no. Maybe you can make a video 😊thanks


This is great news. My sister is diabetic. Her eyes are perfect now. But I do research for the future for if God forbid she gets problems


During my eye exam ( I am 69 ) my Dr. noticed a problem . I had a laser treatment to prevent glaucoma, it was a success .


My husband’s glaucoma specialist okayed my husband trying the dosage in the Columbia study you mentioned, “Nicotinamide and Pyruvate for Neuroenhancement in Open-Angle Glaucoma: A Phase 2 Randomized Clinical Trial.” Hope it helps because the 4 rx eyedrops he’s using haven’t been able to control it. Glad to hear about the larger trials.


Thank you! My family has a history of glaucoma!
