Top 10 Trout Powerbait Trout Fishing Tips (Don't Forget #1)

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Trout powerbait trout fishing is one of the easiest and most fun ways to get anglers of all ages on the stocked trout bite at the local body of water. But trout powerbait can also catch trout wherever you go trout fishing. So in the latest trout fishing tips video, I share the top 10 trout powerbait trout fishing tips to help trout fishing anglers of all ages go catch more trout the next time they go out on the water, whether they are a beginning angler or a seasoned veteran. So grab your Powerbait, get some bait and glitter on your hook, cast a line, and get ready for some epic trout fishing and stocked trout fishing!!!

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Honorable mention: Move the bait every few inches every seconds the trout love it when the smell moves and the bait moves


I enjoy using those Berkley powerbait 3-inch floating trout worms that comes in those little reusable bags and then you got those
Berkley powerbait 1/2 inch nymphs as well.
If you bounce them or jerk them off the bottom the right way you can start a feeding frenzy. I actually have more luck with these powerbait bags then the bait jars.
More useful great tips and information, which by the way is awesome.
Like always I enjoyed the video.
Tight lines


Pro tip for powerbait: if you're using a circle hook which by nature requires more hook exposure in order to work. Pack the powerbait into a quarter inch ball then put it through the hook and slide it up to the eye of the hook. Then pack it around the eye of the hook instead, leaving the rest of the hook exposed and that will increase your hookup ratio when using circle hooks.


Also don’t cast it dry and let it soak in water before you cast it . That way it won’t fly off


That was very educational and you have a great day and thanks a lot


I always use a two treble hook setup with a sliding sinker. I have never had much luck with single hook. It's probably because I have found more success with gulp than powerbait. As we all know gulp falls off the hook more easily so a treble is necessary.


The best powerbait IMO is the green with just "garlic" written on the lid. As far as rigging it, a carolina rig with bullet sinker, bead, and barrel swivel is the way to go. About 20" of fluorocarbon leader and a #8 bait holder hook. I haven't used it in years though. I field staff for Appalachian Baits products and I've switched to their dough baits exclusively.


Cool vid what I like doing is leaving my trout nymphs and worms in the power bait seal it for a week then fish them covered in that power bait scent it works sometimes


Your trout over there is very small
Here in denmark its rare stock tround under 2 kg

Good video thanks pal


Pink has been proven to be the best color for trout.


Your Channel is great, very surprised at the low subs, people are missing out!


Size 16 treble with dough. Size 8 egg hook with power eggs. Size 6 or 8 with mouse tail. I love trout attractant or corn scents. Slip sinker rig works good.


Hermens Outdoors, i have been going trout fishing for nearly one month, but no trout yet. i don`t really know what i`m doing wrong, but, i am using the right bait. please, give me some more advicecon what to do, to cath these trout.


I had amazing luck with the Red wight and blue stuff with original scent during a fourth of July impulse buy.


I’m just starting off and taking my son out. Thankyou for your advice. Could you tell me the size of the hook I should use. I think you sis mention it in your video. Also do I have to use a float? Thanks


Tip number11 a fisheye lens can make your fish look bigger. Also avoid pictures that show comparison. Don't show your hand next to it or something they know the size of. Unless it's a beast then yes show it off.


never gotten a single trout in my ~14 year long fishing career lol.
Gotta admit I have not fished for it that much, but have definitely spent some time trying to get my first trout.

Bought some powerbait paste today and will try it in a couple of days to see if I can finally catch one...


Ok, I'll go fishing today -1° a little windy but i'll give a shot😅


Fly Yellow
Fly White
These always work!


When I use powerbait, why does it sink? Do I need to put a bigger power bait on there?
