'M&S and MBSE: Individual Challenges and Mutual...' Prof. Andrea D'Ambrogio (SIMULTECH 2022)

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Keynote Title: M&S and MBSE: Individual Challenges and Mutual Opportunities

Keynote Lecturer: Andrea D'Ambrogio
Presented on: 14/07/2022, Lisbon, Portugal

Abstract: Modeling and Simulation (M&S) and Systems Engineering (SE) disciplines have evolved in different contexts, with long lasting examples of close and effective interaction. The introduction of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), which refers to the formalized application of modeling to support system development activities, has provided a significant step forward in the SE field and naturally leads to a more integrative approach between M&S and SE. The talk illustrates the main challenges that can be addressed by exploiting the opportunities of such an integrative approach. The mutual benefits that can be achieved are illustrated and discussed in terms of M&S Based Systems Engineering, which promotes executable models and proposes simulation as the native mechanisms to address measures of performance and effectiveness throughout the systems life cycle, and simulation systems engineering, which proposes the execution of an interdisciplinary MBSE process for developing, maintaining, and employing simulations.

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Presented at the following Conference: SIMULTECH, 12th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
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