I was accused of stealing

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or: How to make a Build in Path of Exile

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also, I don't fault those of you who thought I stole the build - it was a logical conclusion, had you not given me the benefit of the doubt.


I didn't know POE's comunity had build patents, what a world we live in.


I don't understand the issue. You didn't claim this build as yours.
It's normal to use ideas or even multiple content creators create guides for the same builds.
IMO You have nothing to apologize.
Really enjoying your POE content, take care brother.


"build ownership" feels like such a silly thing to worry about these days. As you said, everyone (including build creators) uses Poe ninja to find ideas and then modifies them to their own liking and over time new variations of old builds become popular.

That's not to say that there's never one person that came up with an idea first, but it's incredibly hard to find out who that person might be in hindsight.


So any player following a meta should be charged with plaigirism? Good one internet.


cant believe woolie actually has to defend himself from this, this is pathetic, NOT on Woolies end but pathetic that some people accuse him of stealing


Woolie used PoB, therefore the build is mine /s. Loving the PoE vids, keep it up!


Woolie you should know poe community has a term coined called Build Andies for people who are too touchy about who made what build. So dont get too nervous over this sort of stuff. Jungron and others just say "hey guys the original build creator is X but my version does x, y and z" just to stay safe.

Also keep it up I league started cleave of rage and it was a BLAST. I am happy to see such a chill content creator making stuff for poe :)


It's kinda funny. The best builds are made through iteration. Someone tries something, shares it. Then other people try it, change it and shares it. Repeat. At any point, one of these iterations could go meta and gain the claim to it.

For instance, I made a discharge slayer in crucible using the boot disable trick. I was not the first, someone made these builds since kalandra and I slightly modified their build. I made a video on that but mentioned the build I was basing it off of. The next league, far more popular streamers started doing discharge slayer and the boot disabling trick got enough attention to be a common tech( and then deleted the next patch). I think they mostly mentioned the first person who made it sometimes, but the conversation around it was mostly based around the popular streamers.

It felt weird for sure. My build wasn't the best but seeing my build video get lapped instantly by something pretty close felt odd. Tinkering with something for hours gives you a feeling of ownership that feels more valid than it is. At the end of the day, we are just combining options in a video game, we don't own any of it.


I make all my builds live on stream, almost never use poeninja (to avoid this exact thing), and I still get accused of stealing.

Can't please everybody. Keep making great content 🤘


Just my 2 cents, the people claiming you stole something or someone stole something from you are a minority. "Stealing" happens and I guess the bigger problem is when claims are made that are not true (e.g. I made that, or avoiding to credit someone), but in the end you know how things were. But some people will see this video here that just want chaos, and notice you reacted in a drastic enough way to make a video about it, and continue doing it just to get a reaction. You do you of course and I understand why the video was done, but I'd limit it to a pinned comment ^^


I've never played this game but Woolie is interesting so here I am


It’s crazy to me how common “stealing this or that” is mentioned in comments. Someone accused me of copying someone else’s video when I had no prior knowledge of that individual or the content they make. But people going out of their way to say you stole a build in an ARPG? That’s crazy. But still, respect to you Woolie for stepping up like you did.


> stealing a build
The amount of brains a person must be missing to make such a statement.


I've theorycrafted a few builds from scratch in my thousands of hours playing PoE, but 90% of them have been _appropriated_ from other people and then adapted/improved.


This is actually part of a larger issue with the modern internet and the way information is communicated. A lot of information is recycled and “reloaded” into the information chamber at large. So it is becoming more and more likely that someone can have a legitimate experience learning and crafting something off of “stolen” information without ever once realizing that is the case. This also ties into information rot and misinformation where intentionally or not, the information cycle loses context, and accuracy as it is dispersed and regurgitated across the internet.

In essence we are currently in one massive game of telephone and this is a small microcosm of what the broader issues are.


People getting outraged by this is ridiculous but props for the prompt and calm way of dealing with this.


Last league I think midmax rolled out a mahuxotl+tempered build that kicked ass, found a dude that played around the same converting mechanic but went with dawnbreaker and sublime vision. Turns out people played this type of build as soon as ultimatum came out. Let's just be happy builds like this get shared, copied or 'stolen' so that we too can try them out.


Don't worry about it. Every build is OUR build.


Thanks to tommy tallarico for creating this build and this video. 😊
