NCERT Class 11 Political Science Chapter 2: Rights in Indian Constitution | UPSC | CBSE

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Right to equality - friend was given tea in an earthen cup because he was dalit. Only male above 45 years on news screen
clear discrimination based on caste and gender
Right to equality tries to do away with such and other discriminations. It provides for equal access to public places like shops, hotels, places of entertainment, wells, bathing ghats and places of worship. There cannot be any discrimination in this access on the basis of caste, creed, colour, sex, religion, or place of birth. It also prohibits any discrimination in public employment on any of the above mentioned basis.
No title on a person except those who excel themselves in military or academic field
Constitution – Equality of status and (Equality of opportunity means that all sections of the society enjoy equal opportunities) (special schemes to remove social inequalities - implement special schemes and measures for improving the conditions of certain sections of society: children, women, and the socially and educationally backward classes)
Article 16 (4): Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any provision for the reservation of appointments or posts in favour of any backward class of citizens which, in the opinion of the State, is not adequately represented in the services under the State
Article 21: Protection of life and personal liberty—No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.
Right against exploitation - Forced labour was imposed by landlords, money lenders and other wealthy persons in the past. Some form of bonded labour still continues in the country, specially in brick kiln work. It has now been declared a crime and it is punishable. The Constitution also forbids employment of children below the age of 14 years in dangerous jobs like factories and mines. With child labour being made illegal and right to education becoming a fundamental right for children, this right against exploitation has become more meaningful.
Right to Freedom of religion - In India, everyone is free to choose a religion and practice that religion. Freedom of religion also includes the freedom of conscience.
The government can impose restrictions on the practice of freedom of religion in order to protect public order, morality and health. This means that the freedom of religion is not an unlimited right. The government can interfere in religious matters for rooting out certain social evils. For example in the past, the government has taken steps banning practices like sati, bigamy or human sacrifice.
The Constitution does not allow forcible conversions. It only gives us the right to spread information about our religion and thus attract others to it.
Freedom of faith and worship
Equality of all religions
government must extend equal treatment to different religions. Negatively, it means that government will not favour any particular religion. India does not have any official religion.
Equality and freedom or liberty, are the two rights that are most essential to a democracy. It is not possible to think of the one without thinking of the other. Liberty means freedom of thought, expression and action. However it does not mean freedom to do anything that one desires or likes.
freedoms are defined in such a manner that every person will enjoy her freedom without threatening freedom of others and without endangering the law and order situation.
Right to life and liberty - That means no one can be arrested without being told the grounds for such an arrest. If arrested, the person has the right to defend himself by a lawyer of his choice. Also, it is mandatory for the police to take that person to the nearest magistrate within 24 hours. The magistrate, who is not part of the police, will decide whether the arrest is justified or not.