Climate Crisis Is a Fight for Social Justice, Says Jainey K. Bavishi | NowThis

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‘Certain communities, especially low-income communities and communities of color, bear the brunt of climate change.’ — The climate crisis is presenting the world with another fight for social justice
In partnership with Emerson Collective.

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Thank you for bringing this to people's attention.


Build the wall 10 stories high and start praying to GOD. You have no idea how high the storm surge will be.


This happens in Bogota Colombia this happened in Venezuela I've traveled as some of these countries and this does this is actually something cuz people build upon cities upon City they have no drainage so you have this happen flooding happening in major cities around the world as I said before this happened in Rome....


I once saw this political cartoon where there was a map of the United States of America. In the image,  all of the landlocked states were in red with one big word bubble that said "climate change is a myth." Meanwhile,  all of the coastal/southern border states were blue with multiple word bubbles that said "we beg to differ" since those landlocked states don't experience the impacts of climate change that the coastal states do. Also, you'd figure that more Conservative Evangelicals would actually care about climate change and it's impacts on society. Keep in mind, The Bible does say that the Earth is God's gift to man, and it's our duty to take care of it and everyone and everything on it. But, even if they found a way around this, you'd figure that they would at least want to prevent millions of migrants from countries that are no longer habitable from wanting to come to America in the future.


Every time ‘social justice’ appears in the title. Expect dislikes and comments.


Wrong. White people are also affected by climate change. Not just my people of color.

Climate change frequency increased storms affect coastal places equally regardless of your skin color. Katrina. And others after Katrina.

When ocean levels rise because of climate change causing flood frequent areas to experience floods more frequently, it will affect the people there regardless of what skin color they are.

Skin color and climate change have no business being in the same sentence 😡
Floods and hurricanes and tornadoes and storms increased by climate change affect everyone equally.

Leave skin color out of it!
So annoying!

Skin color was never made important NOR something to be ashamed of.

Yet nowadays skin color is so important and shame is being thrown everywhere. Insanity.

Go visit cities below sea level that are heavily affected by storms and hurricanes.

You’ll see all colors there INCLUDING WHITE.
You’ll see purple and green and red and orange and turquoise! They all lose their homes. They all suffer. Not just people of color like me 😡

Everybody suffers 😡

Fighting climate change helps everyone regardless of skin color.


How did this individual, non-elected bureaucrat get assigned to decide for the rest of us how things were to be adjusted "equitably"? You people are nuts!


Literally 99% won’t see this but if you do, Stay motivated, stay safe and Follow your dreams😀 My Dream is to have a lot of people see my videos. I've been struggling to achieve that💙


Why is there greater media coverage of the social solutions involved with the climate crisis than the scientific solutions for actually solving the main issue of climate risk?

Everything is about jobs, or equality or worker rights, which is great - but at the end of the day the #1 issue we are trying to solve is reducing CO2, and yet the supermajority of videos are not detailing how this would actually be done in the GND or similar plan.


Equity based on skin color is discriminatory and racist. It requires that one group of people be favored above another based on the color of their skin.


Expand Nuclear Power now!!! Please listen to Dr James Hansen!


Why is beach front property so valuable. Democrats building on the beaches right now. I suggest Michael Moor's Planet on the Humans. Learn to adapt, ask yourself how well have been at preparing for the unknown.


Doesn't flood walls negatively impact surrounding areas?


America is having a difficult time trying to find the budget for infrastructure repairs. Where is the money for a park overhaul going to come from??


Maybe refund the police, is a good start for many low income communities due to high violence crime, instead of climate change reform because those will kill people in that communities because they are not enough money to buy those alternative.


can u not say it's (Insert any color race) ffs This is a humanity thing quit making it all about one race or another.


Well what if i said i have an idea (with math to back it up ) were i can move a magnet 🧲 in a circle that lifts about 70 pounds for .01 pounds every rpm but i dont think people hear me so
I stand on well save the world or watch it burn do people deserve to live ?


Like rioters burning mattresses, tires and buildings.


Let's move forward let's go green


The world has bigger problems like food and water crises for the climate to drastically change at least 5 centuries or 1000 thousand years would be needed by then we would have had the opportunity to invade mars and other planets
