Beginner Guide to RTK-Query | Redux-Toolkit | React Redux-Toolkit

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In this video, we are going to understand RTK-Query from very basic. We are going to understand basic concept about RTK-Query.

Time Stamp
00:00 Intro
01:00 RTK Query Overview
03:20 Starter git-hub repo
04:20 Starter project overview
07:05 installing package
08:30 Creating apiSlice & writing 1st RTK Query
14:42 Wiring apiSlice in React App using ApiProvider
15:52 useGetTodos Query in TodoList
22:12 Adding mutation in apiSlice
27:10 Apply Mutation in TodoList
31:10 Understand cached data
32:17 Tags, invalidating cache and auto-refetching
35:27 Transforming response

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