Redux Advanced Tutorial - React, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query Project
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In this Redux advanced tutorial, we will use React, Redux Toolkit, and RTK Query to completely transition a blog project from Axios async thunks to RTK Query, normalized state and optimistic updates.
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Redux Advanced Tutorial - React, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query Project
(00:00) Intro
(00:34) Welcome
(00:48) Prerequisite knowledge
(01:05) Starter Source Code
(01:46) JSON Server
(03:50) Create an api slice
(05:43) Update postSlice to an extended api slice
(08:54) getPosts endpoint method
(13:19) Update the postsSlice selectors
(15:50) Reconfigure the store
(18:59) PostsList component
(21:18) PostAuthor component
(22:21) getPostsByUserId endpoint method
(24:50) addNewPost endpoint method
(26:09) updatePost endpoint method
(27:13) deletePost endpoint method
(27:58) Export the auto-generated hooks
(28:30) AddPostForm component
(30:57) EditPostForm component
(33:13) UserPage component
(36:04) Header component
(37:00) Optimistic Updates for Reactions
(42:49) ReactionButtons component
(44:57) View Redux state cache and network requests with dev tools
📚 Tutorial References:
📚 General Redux Toolkit References:
🔗 ES7 React JS Snippets Extension for VS Code:
🔗 React Dev Tools Extension for Chrome:
📚 General React References:
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