Building a quantum computer at the SQMS Center at Fermilab

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The new Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center, based at Fermilab and comprising 20 partner institutions, is one of five national centers to bring about transformational advances in quantum information science as a part of the U.S. National Quantum Initiative. SQMS has the ambitious goal of building and deploying a beyond-state-of-the-art quantum computer based on superconducting technologies. The center will also develop new quantum sensors, which could lead to the discovery of the nature of dark matter and other elusive subatomic particles.

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I lived in the area circa the early 1990s and would bicycle through the Fermilab grounds frequently. It is surrounded by a large acreage of beautiful restored tall-grass prairie, with a full complement of diverse native prairie species in their natural mix, rare to experience anywhere else now. I'm glad Fermilab is still in the forefront of physics research.


I remember, not too long after the turn of the century, consensus was - and I'm paraphrasing - 'quantum computing is not itself possible, but so a line of investigation, may yet gift to us, other fruits'. I prefer these states which we would come to know.


Very difficult to understand - terrible sound quality.


I love the passion in the project she shows


I came up with a model for a new type of computer from playing a game, Counter-Strike (a Half-Life mod) when it was in its original beta phase. The system was very poorly designed, like the accuracy system for the weapons was designed that if you slow down to a walk, your guns were more accurate, but they set the parameters up so that it triggered this extra accuracy just going the slightest speed under a full run. Using +moveup which was meant for swimming in the scripting language, which is the only "language" I used, you could get half way between a run and a walk for movement speed and get the accuracy of a walk and the silence of it, with movement sound being another similar flaw they made in the game. That combined with scripting firing of the gun so it briefly made you do +moveup before actually firing the gun and turning it off immediately after firing the gun effectively gave you a more accurate gun at a running speed. There were many holes in the original CS system, I repeatedly told them about them on their message board, getting repeatedly banned. I remind you: I only used the extremely simplistic scripting language built into the game, so I was exploiting and not cheating, even though in effect it was cheating. CS 1.6 should have been CS 2.0 because they made major changes to the engine due to what I was spreading around. At least one of the hacks that I kept to myself and did not put into my script still exist in the current CS system as far as I know. It was basic to the Quakeworld original engine Half-Life is based on. The script that is part of my work, for CS 1.6, has a fully automated taunt system for giving people a hard time. I built a randomizer and relational database that sometimes spits out a taunt based on the weapon or weapon type you are using just before your gun is actually fired when you fire, only using the one command, alias. Alias just lets you create or reassign a command to an indicated string of commands, and nothing else.

"The new version of the Church-Turing thesis (now called the ‘Church-Turing Principle’) does not refer to Turing machines. This is important because there are fundamental differences between the very nature of the Turing machine and the principles of quantum mechanics. One is described in terms of operations on classical bits, the other in terms of evolution of quantum states. Hence there is the possibility that the universal Turing machine, and hence all classical computers, might not be able to simulate some of the behavior to be found in Nature. Conversely, it may be physically possible (i.e. not ruled out by the laws of Nature) to realize a new type of computation essentially different from that of classical computer science. This is the central aim of quantum computing."

From what I understand they are forcing current quantum computers to unnaturally apply a binary state to something that has an infinite evolution of states. Think of the electron and the circle it makes around a nucleus. That 360 degrees circle it makes is infinite in precision, and that movement certainly has an effect on its surroundings. Basically, practical math is the descriptive language of the universe, and not the actual universe because it uses measurements.

I propose a "Dynamic Stateless Computer" that operates on "Logic Geometry" based only on connections, or links, or pointers - a much more simple computer than the three basic Boolean logic gates operating on mathematical binary bits that is every computer out there. The shape is the logic and the logic is the shape, sort of like a truth table that is dynamic where the "truths" change as it runs.

You are best off going to Github and seeing online without downloading the paper and models. When someone looked at my calculators, they accused me of: "You're not doing math! You're emulating math!" Look at the simple calculator first, it only does addition and subtraction. Then look at the complex calculator that does multiplication and division. As you well know, if I can do those things, I can do anything mathematically. In the main model I created if-thens, complex do-whiles, a randomizer and a relational database.

I don't have any idea as to how this would be physically built - none of the aspects of it, except for the dynamic logic that I also do not have any clue if it really is what I ask above. I just can do these things I demonstrate and in my extensive almost 50 years of digital computer experience I have not seen anything exactly like it.

Lastly, I did not set out to do this, it just happened. I originally wanted a script to quickly buy weapons, and it developed from there. I have kept every beta and final released versions of the script from beginning to end, to show how it developed.


In an Cuantum Computer thime of processing information it is not essential (as you do not to provide quick response solutions) in fact we try to achive The Critical Mass of Information to congregate diseminate information and to approach an Informational Singularity.


I just love listening to this lady's accent. The actual content is cool, too.


what are they trying to do or what are they looking for?


tl;dw fermilab is making strides in developing technology that might lead to the discovery of dark matter (matter that we can't see). They are also working in quantum computing technology, specifically in making it perform calculations/computations that would be useful. They are also teaming up with many other organizations to develop a greater understanding of quantum physics (ie. how small stuff works).
The things she mentioned at 2:44 are as follows.
Superconductors: material that has functionally 0 electrical resistance when at low temperatures
Material Science: Chemistry but better and smaller
Superconducting quantum devices: more superconductors stuff
particle physics: shooting particles at each other really really fast.
Computational science: as the name suggests its about computers (probably quantum computers but she doesn't elaborate)
Cryogenics: really cold things, you'll find that in an effort to understand how electrons work (specifically for quantum computers) we try and examine them in cold environments.

I don't see why you're making this video though, it's too technical for the layman, but it's not technical enough for people who already understand what these things are. Either tell us the sorts of experiments you're doing or give a better description of what you are talking about already.


So... how do you actually use the superposition of a cubit to compute stuff?

If my CPU had a bit that I couldn't be sure of being either a 1 or a 0, I'd get another CPU.


Audio quality is pretty bad. Together with the accent and the topic it makes the video very hard to understand.


_He who knows no foreign languages knows nothing of his own._ —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
*1* In 2013 the Planck spacecraft observations of the cosmic microwave background gave an estimate of *68.3%* dark energy, *26.8%* dark matter, and *4.9%* baryonic matter.
*2* Quantum computing is the future.
💕 ☮ 🌎 🌌


Very cool! Shout out to #cuboulder and #Rigetti Computing for their collaboration in this!!


Good day

They are only scraching the surface but in a wrong place. The Cuantum Computing is not about some technical approach. Is about how you rethink computing. Not an scalar base but tensorial with a time variable unit but from multireferential systems. Present approach on Cuantum Computing is more statistical based but a scalar statistics. In fact the correct approach is to use Statistic Fields with Memory, so called Polystochastic, or Karcov Chains. The revolution is not how much you can freeze a semiconductor but how you have to modify the computing method - not by useing as processing unit the byth of information - in fact a scalar representation - but an polyedric unit of information of Multi referencial time tensorial unit. Why multy referential?
Simple with the same equation you can explain the phenomenon (for example) inside and outside of a Singularity at the border of an Event Horizon.


It's like living in a dream I wish I was young again...
Especially now that smoking weed doesn't hold you back it actually
It is seen as a progressive thing.
What a beautiful machine and people.


Can you use a quantum computer to predict when quantum entanglement is going to occur between two particles, maybe by computing all the possible states that that the two particles could have in relation to each other given approximations of position and momentum within an short window of time?


What ever you used for recording the sound it is awfull. It sounds like a really bad noisgate and background music dosn't improove it either. This is not the first video from Fermilab with that issue. For me is hardly understandable. I am hearing impaired and English is not my first language and this is not enjoyable.


How is this going to help me get a higher K:D? or Lower Ping? Or more FPS?


Accepting sponsorship from Lockheed Martin tarnishes what is otherwise extremely valuable and exciting work.


NASA Vs Fermilab cosmology Vs quantum mechanics
