How To Code A Quantum Computer

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Have you ever wondered how we actually program a #quantumcomputer ? #Entanglement, which #Einstein called "Spooky action at a distance" and Superposition, which describes how quantum systems can have probability of being in multiple states at the same time, Allow for us to implement special algorithms which would not work on classical computers. Somehow measurement of a state instantaneously determines properties of an entangled partner particle, regardless of distance.

In this video, I aim to explain what quantum entanglement is, some of the math behind it, and how to create it in physical systems. #Physics can get incredibly confusing on a small scale because we as humans don't directly perceive how we interact with the laws of #quantummechanics, so join me as we explore what quantum entanglement really is.

for access to my animation source code, video scripts, and research materials
Huge thanks to @Fireship and @SebastianLague For allowing me to borrow a couple of short clips from their videos. I greatly appreciate it! The timestamps are included below.

Fireship: 00:12 - 00:16
Sebastian Lague (1): 03:04 - 03:29
Sebastian Lague (2): 03:37 - 03:49

Music by Vincent Rubinetti
Download the music on Bandcamp:
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So upon watching this back with fresh eyes a few days later, I realized I made a couple of mistakes in the Deutsch algorithm portion of the video. In the next part where I code up the full algorithm these parts are correct. I got mixed up reading my old notes.

1) I said f operates on two qubits (a, b). f actually only operates on one bit, and we have two cases f(0) and f(1), this was confusion from the quantum part, where our oracle (quantum implementation of f) needs to take two bits in order to be reversible. That said, the function that oracle represents is only a function on one bit. If this is confusing I will explain it better in the next video.
2) The Deutsch algorithm classically would take (2) calls of f, not 3. The quantum case being 1 operation of f is correct still.

Sorry for the mistakes, like I said these will be corrected in the next video where I code up the full algorithm.


i called quantum IT support and complained that my quantum computer wasn't working. They said, "Have you tried turning it off and on at the same time?"


I'd be lying if I said I understood it fully. But this is definitely the video I'd rewatch many times to try and understand it.


There's definitely an audience for videos like these. Fingers crossed you get the viewership your videos deserve!


I've watched thousands of vids on quantum computing and this one was the only one that taught me quantum computing beyond the basics, so I learned a lot from this video. Thank you for the amazing video!


This video is brilliant. He explains the right concepts, in the right order. It's very rare to find an explanation that doesn't digress into irrelevant concepts. This video shows exactly how simple the idea is and how, in a way, it is not necessary to know quantum mechanics in depth.


im new and only 1 min into your vid, but i rly have to appreciate the little summary at the beginning! its so cool to get an idea of the content of the vid


This is easily one of the best references I've encountered on this topic. Your style is so damn enjoyable, and I'm sure 3B1B would be stoked to see Manim used so deftly. Look forward to seeing more on the topic, this is an easy instant subscribe.


I look forward to a series on this kinda stuff! I've been writing programs since the 1980s, and seeing how quantum computer programs work is fascinating.


Leaving this comment to say a very genuine thank you as your videos have provided significant aid in my final year dissertation as a Comp Sci and AI student studying in England. Please I'm sure everyone would love to keep seeing videos from you in the future.


understand only 20%,
80% gone over on my head
Thanks for your effort


This is the first time I actually understood the advantage. Great explanation. Thanks


At 17:24 you show the full state, but without distinguishing the states of qbit 0 and 1. Of course there is no commutativity, but I think it might have been clearer to show what belongs to what, with a subscript id or a color, that is also added to the qbits in the graphic above. IDs seem useful since they show up in actual use, like qiskit. Could even be both ID and color.
This would then help to follow states of qbit 0 and 1 throughout the equations shown next, adding a lot of intuition for those unfamiliar with braket notation.


first time watching it. understood nothing. started studying CS. I will be back once I understand it and edit this comment no matter how long it would take me


Wonderful presentation with great information. I hope your channel grows, you deserve it!


subbed within the first few minutes of the video. I could already tell you make a good teacher. I took Electrical engineering in college so I really appreciate this video from an engineering view.


This video is very nicely put together appreciate you spreading your knowledge and once it gets recommended to other people just like it did to me you will find an huge audience 😁


I learn a couple basic programming languages an now it has me watching videos like these 😂 … Incredible video btw keep it up !


I think the interpretation as matrices is super important, not something to be glossed over (eventually), because as you said it ties into every operation being invertible, and it shows us explicitly how the entanglement works and how it can be resolved without necessarily having to collapse the superposition, as well as giving us neat formulas for the composition of gates via diagonalisation over a finite field (also maybe we should also get into how to express states using the tensor product and vectorisation).


very concise, knowledgable, thank you
