How to Start an ORKS Army in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition: Beginner Guide to Start Collecting

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Let's talk through stating Orks in 10th edition and how to get a greenskin horde or vehicle mob onto the tabletop...

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0:00 Intro
0:46 Why Collect Orks?
5:13 Planning an Army
8:28 Ork Clans
9:59 Acquiring Rules
11:26 First Models and Boyz
14:04 Buying 40K Miniatures
15:32 Combat Patrol and Discount Sets
18:05 Expanding the Army
20:29 One Strong Army List
22:00 Outro
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Small correction on the Orks Codex section - looks like it IS one of the ones confirmed for Spring 2024. My mistake there!


I will never forget when games workshop had a box called "Da Green Tide" in 5th edition which literally consisted of 100 Ork Boyz and 1 warboss for I think like £200


Get some boyz, get more boyz, get bigger boyz start krumpin.


The thing with Orkz is that they take stamina to build an army. Lots of people start collecting them, fewer people keep collecting them. Look online for those who didn't have the stamina and are now offloading their old Orkz. Its a never ending cycle, every Ork player has ridden it, now is the time to take your turn!


Buy ork set, melt sprues in nail polish remover, roll out into plates, make trukks.
I built 6 trukks that way and saved a mint, scratch build 3 mech guns. Use paw patrol trucks to make battle wagons.
I love orks


I fell in love with the idea of Orks when i saw the post where someone had made a bunch of Boiz disguised as a Rhino tank with 'not orks' scribbled on the front


Love me some orks, some of my picks if you're collecting:

1 - Trukks, cheap (in points) and essential to transport units to a fight

2 - Gretchin, great little utilty unit

3 - Stormboyz, another excellent utility unit these (potentially) win you games

4 - Nobz + Warboss, a surprisingly durable anti-everything squad

These are all older kits and they're pretty cheap for Warhammer.

I like Orks so much im starting Orcs for the Old World.


It makes me so sad that the mek boy stuff isn't good right now. My favorite part of the army is the whole junkyard mechanic vibe


I have two armies, Guard & Orks and man I’m vibing so hard on the Orks!


Forgot the main reason to start an Ork army is 'cause Ork is da best.

Since Orks don't have hard fast rules about armor, uniforms, or what guns look like it is fairly easy to convert fantasy Orcs into Orks by giving them a slugga, the fantasy melee weapon already makes for a nice choppa. The Ork pistol can be from just about anything since with Orks close enough to a firearm is good enough.


If you are looking for an older codex to get into the proper orky mindset, I suggest the slim, soft green cover, 3rd edition Codex. It's full of art, models, ideas, examples, and more orky goodness than you can shake a squig at. Even if the rules are nearly 30-years out-of-date, some of them are still laugh-out-loud hilarious.


I've never played Orks; they're not my thing, but fighting them is ALWAYS a treat! The models are fun, and the opposing players are always cool! I've never met a bad Ork player. Stay classy, guys! You are a joy to fight.


My tips:
-you can usually find Boyz relatively cheap 2nd hand.
-*never* buy the Tankbusta kit, it's terrible
-you can turn a Trukk kit and a Mek gun kit into 4 Mek guns pretty easily
-the old Boyz kit mixes well with the Loota/Burna kit and allows you to turn regular boyz bodies into Lootas, Burnas or Spanners (you get 5 bodies with the Loota/Burna kit, but all the weapon for 4 burnas, 4 lootas and 3 spanners (kmb, rokkit and big shoota)


I need to explore the world of playing Orks. I've watched battle reports and listened to Luetin with his explanation of their history and lore. They do look and sound fun to play.


And remember folks: every kit is an Ork kit!


I started my Ork army with the new Boarding Patrol; I enjoyed the BP and KT games with Snikrot and the Kommandos, so I decided to expand to a full 2000 pts WH40K army. I bought an unopened Beast Snagga Army box from a friend of a friend for cost and decided to go with a “Beast” themed army, with a total of 40 Beast Snagga Boyz, 12 Squighog Boyz, Beastboss Squigosaur, Squigbuggy, and 2 Kill Rigs. I also bought Ghazghkull Thraka and 10 Stormboyz, because they’re meta.

Since 10e was released, I bought 3 Meganobz for Ghazghkull to lead. I’m looking forward to the Orks’ 10e codex next year; I hope there’s some fun new units and/or updates to older ones.

Orks aren’t cheap but they’re FUN to paint and play!


I still really wish they'd release an updated version of the new boys sprue that gives you options for all choppa/sluggas or shootas, but if it hasnt happened yet I dont see it happening any time soon. It'd also be nice if some of the kits were generally cheaper considering how many of some units like basic boys and gretchin you need to have a useable amount in an army.


Seriously. Get some sleep. We love you.
Your community.


The older Boyz box just makes sense. Cheaper and weapon options. Sure the sculpts show their age but when massed as a mob you won't know/care.


My son and I are constructing/painting our first 40K Ork army as we watch this video!! First 1200 points down, another 1300 to go!!!
