How to Start an Orks Army in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition - Beginner Guide for Starting

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Let's talk about starting an army of greenskins in Warhammer 40K 10th edition...

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0:00 Intro
0:42 Why Collect Orks?
7:10 Planning an Army
13:18 First Purchases + Combat Patrols
16:26 Buying 40K Miniatures
18:05 Boyz
19:39 Options to Expand the Army
26:17 Codex Orks Rules
30:13 One Example Army List
31:54 Outro
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1. Buy Orks.
2. Keep buying Orks.
3. Don’t ever stop buying Orks.


Step 1: Raid your neighbor's recycling bin.
Step 2: Congratulations, you now have the resources to make every Ork vehicle.


The comments section should be considerably less salty than for the custodes video with how fun the orks codex is xD


There’s never a bad time to start an Ork army…..especially if you already have a large collection :)


Orks are my first army, and i JUST reached 3k points.

I would only say buy with the mindset "rule of cool"
ofc I wouldnt start with a stompa, but it makes everything more fun and this kept me motivated to continue with both painting and playing.

And that rule of cool also changes along the way. And it naturally builds up your army.
My proces was first the coolest model I could get (ofc a deff dread)
And my rule of cool thought now turns to the more competitve models (at first i thought was boring but now are way cooler)

Now im sitting enjoying painting biker model and trukks that previously were boring for me.


Some extra stuff for newbies.

Most of the beastsnagga line is fine to assemble but squighog boyz in particular have some very obnoxious assemblies. Try not to buy a lot of them until you know you can assemble a squad reliably.

If you build into a dread mob you will to some capacity need to build one of the huge ork vehicles. Stompas are massive and fiddly, gorkanauts/morkanauts are less so but cost 3x points less. Deff dreads can bulk out the force a bit and are generally enjoyable to put together, but it won’t be enough to get you to 2k points.

Stay away from forge world kits, GW resin can come to you horribly warped and unsalvageable, it’s not worth the extra money.

And lastly, if you want to get into orks I recommend at least a squad of boyz and a trukk no matter what you spec into. I guess a squad of Gretchen too. Most lists should work now but having 10 punchy infantry stuffed in a fast moving low investment transport is great for any detachment.


1st step - Master shouting WAAAGH!!! as loud as possible.


My tip for collecting orks is that any model is ork model.

My big tip for painting orks is a red brown primer.

This does two things: its a rusty base colour for metals and it's a nice tone under white for doung slapchop style ork skin with contrast paints.

Put the white on however you like, any overspray/brushing on clothing works fine, touch up the metals and drybrush with a metallic paint, then apply the 'paint job' i.e. whatever colour was slapped over the lump of scrap that passes for armour.

Unless youre painting bad moonz, get some white over the brown (leave some brown for shading) and use the appropriate contrast, wont find an easier yellow. Do not use black as a base for this, it's horrible, turns the yellow green.

Obviously there's no right way to do it, but that's what I've found easiest after a lot of experimenting (and thousands of points of models).


All stores in my area:
Orkz battle force box is sold out.
Custodes: still in stock.


love the orks
My original army idea was centered around Deff Dreads, and seeing the Dreadmob detachment made me happy.
#2 Beast theme
#3 Kult of Speed


Boyz and trukks, literally all you really need. Everything else is just for fun. I have an extensive collection and what always gets used are the boyz and trukks.


Old world boyz are also £42 for 31 boyz here in the UK, which is a pretty good deal if you don't mind proxying you can basically get two boxes for free


OK, I can break it down for you. How to start an Ork army:

1. Get combat patrol because it has a lot of Orks
2. Get Ghazghkull cuz he's da biggest and da best
3. Get other combat patrol because more Orks
4. Get a Boomdakka Snazzwagon because it's fun to say
5. Do whatever till you got the points you want


1) buy orks
2) krump everything that isn’t an ork
3) buy more orks
4) repeat steps 1-3


love the content! just getting into the table top. you have been very helpful and informative! starting an ork army and found this very helpful!


I started my Orks army in 9e and went with mostly the new “Beast Snagga” units, so I’m eager to use Da Big Hunt detachment. I just wish I knew how much the revised Squighog Boyz squads cost now that the Nob on Squig is folded into the squad instead of being a character to lead the squad. I presume the Squighog squad will cost at least 30 points more.

I’m also happy the Mozrod Skragbad can finally lead Squighog Boyz squads — it never made sense why he couldn’t before.

The only problem with the 10e Orks codex is that Green Tide apparently only uses Boyz, instead of other units with Boyz in their name. For example, I own 40 Beast Snagga Boyz and 12 Squighog Boyz, but they’re not supported by Green Tide. I’m certain my friends, one of whom has an Orks army, will be fine letting me proxy my Beast Snagga Boyz in Green Tide for our casual games, but I’d have to buy A LOT of Boyz if I wanted to play Green Tide competitively.


I'm making my first 2000pt list right now. I had the regular boyz combat patrol and the kommandos already, and am going full bully boyz heavy on the mrganobz. I just really like the aesthetic, more than the killa kanz. Things have been really fun to paint, which is somewhat uncharted territory for me. Thanks for the vids.


Recently dug up my old assault on black reach box and now have a great place to start! Haven't been this in love with a faction in years! Thank you for this, literally couldn't have come at a better time


Orks is da biggest an' da strongest!


Without quoting the fact that you can mix 40k old boyz kits with Old world boyz and AOS Savage Orruks. You can also make 5 lootas and 5 burnas from 1 kit if you add torsos and legs from the old 40k boys kit. Add to that the fact that you can make 4 meks guns out of 1 truk and 1 mek gun. And dont be afraid to use your spruce waste... tons of stuff can be made from them. From spikes, to covers and vehicles. N.B : Wayland games is a very good shop to buy your minis from UK.
