T-Shirt Storm-ing Print on Demand with Epson: An Interview (Pt 1) | AA Print Supply

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How does Epson help grow a #printondemand #directtogarment business? Estevan Romero sat down with the Ryan and Mark Palmer of T-Shirt Storm and Cali DTG, a brother team out of La Habra, CA. Keep a look out for Part 2 with a follow up on Mark and Ryan's impressions of the #dtg #epson F3070 and how it has helped boost them even more.

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Video Chapters:
Intro (0:00)
T-Shirt Storm (0:30)
Bottlenecks (0:48)
Expanding (1:29)
Why Epson? (1:54)
Epson F3070 (4:02)
Next Steps (4:47)
Outro (5:22)
Рекомендации по теме

Are they switching from the F2100s to the F3070? If so, how many?
