Metaphors of Movement - Selling Success versus Identifying Problem.
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The Metaphors of Movement models can be applied to both individual and corporate/organisation levels. Most contemporary analysis involves an exploration of four main themes:
– Examples of the problem (what happens)
– Emotional responses to the problem (how we feel about what happens)
– The consequences of the problem (the effects of what happens)
– The diagnosis of the problem (what we call it)
But none of these explore the possible solutions that are inherent within the problem system.
“After working with their own Metaphors of Movement through these models, the experience people generally tend to describe is a sense of being more “awake.” So often we do not pay attention to our own communication, using metaphoric words seemingly at random that are in fact incredibly rich clues into our internal experience and strategies for moving through the world. Through attending to what we are each already saying, and to the underlying metaphoric structure, suddenly the way we maintain our problems is revealed, and we have the choice to change.”
“Andy provided four days of enlightenment for me to discover how I can take the client’s language as clues to what is needed. I have new tools for understanding metaphors. Even how amazing movement allows those “Ahas” of change. Change is what I see and know—change in how/what moves the client in life.”
“This training has helped me have a completely different view of all the training I’ve had to this point. My view of the world and others has expanded where I can fit so much more into it.”