Spike protein in many organs

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Post vaccine, post mortem blood clots

Not blood clots

Formed after death (incompatible with life)

Blood from a living patient with acute peripheral circulation ischaemia,

(after cooling the blood sample)

Might be a consolidation of proteins previously dissolved in the blood

Professor Arne Burkhardt (Walter Lang)

Original German language presentation

Link page to translated version

2nd conference on vaccine adverse events (English translation)

Relatives turning to pathologists March 2022 onwards

Suspecting deaths might be vaccine caused

A disturbing and very complex histological picture

15 pathologic studies in the series so far

Found patterns that can be attributed to vaccinations


Involved a range of other analytical specialists

We have a toxicological problem before us

Things have been overlooked in the past

There is a poison at work which is produced in the body

Which means we must look of it in the tissues

Infection has been excluded

Methodology test

We have proved that spike protein in produced in the muscle it is injected into

We are able now to prove that this can occur I almost all cells and organs the body

Diffuse endothelialitis

Endo thelial itis

Active spike protein produced in adipose tissue

Clustering around capillary endothelium

(Biopsy from living patient, 8 months post vaccine)

Left, swollen blood vessels with SP
Right, brown stained SP with obliterative vasculitis

Damage to vascular endothelium, thrombogenic exposure

Foreign bodies in the lungs but not in the alveoli

Also FBs found in the spleen, pancreas, heart

Probably FBs are cholesterol

? Cholesterol released from atheromatous plaques

Accumulation of protein, amyloid like deposits

Found in tissues including the brain
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I was an Australian emergency department RN.
I became concerned at the odd cardiac and stroke-like presentations I was triaging.
I’ve been working in emergency for nearly 20 years and these presentations were different.
The area health put out a new management protocol very early on for these vaxxed patients.
I said “no thanks” when the injections were rolled out and I was fired when they became mandatory.
The registration board AHPRA threatened those who spoke out with disciplinary action, legal action and deregistration.
The workplace threatened disciplinary action and dismissal.


MEME: "97%of Scientists agree with who ever is funding them. The other 3% are banned from social media.".
Thank you Dr. Campbell for your courage and steadfastness in presenting the facts.


German speaking 2nd language. I watched this man end of 2021, present his findings (4hrs) in Berlin of the 15 people. I knew he was not lying. Something about him and my understanding for the German culture. It gave me and my husband the courage to say no. I will be forever grateful to this man and my German friend for warning me. Even the fact checkers smeared him.


They tried while I was pregnant during both 2020 and 2021. My doctor tried saying he wouldn’t do my c section unless I was Vacctd. He had a big tv hooked up with buttons for a Pfizer dial you could “learn about” while you waited.
My babies and I are all unvvntd and I couldn’t be more proud of myself for being more concerned about their health and not someone else’s pressure. There was so much pressure. Shout out to the moms who stood their ground during a mass #GENOCIDE


I have a chronic illness since 21 years (I'm 33) and my gut feeling told me from the beginning that I shouldn't take that jab no matter what. It was hard to endure all those humiliating and mocking comments for such a long time but I'm soo so glad that I stood my ground! I believe the jab would have been the final straw for my already weakened immune system.


I followed John early on, despite my decision to remain unjabbed. I felt he provided a fairly rational counter-voice to the "renegade" sources which indicated "problems ahead". Little did I know that he would come around 180 degrees to our view, based on the evidence. Both heartening yet a bit tragic.


I'm a physician who recently ordered an arterial Doppler on the leg of a patient with some sort of vascular insufficiency and was called by the vascular specialist because they found an unusual 10-in clot in the nearby vein which they had never seen before. This was in a covid boostered patient. He was immediately placed on blood thinners and I'm happy to report that he is ok


My son died a month ago. He had the Moderna covid 19 vaccine in February of 2021. For the past year and a half he had what seemed like dementia. He was 45. He would get lost while in the car. He couldn’t drive but as a passenger, he never knew where we were. His BP was sky high and tough to control. He was in and out of the hospitals with confusion, trouble speaking his memory was also very poor. Broke my heart. Waiting for autopsy now from the Medical Examiner. Something definitely happened to him. He was a very bright man and couldn’t work anymore. He couldn’t function as an adult. I am sure the vaccine did something to him. Nothing else makes sense.


If this doesn’t make people realize how horrible and dangerous these so called treatments are then I don’t know what will.


John: there is an interview on TrialSite News, of the mother of a 12 year old school football player, who had a heart attack whilst playing and lived, the mother said, a clot, like these, was removed from his leg, eight inches long, she insisted they look further and found another one, five inches long in his nasal area. This alone would suggest it’s not just a post-mortem occurrence.


The more we learn, the scarier it becomes. I'm so glad I wasn't duped into having a "vaccine" I didn't need.


Probably one of the best decisions I've made in my entire life, to reject this mRNA gene therapy. This podcast helped me confirm that I made the correct decision. Thxnk You.


It's extraordinary how in only a few years things like SADS, Myocarditis, and killer blood clots have become the new normal in healthy adults.


Dr Campbell, i watch all your videos. I’ve just remembered that YOU have been vaccinated, at least twice, if i recall. You are remarkably courageous for following the science on these vaccines, so rationally with no mention of your own risks. I have appreciated your efforts all along, what a true health professional you are.


My best friend went into the ICU the night after getting the second jab. He came out horizontal several days later. The doctors were baffled why they couldn't keep his blood pressure up and why his blood was clotting. When i mentioned the vaxxx, they looked at me like I was from another planet.


Prof Dr S. Bhakdi warned us already during the pandemic that the mentioned things would happen. It is very sad that nobody listened and many people have to suffer now.


Dear John Campbell, your translation is fairly acurate. As a German doctor I surely did know these findings as Arne Burkhardt is still examining lots of patients since then. Greetings from Germany!


Hands down favourite YouTube channel- genuine intellectual journey


My hackles were up from the beginning of this nightmare. Many agencies are guilty of Crimes against Humanity by suppressing information.
I have had COVID-19 twice: January 2022 and October 2023 after major surgery. The 2nd time was less than the first. The doctor never recommended any of the 'vaccines'.
I have never been vaccinated.
Thank you for this very good and detailed Report, Dr. Campbell!


As a native german and med doc I can confirm the adequacy of your translation of the given information of my former professor in pathology reporting the observation of a generalized lymphocytic infiltration of the vessels (vasculitis and perivasculitis) with amyloid-spike-fibrin formation
