Circulating spike protein after vaccination, Boston research

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Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis


Cases of adolescents and young adults developing myocarditis,

after vaccination with (SARS-CoV-2)-targeted mRNA vaccines,

reported globally,

underlying immunoprofiles of these individuals have not been described in detail.


January 2021 through February 2022

Prospectively collected blood,

from 16 patients, (12 to 21 years)

13 male

12 after 2nd dose

Onset 4 days post vaccination

hospitalized at Massachusetts General for Children,

or Boston Children's Hospital,

for myocarditis


Chest pain

Elevated cardiac troponin T,

after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.

We performed

Extensive antibody profiling,

including tests for SARS-CoV-2-specific humoral responses,

and assessment for autoantibodies,

or antibodies against the human-relevant virome,

SARS-CoV-2-specific T-cell analysis,

and cytokine,

and SARS-CoV-2 antigen profiling.

Comparator group

45 healthy, asymptomatic, age-matched vaccinated control subjects.

Results, things that were the same

(Between the myocarditis group and non myocarditis group)

Antibody profiling IgG and IgM the same

T-cell responses the same

(were essentially indistinguishable)

Results, things that were different

(Between the myocarditis group and non myocarditis group)

In the myocarditis group

Modest increase in cytokine production

(reminiscent of the profile seen in MIS-C)

Total leukocytes, specifically neutrophils, significantly increased

Markedly elevated levels of full-length spike protein,

(33.9±22.4 pg/mL),

unbound by antibodies,

were detected in the plasma of individuals with postvaccine myocarditis,

No free spike was detected in asymptomatic vaccinated control subjects
(unpaired t test; P less than 0.0001).

Why spike protein persisted?

In postvaccine myocarditis,

the spike protein appears to evade antibody recognition,

because the anti-spike antibodies that are generated are produced in adequate quantities with normal functional and neutralization capacity.


Рекомендации по теме

How is this not being investigated as a massive crime against humanity?


The guidelines in the United States aren't changing because it's not about science. It's about money


I have been in medicine almost 40 years now and I started out as a clinical microbiologist (PhD) and then went on to get my MD. I am not vaccinated and I had to fight with a lawyer not to lose my job because of it. No one in my family will be vaccinated with this ever. I am also telling my family not to get anything injected into them anymore when they see our family physician. No more vaccines in my home because the community has lost my faith and trust. I have also lost many colleagues and now some of them are experiencing side effects but none of their providers will list the vaccine as a possible cause. There is a concerted effort by all to keep the vaccines out of the message that they are causing harm. Many people need to be punished for this.


I get breathless with fear when I think about the fact one of my perfectly healthy grown sons took the poisonous jab, and I think both his children, 8 and 10. The damage these have done simply takes my breath away. I refused to take the experimental drug as did my other son, his wife and children. We suffered greatly from others. There is no joy in being right. Somebody needs to pay for this heinous crime against mankind. Thank younDr Campbell. Thank you


This is the research that should be done BEFORE EVERYONE GOT VACCINATED.


I was myself a research scientist in Boston a couple of decades ago, at DFCI, right next door Harvard Medical School. My boss was a professor at Harvard Medical School. She would never have submitted papers containing such obvious omissions! We would have probably been sent home. These papers coming out regarding vaccines are so obviously restricted in what they can portray. The frustration this brings about is enourmous because the general public make their health decisions on flaky, inaccurate, nonsensical summaries from such papers with the help of MSM that just go according to a dictated narrative. Often very uncomfortable to listen to, as these things highlight how badly we've been coerced into making bad choices for ourselves and our kids, but thank you so much for bringing us these daily videos. They shine a very important light on what has become very shady/dark areas of science indeed. Alison


"If you have to be persuaded, reminded pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized... if all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance, you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest." - Ian Watson


Thank you Dr Campbell. I left my career of 40+ yrs in Hospital Lab because I refused to take the experimental drug.


Funny, back in early 2020, Dr Bhakdi, a leading German virologist said he would never take a mRNA jab cause he knew killer lymphocytes would attack healthy cells and his explanations made perfect sense. He also wrote a book, “Corona, False Alarm? Facts and Figures “


I live in Massachusetts. Covid vaccination is recommended for most all, as you know. At my son's 15th physical I asked the doctor what would they do if my son refused the vaccine but I as his parent wanted him to have it. She told me they would force the vaccine on him. I asked them how they would physically do that to a 15 yr old very healthy, strong and strong-willed boy. Her answer was " oh don't worry about that we have our ways" Of course I would never force that vaccine on my child. I am thankful that I stuck to my convictions and refused the jab despite all the negative consequences that refusal brought my family. THANK YOU for being the voice of science during this very trying time.


At my age of 76 I have decided I do not need this medical procedure . Keep up the good work Dr Campbell.


My daughter just had a baby. Every visit she was asked about getting the jab, right up to when she was in labor in the hospital. Unbelievable. These people are relentless.


Keeping the medical world honest. An endless task for the great Dr John.


My uncle (Dutch, Overrijssel area) got thrombosis two weeks after the AstraZeneca shot. Blood clods in his legs and foot did serous damage. Still has lots pain. He's in a wheelchair.  Doctors have no clue what triggered the thrombosis, but are 100% sure it has nothing to do with the vaccine.  They don't want to hear any word about the AstraZeneca side effects! Those doctors claim that side effects from AstraZeneca are a conspiracy theory even after the Netherlands stopped the us of this vaccine due complications. Those medical "help" is clearly brainwashed by sickening big pharmacy.


Be safe Dr John. You are getting very close to the truth they are trying to hide! Your diligence, honesty and good common sense is priceless!!!! Thank you


My wife is a veteran Health Care Aide who refused the jab. In the middle of the frenzy, she was required to get tested every second day. Not once did she test positive for the scary disease, while all around her fully vaxxed residents, and fellow employees were catching the scary disease. Two weeks ago, they had yet another outbreak with the vaxxed residents. She volunteered to work in the outbreak unit, because so many staff were sick at home. Two years ago the media broadcast every little outbreak in our city. Two weeks ago even though there are outbreaks all over the city, there was not one peep from any media about these cases. Very strange.


It's heartening to see how Dr. Campbell has altered his position as new data have emerged. That is the sign of an authentic scientist. Even though I disagreed with his original position on the shots, it's clear he's always come from a place of honesty and integrity. That flexibility, open-mindedness and integrity are what instills trust in a medical professional.


In Australia they're advertising and pushing the 5th, for anyone who hasn't had an injection in the last 6 months. Our media is not mentioning any side affects. 😊


OMG, this spike protein has no business accumulating in the blood system!! THIS IS HUGE! Why are our medical people not severely alarmed???


My doctor and optometrist kept on convincing me to get the jab. When my doctor asked me if I want it, he gave me paper work to sign, and asked what it was, he said it was a disclosure that you are getting an FDA emergency-use vaccine, I read a bit. I then asked the doctor "Who in their right mind would want to sign that? Pfizer etc., are practically excusing themselves from getting sued should something untoward happens to me as a result of the jab. I am having none of that!" It's good that he respected my decision. When I see him next time around June, I will ask him if he had read the Pfizer adverse effects report.
