Connecting Two WIFI Routers Together Using A Hard Wired Connection & Sharing The Internet

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When buying used routers on eBay make SURE to ask the seller prior to bidding or buying, if not mentioned in the listing:
Is the router tested and FULLY functional?
Are the antennas and power supply included?
Also be SURE to check and consider the shipping price as part of the total purchase price.

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Connecting Two WIFI Routers Together Using A Hard Wired Connection & Sharing The Internet
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For those with basic knowledge, the video starts at 12:00. I like how well every step is explained for those without basic knowledge. That's very nice.


This is the most comprehensive video I have watched by far and now I think I can finally get my secondary router to work. When teaching others many people assume too much about what other people might already know and if those point are omitted, it's all for not. Richard, you are a great teacher. I subscribed.


I did this a few years back to extend our wifi network to another dwelling on the property, and a few months ago I added another one, so I've got three wifi routers connected together. DD-WRT was not necessary for any of them. They are all stock wifi routers. All I did was change the ip addresses on the two additional routers so none of them conflict, and create unique SSIDs. The physical connections were just as you described. Works great. Router 1 is a D-Link DIR-615, router 2 is an old Lynksys Wireless-G, and router 3 is can't even remember the name but I picked it up in a thrift store for $3.


So fluent and some great graphics make your video the choice of professional engineers, brushing up their skill set. Thank you Mr Spence Eng


I have tested this with an Apple base station and it works like a charm. It was very easy to set up using the airport utility.


Worked great!!  Even DD-WRT flash worked..  There was one problem in the video..  The WAN port working as a LAN port..  There is a check box on the DD-WRT Basic Setup page..  "Assign WAN Port to Switch"  Check this and the WAN port works like the other ports!!


Thank you Richard. This is the only video that clearly explains (at my level) how to connect a secondary router to an ISP-supplied router. Most others suggest replacing the ISP router with the replacement, which is not possible with our Zyxel XMG3512-B10a DSL router. Even resorted to the TP-Link forum, which resulted in crickets. Thought I was doomed to asking my neighbor's uncooperative kid. Thanks again! Liked and subscribed.


Thanks for the tutorial! I usually install OpenWRT on my routers, and I was actually searching for an OpenWRT tutorial. All of them were mentioning how you were gonna lose/not use your WAN port, I couldn't even get it to work, then your tutorial showed up, and just by skimming through I was able to install DD-WRT and configure it in 10 minutes and have it work on the first try.


Old post but still relavant. A really Great tutorial . Easy to understand the basics how to set this up without all the useless rambling that some do. Flashed my older $400 NETGEAR R8500 to DD-WRT. I was worried the flash would not work due to so many others saying the R8500 does not support DD-WRT correctly without issues. I am hear to say that this saved my old R8500 from being an expensive paper weight. I have a Netgear R7000 and a R8500 both running DD-WRT as VPN/WI-FI extenders and a Netgear RAX45 as the main running the latest stock Firmware. No matter what I did The R8500 would not bridge with Netgear stock firmware. IP address conflicts even with DHCP disabled. Lots of frustrating hours ironing that out because the DD-WRT Firmware was looking sketchy due to so many with negative comments and results. I already knew this works with my R7000 router. I flashed the R7000 a few years back, but that was a highly recommended router which supports DD-WRT. So I went on Amazon and purchased it specifically to run as a VPN router running DD-WRT at that time. I finally gave in and hunted down an earlier R8500 complete .bin / Flash file and the R8500 did flash without issue. I then downloaded the latest DD-WRT v3.0-r49418 Flash from 7/04/2022 and updated again without issue. I had to adjust WI-FI channels back and forth a bit the achieve good speeds, but right out of the box internet speeds via ethernet on both secondary routers (Downloads were 940Mbps pretty regularly / Up speeds at 35 - 40 Mbps). Real happy with these results. Runs all my Alexa devices without the constant dropped connections and reconfiguring devices. Once your home becomes saturated with smart devices you really depend on these routers working 24/7. I am currently typing these comments while connected via The R8500 WI-FI. Very Happy Indeed. Thanks Richard!!


Thanks for the help.  I used a Linksys 2500e that I flashed with dd-wrt.  Paired with primary Arris 6900AC.  Worked as you described except I couldn't use the WAN port.  Once I connected to one of the 4 other ports, off she went.  Works absolutely great.  Also using a Power line adapter to get the Ethernet signal from one side of a brick multi-story house to the other side.  Amazing technology.  Clocking over 50 mbit speedtests outside on the porch where I previously got less than 5 mbit  consistently with a 100 mbit coming into the house.


Hi Richard. I want to thank you for the tutorials. By the way You looks like Pep only because of the way of explaining....


Hi Richard, excellent explanation. I have a different scenario. There are thousands of people working for the government moved to remote positions, where they cant use a wifi connection due to security issues. They run an ethernet cable from the router to their workstation to stablish a wired connection. Most of the times, they just lied the cable on the floor to their working room where they can’t anymore shut the door. Besides, the wiring looks messy.
A video showing a solution for an alternative method to get a wired connection to your workstation without an ethernet cable running along your home would help thousands of people.
1. One way would be using an ethernet overpower connection, but I understand that it comes with a reduction in your internet speed.
2. The 2nd way would be using the already wired cable installed in most of your rooms in your home. You can access it from an outlet, or your cable box attached to your TV, and connect it to a 2nd router or access point and run a short ethernet cable from there to your workstation. Is that possible? Would you need a second IP address, because you are sort of creating a second SOHO network? How would you have to configure this second router? Please, let us know. Federal employees working in remote positions will appreciate your solution. Regards.


Thank you very much ... followed your step by step instruction and got my old chucked away wr841n working as a secondary router on Lan and wifi network, you are absolutely


i watch almost 50 videos and this is the only one that exactly what im looking for and it works. thumbs up 👍👍👍


Thanks very much! Although I'm not using the DD-WRT software, this video helped me understand a couple concepts that helped me setup my second router.


Hi Richard, I have a main router connected to a modem. I connected 3 more routers Lan I directly into the main router. All 3 had an option for “Access Point” on set up. Do you recommend A.P. Or disable D.H.C.P.? Please and thank you for your videos.


Hello! GREAT video! With your help and expertise I've updated my router with DD WRT and setup the bridge flawlessly... just amazing. Many thanks and greetings from Poland 😊👍


Great video. Tnx! Will try to set it up exactly like this, have 2nd router TP Link 940N flashed with dd-wrt.
Have a few questions based of many guides I read:
1. why didn't you set Gateway to in Setup>Basic Setup (2nd router)?
2. Also some other guides are suggesting that firewall is turned off for 2nd router
3. Advanced Routing, mode to Router, is this needed or not? Default is Gateway (2nd router)


Richard, Thx for the great info. I have simple question. Can I add a third route route following the same steps.


I think you will need to disable the DHCP for the second router only if you connect them LAN to LAN port only, in your case where you connected LAN to WAN you can keep it on, secondly when you make the default gate number this can cause conflict in the IP numbers so the correct things is to change the last two segments like thanks
