Taoist Magick - Why I Won't Join a Taoist Sect - Lord Josh Allen

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Welcome back to Taoist Magick, in this episode, Lord Josh Allen explains why he won't join a Taoist sect.
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Spot on. Spiritually is a personal journey. '


Another thing, the Master will come to someone who is actively following the Tao. Especially if the individual shows promise. And the Master may not be from the physical world.


Great video, gave me some perspective


I myself cast a spell that went very wrong when I was having a bipolar manic episode, I did things like putting my melatonin pill in a cluster of jade rocks in an attempt to transubstantiate the alchemical pill of legend but when I took it I had Kundalini poisoning for months and learned not to try a spell that ambitious when I was clearly mentally ill. I'm a bit scared to try Taoist magic again until I'm better but it is comforting to know that one of the sages of YouTube Taoist magic isn't part of a lineage.


I think joining a spiritual lineage would be very beneficial with only very few if any downsides... as for sects or any sort of worldly organization in the realm of magick these days id also stay clear of it.


Well said, I knew from the first couple videos I watched of yours that the moniker Lord Allen was personally earned by independent freedom and genuine magickal exploration and striving on one’s own. Not from affiliation with some spurious guru.


Thank you so much, master Josh. Such wise words. I've always had serious problems following occult schools and certain masters, in fact, what drove me to Taoism as exactly the high occult knowledge of Chinese and Korean magic/energy science, not its philosophical aspects at all! I even found it utterly strange that despite of my affinity with Tibetan Bön tradition, which I still love and revere, in techniques and approach I felt more inclined to Taoist practical knowledge cause I simply can't learn tonal languages nor do I like the Chinese script.

I think that everything that Taoism has in terms of occult knowledge comes from the Chinese/Korean wizards, the ancient shamans who really developed their practical arts but, as a great Taoist master says, the mixing of Confucian and Buddhist teachings with Taoism have actually led it astray from its roots. I think the more we go towards a practical, more 'scientific-like' approach to magic and the invisible dimensions, the better the results to help make life in this world better, as science itself does, without losing the essential bond with the other dimensions and our magical/shamanic essence.

Temples are wonderful to make certain rituals and services of protection for us when we need that extra help from an egregore but to engage in their hierarchy and authority is not for me. Reading good material may not grant us the key in magical/alchemical practice but it certainly helps a lot and it's thanks to masters like you that we have so much help and guidance without the drawbacks of authoritarian hierarchies and dogmatic approaches.

You're such a much needed inspiration to us, solitary apprentices, seekers of the magical path!


i agree with you thats why ill never say a vow to an occult group like uncle iroh i take whatever works from every traditions and discards whatever doesnt.


How do you reach out to the heavenly guides? And which books are worth getting ?


I grew up in a culty group and it took me years to come into my own mind, my own self. Needless to say, Im not much of a joiner now


We definitely are kindred spirits, I don't take orders well and don't agree with being told what to do.


And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Matt 23:9


I bet these questions came from Facebook 😆


I know exactly who yat talking about... I mean "you're"...

And yes I agree 100%.

If you grow long white hair, I'll see you as a sage my friend and seek your counsel but I'm always walking my own path.


Because your power level is so strong you're more likely to eat them than to teach them!


Daoism definition = the defintive pure Way.
