16 Signs Your Cat is VERY Happy and Healthy

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In this video, you will learn 16 signs that indicate your cat is truly happy.

They use their litterbox
Cats communicate with their owners through the litter box. Happy cats use the litter pan as expected. If your cat has made a habit of missing the litter box, or eliminating somewhere else entirely, it is sign that they are anxious, stressed, or that they are suffering from an underlying medical issue.
They are playful
If your cat is healthy, comfortable, and happy, they are more likely to be playful. If they are stressed about something or in pain, they often won’t play much. So if your cat is lethargic or won’t engage with you, then they may be feeling unwell or unhappy.
Coat Appearance
Cats are fastidious when it comes to their grooming. A shiny, clean coat is a sign of good health.
An unhappy cat will have uneven fur and disheveled look. They may even start to neglect their grooming routine.
Deep sleep
Cats who are happy in their homes are more likely to let themselves sleep deeply and comfortably, even when you’re around.
And if your feline friend chooses to sleep in your room or next to you, rejoice! That means your cat really trusts you.

A healthy appetite
Happy cats tend to have healthy appetites.
If your feline companion refuses to eat or has a diminished appetite, it could be a sign that they’re not feeling well, or that they’re experiencing anxiety or stress.
They make a chirping or trilling sound
Have you ever heard your feline friend make a high-pitched chirping sound—kind of like a cross between a meow and a purr? This sound is almost always a sign of a positive emotion or a welcoming vibe. It often happens when your cats are pleased or excited.
They bond with other cats
A happy cat who’s well settled will have good relationships with the other cats in your house.
They blink slowly at you
Blinking may seem like the most common motion to us, but for felines, it’s a sign that they trust you. That’s because when cats are blinking, their guard is down, and that shows they’re happy and content.
They rub against you
Felines have scent glands on their forehead, chins, and cheeks that release pheromones. By rubbing their face on you, your cat is depositing their unique scent on you and marking you as a buddy. In other words, your cat is happy to be with you.
Their tail is in the “question mark” position
Cats use tail positions to tell you how they are feeling. It’s their way of letting you know when they are happy and content, feeling scared, threatened, or even in pain. Happy, confident cats hold their tail upright or in a question mark position. These cats are in a good mood and usually ready to interact.
They want to cuddle
Though cats may be viewed as solitary, independent animals who prefer to do their own thing, they also enjoy cuddles and spending time with their favorite person. Sleeping curled up with another family member—animal or human—is a sign of pure love and trust. In other words, these cats are happy in their relationships and are expressing their love for another.
Your cat shows you its tummy.
If your cats roll over and show off their underside to you, it is a sign that they are happy. Cats who expose their belly are in a very vulnerable position. Showing their vulnerable parts indicates comfort, contentment, and trust. Anxious or unhappy cats will hunker down to hide or get into a defensive position, ready to fight.
They knead or make biscuits
You might have noticed your cat making a strange kneading motion on a soft surface
such as a pillow, blanket, or even you. It’s completely adorable, but it’s also a sign that your feline friend is in a very good mood.
Cats are feeling happy and safe when they knead.
They purr
Most people recognize purring as a sign of a happy cat. For the most part, if your feline friend is purring, you can be assured that they are happy and content. But there are exceptions to this rule.
Cats also purr when they are in pain or nervous. But this is often paired with negative body language such as laying their ears flat, putting their head down, or hiding.
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I usually go to bed around midnight every night and my cat always goes with me. If I for some reason I stay up much later than usual he goes in in my bedroom, sits on the bed and whines until I get in there and go to bed. I’ve had several cats throughout my life and none have ever done behaved like him. I love my sweet kitty🥰


I am getting a cat and i am so excited because this is my first ever pet that i have ever had in my whole entire life so im very excited wish me luck:)


I rescued a 2 months old stray kitten a week back and its showing most of the signs in the video. Makes me really happy that my buddy is starting to become happy.


My kitties do all of these things. Warms my heart because I love them more than anything. I absolutely love it when my one kitty trills and chirps. He’s been doing that since I got him at 8 weeks and he’s 7 months now. 🥰


I recently got another cat about just over a month ago and she actually settled in really fast! She does pretty much all of these so I'm happy that she's happy 🥰🐈🐱


It makes my heart so full that my cat shows almost all of these signs 🥺


My lovely Tom went to heaven's cats last the was nearly prayer for him. please....thanks a lot


Our cat does all these! It’s always good to know she’s happy 😊


My cat did 11, 8, 7, 5, 3 and 2 just as I watched this video 🥰 I love it that he is so happy and healthy.


I got my new companion a few days ago. (She's a little over a month) It's insane how quickly she just trusts me and allows me to care for her. She's feels so comfortable that she legit runs rampant around the place (mostly my room, tho 😅). I'm glad I made the decision to take her in. My spirits have been extremely low for the past 5 years. Since cats are such routine animals, it obligates me to get off my butt and try to keep up with her. In a short amount of time that we've been together, I find myself going all over the house, gathering random things to make into toys, bedding, posts, etc. Legit came up with all kinds of ideas that would hopefully make her more comfortable and happy as she should be. ❤


My cat always showing her belly to me 😄💖


i started fostering a cat a month ago, fell in love with her so now i’m keeeping her. She does all of these!(:


Kittens knead their mother's bellies as they try to express more milk from the teat. They never forget that motion, and it can be the most beautiful expression of love and comfort that they can give to you. Except when the claws suddenly dig in!


you have no idea how happy this vid made me..🙈sometimes i feel like i've been a bad sis to my catbro when he was alive..but we spent most of our time together with most of the signs present💖cuddling sleeping purring massaging blinking playing venturing and more we did everything together except for the school when i had to be away and the litter box (i mean, we were equals😸mom took care of it)

he always ran to greet me from school💖i miss him.. every day 🙈💕 it's been like 14 years already since he passed..


I adopted an older cat and it took her two days to eat and use the litter box. She is a shy sort and misses her humans terribly. I was just no substitute then. She also meowed for those two days. I was so relieved when she finally started making her self at home.


Some people think cats are aloof, but a happy cat will tell you she loves you every day!


I love my Kitty so much, I think about her all the time ❤


When I was 17 years old that I took a picture of my family’s 2 cats. One of them had his paws curled up against his chest laying on his side with a big happy face and even totaled relax. He was a big sweetie cat. He had a sweet bossy meows. He had a very special bond with me. He got along with the first cat.


My kitty sleeps ON me almost every night...i feel very privileged😻❤️


My 10 month old cat shows pretty much every sign mentioned here, however instead of meowing when I walk in he’ll mostly chirp or trill.
