The Final Choice: What Will Poor Single Mother Do When She Has to Decide Between Two Men?

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The Final Choice: What Will Poor Single Mother Do When She Has to Decide Between Two Men?
The story begins when mother and son were kicked out of the house by their mother-in-law and husband because they could not give birth to a son.
And the mother decided to go far away, spending all her savings to build a small house for mother and child to live in.
The mother and child had to endure many hardships. She built a small house for her child. She went everywhere to look for work, doing all kinds of jobs to cope with difficulties and challenges.
Luckily, she has a kind man who always tries to help her. But right now she is very afraid of men and afraid of everyone around her.
I hope everyone will always follow my story and pray for mother and daughter to always be resilient in overcoming all of life's difficulties.
Thank you both for always following and loving us. I always pray for everyone's health and peac

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Hello my good friend, thank you very much for your encouragement and advice to Huyen during the past time. In fact, in love, Huyen does not want to make hasty decisions. Huyen is always afraid that she will make another mistake, but today Huyen has thought a lot and Huyen has read a lot of your advice. Today Huyen has chosen the man that Huyen trusts the most. Huyen does not know how Huyen's life will turn out, but Huyen hopes that you will always follow and support Huyen in the next steps. Huyen would like to thank you.


Hallelujah The daily jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good 🙌🏻🙌🏻. I was owing a loan of $49, 000 to the bank for my son's brain surgery, Now I'm no longer in debt after I invested $11, 000 and got my payout of $290, 500 every month…God bless Mrs Susan Jane Christy ❤️


To whoever finds this, may your days be filled with joy, your nights with peace, and your life with love that grows every day. Keep being the incredible person you are! 💖


Maya teve uma reação digna de uma criança boa e grata, ela gosta do tio De e deixou bem claro que a mãe dela também gosta. Isso foi tão bom ❤


Üdvözöllek Huyen. Nagyon kedves, okos és bölcs asszony vagy. Nem vakított el a ház, az arany nyaklánc, a csoda szép virágcsokor. Kultúráltan mondtad el a gazdag fiúnak, hogy neked már van szíved választottja. Nem csalódtam benned és most már még jobban tisztellek a helyes döntésedért. A gazdag fiú is meglepődött, de már legalább tudja, hogy nem minden a pénz, gazdagság. Az ember lelkét kell megtalálni. Lehet, hogyha előbb találkoztál volna vele, most minden másképp lenne, de ez így jó, a sors így döntött, a sors így akarta. Nagyon örülök nektek. Várom további videóidat. Zsuzsi Magyarországból.


If a child does not like the person you like or want to be with, it’s a clear indication that the child is trying to tell you something.


You have made the right choice. So proud of you that you refused the rich man's presents. But he still insists trying to push on. Shame on him. You stay true to Uncle De he provides what money can't buy. Even Maya knows the best man. So glad prayers have been answered.


Добрый вечер миссис Хуен! С большим удовольствием посмотрела эту серию.Ваш поступок говорит о том у бедных есть достоинство и душа, а у богатых деньги и материальный достаток.Браво👍миссис Хуен, ещё раз браво!👏Буду с нетерпением ждать очередную серию.Желаю всем героям здоровья, радости и удачи.


I am so happy she put her feet down and chose Mr de. Congratulations Huyen🎉❤


I'm so happy she chose Uncle De. He really cares for Huyen and Maya and is always there for them. ❤😂🎉


Felicidades por tu elección van hacer una linda familia
Que linda Maya defendiendo al sr. De hasta ella sabe quien es mejor persona 😊


สวัสดีเพื่อนที่ดีของฉัน Huyen ในช่วงเวลาที่ผ่านมา จริงๆ แล้วในเรื่องความรัก Huyen Huyen แต่ในวันนี้ Huyen ได้คิดมากและ Huyen ได้อ่านคำแนะนำของคุณมากมาย วันนี้ Huyen ได้เลือกผู้ชายที่ Huyen ไว้วางใจมากที่สุด Huyen ไม่รู้ว่าชีวิตของ Huyen จะเป็นอย่างไร แต่ Huyen หวังว่าคุณจะติดตามและสนับสนุน Huyen ในขั้นตอนต่อไปเสมอ Huyen ขอขอบคุณคุณ


Maya said "she only likes uncle De, she doesn't like this uncle" Huyen you should listen to Maya more often because she's a very smart girl and sometimes children can see the true nature of a person much more than us adults, therefore take Maya advice because she already doesn't like that arrogant rich man.


Bien echo amiga Huyin Dios te proveerá en todo lo q te falte Y ese varón q esta a tu lado y se esfuerza Rogamos q Dios le habrá una puerta de trabajo bendiciones


Huyen, dans mon précédent message j’invoquais les qualités de Mr De mais j’en ai oubliée beaucoup comme, le courage, travailleur, astucieux, bon cuisinier, bon pêcheur, bon réparateur de toit de maison, bon soignant avec des plantes qu’il a été chercher dans la montagne, et j’en oublie certainement d’autres. Mr De, si vous lisez ces messages sachez que je vous soutiens de tout mon cœur, je vous aime très fort, soyez patient, Huyen a subit beaucoup de sévisses, de coups et d’insultes venant d’un homme méchant. Son amour pour vous a bien grandit et grandi encore. ❤❤❤


Thanks Huyen you have fulfilled our wish to choose Mr. De he is the right man for you


Olá querida, muito bem, vc fez a escolha certa, o senhor De, é um homem muito bom e honesto prá vcs, ele ama muito vcs. Deus abençoe sempre vcs três. Um abraço da Sandra Abreu do Brasil 🇧🇷


Maya linda demais, tão pequena já com uma visão de vida tão grande. Ela enxerga longe Deus abençoe vcs sempre e dê muita saúde paz porque vocês merecem


Ese joven se apresuró!! El digo
Nada con las flores y este regalo. La pongo
A comer en mi mano!!! Tío De es un hombre maravilloso!! En los momentos
Dificiles de huyen
El en su humildad
La ayudo y a su niña!! La atendió
En su enfermedad!!
Dios los bendiga
Y derrame de sus bendiciones a su vida!! ❤❤❤


Vc fez a coisa certa ele só compra vc com.presente nem dá sua filha ele tem carinho ele só quer ti usar Deus ti abençoe
