7 Husbands Drugged & Assaulted Each Other’s Wives & Live-Streamed It For Their “Boy Chatroom”

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It's disgusting that their names are protected yet the ladies whole body are on the internet they should be known publicly worldwide they deserve no privacy


How crazy is it that seven men found each other and trusted each other enough to do this? You couldn't find that many people to rob a bank with you, but when it comes to preying on women you're good to go.


Please this is important!!!! As a nurse, please don't show the drugs that are used. Whenever those crimes comes to light and the drug that is used also gets known, those drugs are getting sold 80% more and are used for the same purpose. Humans are cruels and i know you just want us to be more aware but at the same time some people get this information and they are turning it into something horrible!!!


With " husbands" like that, who needs enemies. Disgusting


The absolute violation is beyond comprehension. It is truly a crime! This man has daughters and if he can violate his wife in such a manner, I'm fearful for his daughters.


It's absolutely disgusting when men, especially if they are married, think of their wife as an object and not a person who has feelings. What a sick mind to allow other men to come out sa his wife. Hope they are locked up forever.


James wasn't afraid of his wife cheating, as much as he was afraid of losing CONTROL. That's what it was really about.


what terrifies me even more is that in a lot of places, they dont consider marital rape to be a real thing


"I only did it because my wife had an affair!" Buddy didnt YOU have an affair FIRST?


the fact that they were like “haha how stupid are these women that don’t know they’re being drugged and assaulted.” enraged me


the thing that shocks me the absolute most is that they did this for 8 YEARS. 8 years of assault, 8 years of drugging up wives, 8 years of doing illegal activities in a house with 4 daughters, 8 years of women being treated like nothing. James STILL thinks he’s the victim because his wife cheated twice. I hope they all get a life sentence. ALSO, how is that website up and running?? it’s crazy how easy it is to get to content like this and lots of these “creators” don’t get any sort of punishment! absolutely foul


I was married to a man for 5 years, he was loving and caring at first but then during this marriage I started to get to know him better, he told me stories how he loved to order prostitutes and I saw how excited he was telling this, same with seeing girls that look like 2000s porn actresses it all made me feel dirty and disgusted. On our second year of marriage I found a bunch of nude pictures of his ex girlfriend (they dated while he was married to another woman) and I was shocked and devastated but I couldn’t leave him, I moved to the US for him and I had nowhere to go. So I stayed.
And there were good years but then he started to express ideas about threesome and other stuff which I didn’t want to do, so we argued a lot. And he had that friend of his, he was always hanging around, always spent time in our apt from the very start of our relationship, he was married also but spent with us more time than with his wife and his kid it seemed. And when he visited he always made sure to bring alcohol. I was 21 and one day he brought tequila and made me so drunk that I threw up and just went to bed but didn’t fall asleep, just waited till he left. Nothing happened that day but it all seemed off so I never again drunk in his company nor in my husband’s because I didn’t feel safe anymore. Fast forward to 5 years later. He and my husband finally talked me to drink a can of flavored beer and I agreed. It shouldn’t have made me drunk at all, I just made a few sips. They put something in it. And my husband’s friend take advantage of me while my husband was watching. I remember everything, I remember looking at my husband in search of protection but there was none. He acted than nothing happened after that and when I tried to talk to him how it was wrong, how he could do that to me, he answered that I never want to make him happy. I saved up money for a year, bought a ticket to my home country, left all my belongings and left. I wish I did it at 21 when I stopped trusting the man who should have been the most trustworthy man in my life.


These "men" are despicable!! They should have to register as sex offenders so that everyone will know their names, faces, addresses and the criminal acts they committed against women!!


Its so amazing how 7 psychopaths meet each other and agreed to violate their wives . Truly same feathers flock together.


Can you even imagine being in those wives shoes? To know that your own husband humiliated, betrayed, arranged for you to be assaulted, took videos and posted them publicly for EIGHT years? I cannot even fathom how you would mentally and emotionally reconcile all of that information about the person who was supposed to love and protect you.


I'm so angry that the men were protected. Name and shame to protect future women who are around them. Absolutely disgusting.


Why can’t women just exist??? Why is it hard to just live a normal life? I’m beyond baffled, disgusted and disappointed. HOW HARD IS IT TO RESPECT YOUR WIFE AND HER BODY?


The scariest thing is that he had multiple DAUGHTERS. I was so worried this whole video there'd be some mention of his assaulting or encouraging the assault of his one of or all of his daughters. This is just absolutely disgusting.


There is a similar story in France. A man drugged his wife every other night for 10 years to let other men SA her, recording and documenting every "session" for his and "his circle of friend's" twisted fantasy. We are talking about a network of 83 perpetrators - only 51 so far are identified- of all ages and backgrounds, from barely 20 to men in their 70s, from unemployed guys still living with their mom to firemen and veterans, all living in the same region/area. And on top of that, a lot of them were found in possession of... illegal children related stuff... The mere idea that actual human beings could do such a thing is sickening . If you want to learn more, I recommend reading the investigation article in Le Monde by french journalist Lorraine de Foucher, she did a great work gathering testimonies and uncovering things about this network.


I hope that the women involved in these situations are getting the help that they need. I couldn’t imagine being betrayed like this, it’s horrible.
