How to Pay Off All Your Credit Card Debt FAST

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What would your life look like if you didn’t have any credit card payments? If you had a pile of money saved up in the bank? If you owned your stuff instead of it owning you?

You guys—that life is possible!

So, in the latest episode of The Rachel Cruze Show, I’m going to show you how to live debt free. You’ll learn:

• The number one proven method for getting out of debt
• How one couple dug their way out of almost $40,000 in credit card debt
• 10 ways to stay super motivated while getting out of debt

Resources (everything mentioned in this episode):

Sponsors pay the producer of this show, The Lampo Group, LLC, advertising fees for mentioning their services or products during programing. Advertising fees are not based upon or otherwise tied to any product sale or business transacted between any consumer or sponsor. The following sponsors have paid for the programing you are viewing:
- Zander Insurance
- Churchill Mortgage

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Surrounding yourself with like minded people; remember it doesn't have to be physical. Do it with online communities especially if people around you are negative and you don't know what to do to change their minds


Thanks to you and your Pop We’re on Baby Step #6 now. Just paid off $12k debt in 4 mos!


Love your show! We paid off our mortgage in 2018. Hubby and I would not be married without The Total Money Makeover.


My number one way to stay motivated is to listen and watch he whole team, especially your Dad and you!


This was the best debt payoff video I've watched. Love how you highlighted the psychology behind getting into and out of debt vs. just talking numbers.


Consolidation is great if you actually DO THE MATH, because it can save heaps in interest, because you basically do the debt avalanche. You just gotta be smart enough to cancel all the credit cards, and change your behaviour. Really depends how much self control you have.


I've had life insurance on me and still paying it at the moment, it's a good investment for life and will not leave your family scrambling to pay for your funeral when you have passed. Also just paid off my plot last month which is another thing that will help.


The coronavirus is the “rude awakening” that all Americans need to realize what is important in life and exposes our society as a consumer society. We need to go back to manufacturing for our country.



Thanks for all you and your dad’s awesome info!
I am halfway to getting baby step one done. When I start working on the credit cards, I cut cards up- I know that but do i contact card issuer and close each account as they get paid off?
Thanks for the info!


My husband wants to stay poor- live like he's used to no matter what. I long to break free of debt, and of him!


*GREAT VIDEO RACHEL* IF somebody is SERIOUS about getting rid of their credit card debt, meaning they have and follow a budget AND the budget ALWAYS WINS, then debt consolidation to lower interest rates, the problem is MOST PEOPLE aren’t serious enough. They don’t want it enough... in those cases, they should avoid debt consolidation like he plague... *GREAT VIDEO AGAIN*


Great video! Definitely inspired me to get on track.


So excited by your videos and Daves! Thanks for all you do to educate us. We always enjoy them. We are on our way to being debt-free!


Debt consolidation has helped my wife and I due to percentages. We still pay the minimum but it helped lower the minimum payment allowing us to focus more on other debts. No CC anymore.


Hi, on my way to baby step 2. Thank you for inspiring people like me.


I appreciate that this video had the sponsors listed by name in the description. This sort of transparency is rare these days.


Good evening! How do you do this on SSDI? Thank you!


I did consolidate my car loan onto my homeloan. I will never consolidate my credit card or anything like that onto my homeloan. Those feel like steps backwards but the car didn’t feel like that to me.

Carloan interest was triple the amount of the homeloan interest and I upped the amount of what I was paying off on my home loan and never reduced it once I consolidated the two loans. Replacement car was a need. Already spent thousands repairing the same problem twice and when that problem returned a 3rd time I got rid of that car and got a reliable second hand car with low miles that I have had for the past 6 years now.

This was long before I knew about Dave Ramsey. I paid for my first two cars with cash and was hoping to do the same with my 4th car hopefully after the house is paid off.


I’m so thankful I discovered you, Dave, and Chris! I will be debt free by next summer and on my way to building wealth! I can’t wait to come do my debt free scream. 🥳


It’s just a change in mindset that YOU are your own “credit card.” If you have money in the budget for it, you buy it, or save for it. If it’s a true emergency, you use your emergency fund. I can’t believe that that concept used to be so alien to me.
