Disturbing Details Found In MLK's Autopsy Report

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The death of Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the emblematic events of the American civil rights movement. It was an act of violence so traumatizing for a nation that it defined an era and was memorialized by a President. Even though the death of MLK is today a well known story, the condition of his body during autopsy is not something that's commonly understood. Of course, the injuries he received from the bullet that took his life were severe, but the stress of his life in the public eye had taken its toll on his body long before he became the target of an assassin. We'll cover everything that was discovered. These are disturbing details found in MLK's autopsy report.

#MartinLutherKingJr #CivilRights #History

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It has long been understood that Ray did NOT shoot King. A government assassin did and this was established in a civil case brought by his widow.


He suffered, physically and mentally, for helping others. He was one of the toughest people alive.


I'm still sickened about MLK Sr. because, he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. I thank him and all others who fought, suffered and died to obtain my BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS. ❤


Damn, he was 38 when he died and the doctor said he had a heart if a 60 year old. My heart aches thinking about the level of stress he dealt with.


Hello, all. Please take no offence for my next comments; just giving my own thoughts here. With that being said, I personally don't believe King was assassinated because of Civil Rights. The powers that be, the elites that have ruled this nation since its creation, they could tolerate that because the Civil Rights movement, though important, was not enough to take away their overall power. They still retained control over all the major components of society, especially economics.

It is here where Dr. King had to go; he started criticizing wealth inequality and the Vietnam War. Those criticisms were deemed very troublesome to the status quo. Gaining rights for an underprivileged and disadvantaged people, that's one thing. To challenge the power structure and go after THE MONEY, well, that couldn't be tolerated under any circumstances, especially during those turbulent times. Is it any coincidence that King was murdered prior to a planned Poor People's Campaign leading to another march on Washington?

Come to think of it, were ANY of those assassinations mere coincidence? Medgar Evers, JFK, Malcolm X, Dr. King, RFK, Fred Hampton, all of those men were murdered in a 6 year period. What they all had in common - they were deemed threats, in one form or other, to establishment control (some more than others, but just the same they posed problems). That's a lot of coincidences, but that's just what I think.


He was suffocated by the doctor when he got to the hospital TELL THE WHOLE DAMN TRUTH!


It takes skill to kill with a rifle, and I will never believe that a small time petty criminal, who was kicked out of the military for his incompetence, could have carried this out. Also, I can't see how someone like Ray could have fled the country and traveled to several European countries before being apprehended. Like Oswald, he was a patsy.


Boy, disappointed in this. How about the disturbing details about how the FBI was hounding him and surveiling his every move. How did room his get switched from the first floor to the second by the exposed balcony? Across the street where the shots came from was also a Fire Station where there was ongoing police surveillance that day! This is just adjacent to the where supposed shooter was. How did they miss the shooting? How about the very next morning when the Police ordered city workers to cut down a huge row of hedges that were directly in the line of fire - what does that tell you? That's clear destruction of evidence. Please check out the 1999 civil law suit that the King family won in court that showed the assassination was the result of a conspiracy and that J.E. Ray was not the shooter.
"Lone Gunmen" assassins in recent US history are like a national myth that we take to bed with us each night like a teddy bear to help us avoid the nightmares that DO exist for far too many of us.


It is upsetting to know what happened to dr martin luther king he did not deserve to die the way that he did the guy that killed him I hope that he is rotting in hell


That speech always gives me chills, so touching. RIP Martin Luther King Jr.


My question is how Ray knew which room King was staying….which means he had some help….


Legends Never Die Our Ancestors Go FORWARD NEVER BACK! Legendary MLK JR


MLK told what would happen in his sermon, he knew what was about to happen but didn’t know who was in on it


Was 14 when Dr King made his most prophetic speech with the immortal words “I may not get there with you” and as an empathetic person -though I wasn’t aware of this then I felt a shudder of knowledge that he would laying his life down, but it would not fall on deaf ears. All I knew then was he had an been able to deduce a very real scenario which happened so swiftly that this man was a true pioneer with an amazing mind, and then the global shock reverberated..


A nurse said that he was alive in the hospital and someone took him out after he arrived at the hospital


I am so super grateful for ALL PEOPLE FROM ALL RACES WHO FOUGHT FOR MY FREEDOM AND BASIC RIGHTS. I used to feel really sad and cry when I heard this speech even though I was an infant when this happened. I feel sad to THIS day when I hear his speech on the radio.


Black folk be careful. No disrespect to the young man speaking, but we can’t allow others to rewrite our history.

Here are some recorded facts.

1. He went into Kings medical and arrest records.. why?

2. He didn’t mention that Kings was smothered to death at the hospital.

3. King was “shot” not killed but “shot” by a Memphis Police officer. Not James Earl Ray.

4. Initially Kings hotel room was on the ground floor but, someone called at said king requested to be moved to the second floor

5. Certain people were told not to wear a neck tie… those that wore one would be the target.

Look at any video you want.. There were guys on the balcony for the first call for King to come out. But, the second call from the crowd there was one guy that was not on the balcony anymore but was down stairs in the crowd pointing up.

King died of suffocation, in a hospital room where he was coherent….


Not sure what to believe a nurse came out and said he was alive when brought to the hospital and they smothered him with a pillow to finish him off.


He didn’t die from a gunshot he was smothered his nurse said he was very much conscious in the hospital


I thought you guys was going
To explain how he was smothered with a pillow in his hotel room after arriving to the hospital alive
