How Finland Lost These Cities To Russia

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If you look at the map of the happiest country in the world- Finland you will see that it borders Russia. During WW2 Finland allied itself with Germany not to prevent Soviet conquest but to win back territories lost to the USSR as a result of the winter war of 1939-40. Although Stalin had the option of occupying Finland with impunity in 1944-45, he chose not to do so, primarily because Finnish leaders quickly admitted their mistake and declared neutrality and friendship with the Soviet Union. “Finlandisation”, as it was called, enabled Finland to remain free of Soviet domination and communist takeover.

In 1940, following its defeat in the so-called Winter War with the Soviet Union, Finland was forced to cede its eastern province of Karelia to Moscow, and the region's Finnish population was summarily deported.

As a result of the treaty signed at the end of the Winter War, Finland had to cede parts of Karelia, Salla, and Kuusamo provinces to the Soviet Union, as well as islands in the Gulf of Finland. The total area, some 40,000 square kilometers, was three times larger than the areas captured by the Soviet Union during the Winter War itself.

The entire population of the ceded territory -- 420,000 men, women, and children -- was forcibly resettled to other parts of Finland. That former Finnish territory now constitutes part of Russia's Republic of Karelia.

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Trust me if Germany won, Finland would not have said it was a mistake


Finland really used the "It's just a joke man" strat


>Territories Finland lost while the Winter war
>Showing fucking thrice more than it lost


Stalin: We should invade Finland

Finland government: We acknowledge our mistake and we apologise for it

Stalin: understandable, have a nice day


*Accidently declares war on USSR*
*Admits mistake*
*Contact is broken*


*Germany invades USSR*
Finland to Russia: You are dead meat

*After Stalingrad war*
Finland to Russia: I want to apologize


Most of the areas you show on the map have never belonged to Finland. Finland lost the Karelian Isthmus and a number of other areas.


Fun fact: Finland never joined the Axis, it was just helping Germany in their invasion of the USSR, so they weren't at war with the Allies


In other words, Finland pulled of the biggest "it's just a prank bro!!"


A large group of Russian soldiers in the border area in 1939 are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a small hill:

"One Finnish soldier is better than ten


The Russian commander quickly orders 10 of his best men over the hill where Upon a gun-battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes, then silence.

The voice once again calls out: "One Finn is better than one hundred Russian." Furious, the Russian commander sends his next best 100 troops over the hill and instantly a huge gun fight commences. After 10 minutes of battle, again Silence.

The calm Finnish voice calls out again: "One Finn is better than one thousand Russians from:

The enraged Russian commander musters 1000 fighters and sends them to the other side of the hill.

Rifle fire, machine guns, grenades, rockets and cannon fire ring out as a terrible battle

is fought...

Then silence.

Eventually one badly wounded Russian fighter crawls back over the hill and with his dying words tells his commander, "Don't send any more men!!! It's a TRAP! There are TWO of them!"


If only every conflict could be this friendly...


I am half Russian, half Karelian. In Karelia, the older generation hates Finns because of the mass killings during World War II. My grandmother was the only survivor in her family; she was 2 years old at the time. The Finns shot her parents and two brothers who were 5 and 9 years old during the occupation. She survived only because she was in the hospital for treatment, and then the hospital was evacuated to Kazakhstan. The village where she lived no longer exists. Later, she lived for a long time in Sakhalin. She has distant relatives who also managed to evacuate, although they are 100% Karelian, they now live in Kyrgyzstan.

Four years ago, I went with her to Karelia, where the remains of her family were found. We visited a mass grave near Petrozavodsk.

After the war, Karelia was actively resettled by Belarusians, so there are villages where people speak only Belarusian. Currently, there are only 32, 000 Karelians left in Russia, most of whom live in Karelia. However, the population of Karelia itself is 527, 000. In other words, Karelians in Karelia make up less than 6% of the population. Recently, there have been talks about changing the region's status from a republic to a province (reducing autonomy).


*Fails to mention any city, let alone Viipuri.*


1. Finland did not admit the continuation war was a "mistake" they agreed to sign a peace with the Soviets that leased out the gulf of Finland islands and the Turku peninsula on top of the loss of territory from the winter war because they were losing
2. The Soviets didn't occupy Finland because they knew that the real fight was in Germany and didn't want to waste the time dealing with Finland when it was ready to sign a peace anyway
3. You didn't mention the cities or show the actual borders pre winter war but instead included outer Karelia which was not a part of Finland prior to WW2


Stalin: There, I have made Finland neutral country and they won't be looking to join a military alliance against me in the future!



Finland is the happiest country in the world because nobody is talking to each other


Hold on that's not true, you're thinking of the continuation war. The Winter War is when the Soviets unprovokedly attacked the fins, who then lost the territory.


Kinda poorly told, but the reality was that...
Finland alligned itself with Germany as it knew that Russia would attack again soon, and it was curious and Germany honestly could conquer Russia, so it was good to allign with them to also try to regain the lost areas from the Winter War back. Originally Finland wasn't thinking on an offensive unless Germany helped.


The author forgot that the USSR at the beginning of World War II was on the side of Germany and attacked Finland in accordance with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. But after the Nazi invasion, none of that mattered.


"If you look at a map of the happiest people in the world, you will see that Finland borders Russia"

I'm pretty sure you can see that on any map of the world
