I spent a day with people w/ BIPOLAR DISORDER

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I spent a day with people w/ Bipolar Disorder to learn the truth about this stigmatized disorder.


🧨HUGE thank you to:


▸ Creator, Director, Writer, etc. - Anthony Padilla
▸ Executive Producer - Alessandra Catanese
▸ Production Coordinator, Co-writer & Research - Elise Felber
▸ Director of Photography/Gaffer - Zach Zeidman
▸ Editor - Mike Criscimagna AKA Mork Crispy
▸ Assistant Editor - Patrick Horba
▸ Post PA / Assistant Editor - Ash Duckworth
▸ Sound Editor - Gareth Hird

🎵Theme Music Composer - Matt Good AKA The King of Emo


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come back next week for *I spent a day with LEGENDARY OG MINECRAFTERS*


i would love to see “i spent a day with people with narcissistic personality disorder”


Please do “I spent a day with people with disorder” I don’t think a lot of people know about this disorder. I will love if you did a video about it to spread more awareness. ❤️😊


this and ocd are two of the most used disorders that no one actually knows anything about.
bipolar disorder isnt just "switching up personalities tehehe" its a cruel disorder that affects the person and their family around them greatly (mother got it due to drugs, doing better but holy shit the pain ive seen her in makes me feel for you all)
and ocd (same with being a germaphobe) isnt just "liking things clean"/ "liking things in its place".


My biggest issue with being bipolar is having a messy room. When I’m depressed I can’t bring myself to clean and when I’m manic I feel like I’m too busy to clean. There’s never a middle ground


i'm glad anthony's spreading awareness about these things, it helps a lot more people than he thinks


The amount of times I've said "I dont know" about how I'm feeling is insane, I always have a reason but it will never surface until after the fact when I'm calmed down, the unexplained anger is the worst


This feels like one of the most stigmatized mental illnesses.. do as someone who struggles with this it’s really good to explain what it really is


I personally think people throwing around phrases like “I’m so OCD” or “he’s so ADHD” does nothing, but harm. I think a part of the reason it took me so long to be diagnosed with ADHD is because I was associating ADHD with being a hyperactive little kid, which is not me in the least. It spreads misinformation about these disorders


I'm glad he interviewed someone with bipolar 2 disorder!
As someone with that condition, I'm happy to see a representation for it.


My mom doesn’t have Bipolar disorder but she has BP Depression really like that you brought attention to mental disorders on this video


Idea: Spend a day with Psychiatrists? Like how they feel about their patients? How do they deal with stigma? How do they feel about most of the people self-diagnosing or using mental illnesses as adjective? How long did they study to be a psychiatrist? Do they experience some patients getting aggressive and hurt them? because legit, most of the people that I know see psychiatrists are heartless, that they shouldn't be able to feel sadness or something like that and that they just straight up shove meds to their patients. It would be great to understand their point of view.


My girlfriend and I are going through this together right now. I'm not the one with the bipolar disorder but of course it affects me as well. However, it's not even close to how much it affects her. I can't imagine not being able to control your own feelings, but I can at least understand that it sucks.

Her mood has been going up and down for years even before we met, but it wasn't until I came along and told her this might be a mental illness she has to deal with sooner rather than later, that she started seeking help through therapy and pshyciatrics. I'm so proud of her and she's finally found some stability in her life again. Hopefully I'll be able to propose to her in a year or two as well :)


I would love to see one on postpartum depression. People don’t realize that you can develop postpartum depression up to 8 months after birth. So many women have lost their lives because they felt so alone or didn’t know what was going on with them.


“Why don’t I just build a bookshelf”

Bruh I fuckin did last week. Now I can’t get out of bed and slept a over 12 hours a day this week.


When this first came out, I put it in my "Watch Later" to watch with my stepmum when she had time. She had bipolar disorder, and for the first few years that she was with my mum (I have lesbian parents), her and I were always arguing due to the fact that she would sometimes become moody and standoffish at the drop of a hat, and also due to my own aversion to change that I now know was then-undiagnosed autism. By the time this video was uploaded, though, my stepmum and I got along really well and I understood her disorder a lot better, and she understood mine. She had become like a third mother to me, and I loved her just as much as I loved my other two mums. I wouldn't have changed her for the world. I wanted to understand her bipolar disorder even further, and see what she had to say about this video and so I saved it, for us to watch together. But we never got around to it, and in July 2022, she died suddenly from a pulmonary embolism. Her death shocked and devastated our family. We still haven't come to terms with it. My mother is inconsolable, and I'm not doing too great either. She meant the world to us. 😔💔 I had completely forgot about this video. I was just scrolling my YouTube homepage 20 minutes ago when YouTube suggested I finally watch this video from my "Watch Later" playlist. I did so. It's a wonderful video as always, Anthony. ❤️ I just wish my stepmum was here to watch it with me. 😔💔 She would have loved it, I know it! Thank you for bringing awareness to the effects of bipolar disorder. This illness plagued my stepmum for most of her life, but she never let it dampen her spirit. RIP, Alyson. We love and miss you so damn much. 😔💔🕊️


I have Bipolar 2 myself, Thank you so much for doing a video on us, we go through constant mood swings we can't control and shockingly 20% of us choose to no longer live with the condition. Our disorder deserves way more attention.


my aunt has bipolar and she said that the mania is when she feels the most suicidal, and the depression she is actually too depressed to self harm or do anything


tw death

My Father had Bipolar II disorder, i lost him when i was little so i never realized how this disorder really affected his life. watching this video i broke down knowing that's what my father went through. thank you Anthony for bringing awareness to these types of things <3


“When do I get back to my life?”

“This IS your life…”

As someone with Bipolar, I *felt* that.
