What Caused The Cambrian Explosion?

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9:48 - Part 1 - The Cambrian Explosion
29:40 - Part 2 - A Real Explosion?
44:51 - Part 3 - Animals From The Earth
1:07:27 - Part 4 - Tipping Points

Written & researched by Leila Battison. Check out her channel:-
Video & script edited by Pete Kelly. Check out his channel:-
Narration by David Kelly. Check out his channel:-

Thumbnail Art by Ettore Mazza

-- Image Credits:-
Matteo De Stefano/MUSE
Spriggina ovata, South Australia. Image: Dr Alex Liu
Daderot - Own work
Aleksey Nagovitsyn (Alnagov
Photo: Bob Thomas/Popperfoto via Getty Images/Getty Images
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Gez, betterhelp is really trying to do a redemption tour/history sweeping with all these sponsorships on various channels after the stuff that went down a couple years back when they got caught mishandling patient info and unqualified professionals they hired. Selling patient info to various people should have destroyed the company... I mean when you get the FTC going after over it, you know you've screwed up.


My favorite part of YouTube is how they time ads perfectly for when I'm almost but not quite asleep.


glad your channel is getting sponsored, but i must remind people that betterhelp does not have the best practices and they have mishandled medical data as well as hired therapists without qualifications that have severely mistreated patients. just want people to stay safe </3


A change in ocean chemistry may have played a significant role in the Cambrian explosion. A gradual change from acid to alkaline would have permitted calcareous exoskeletons to evolve.


One thing to keep in mind, a "moment" in the geologic timescale could be 10's of millions of years.


Finally! My favourite earth-history channel returns!

Edit: wonderful job, loved it. Very thoroughly presented, with some cool metaphors.


Leila, Pete, and David, this series is, in my opinion, the best series on YouTube. From research/writing, to editing, to presentation, it is absolutely top notch. I watch a lot of content on YouTube and some of it is well done, but none as good, in total, as what you do. Just Wow! Thank you for the hours and hours of work that go into each episode. I learn so much from each one. I wish everyone had the luxury of time to experience these gems.


I once read a biography about Wallace. In that book, it was said that Wallace (who gave the Wallace Line its name) contacted Charles Darwin, in order to discuss his own findings. Whithin the correspondence, he asked Darwin to publish their common idea in his book, as Wallace had the feeling he was not confident enough and would not be able to deal with the backlash that such a thesis would cause. So there was no competition at all, Wallace simply left this task to Darwin.


Can't help but feel such a deep gratitude to the minds who figured all this out, and also to the creators of this video for their detailed presentation, made available on YouTube for free. What a time to be alive!


One of the theories I've heard that I like to explain the Cambrian Explosion is the ending of one of the many Snowball Earth era's, all the extra mineral material being washed into the oceans gave life a much more diverse chemical and mineral soup to evolve from.


This episode was a 'Tour de Force" to explain our current understanding of the Cambrian Explosion [of life] on Earth. Worth every minute of my Christmas Holiday vacation. Thank you so much!!


Thank you, Leila Battison and the crew for the video. By far the best series on the tube.


I love your channel, but I wish the sound was more smooth~ like the music in between thoughts/sentences is always so much louder than the narration.


Just amazing how you consistently turn out the highest quality content on YouTube. Thank You!


Throwing confetti at the news that this will finally be up in just a bit longer after waiting for so long for it. Thank you, team!


I've been waiting for this ever since I found this channel more than an year ago!!

Great early Christmas gift from you guys!


It makes so happy to see someone else also compare literally everything to how matter seems to go through cycles of building micro-structures which then become pieces in more complex structures which then become the small pieces in even more complex stuff.


Your videos never fail to fascinate and educate. Thank you for these.


It os great that even though there are two additional channels already, you still continue to tell the History of the Earth. I was so waiting for another episode! Amazing one!


You made geology very, very interesting. You, good sir, have a super power and I'm happy to be able to experience it. Thank you!
