Episode #159 ... The Creation of Meaning - Nietzsche - Amor Fati

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As a recent college grad who’s in between jobs, this episode was so helpful. I’ve been listening to you since I was 15 and you never fail to make me think about what it all means. I love this show so much, thank you for another incredibly thoughtful episode 💕


Being in the military forces you to be conscious in a high stress situation. I always liked Nietzsche’s approach to the biggest problems we humans have to deal with. Applying his mindset has helped me tremendously in so many areas of my career. Thank you for this upload sir, needed a moment to think about who I REALLY am and what values really matter in my life. Props to those who keep pushing and striving through their trials of life, keep it up warriors!


Vlad here I'm a philosopher. This is a wonderful podcast: fresh, honest, helpful. There is so much to like here. A small correction and then compliments.

Nietzsche quite certainly didn't oppose art to truthfulness. The opposite, what he means when he says WE NEED ART LEST WE PERISH FROM THE TRUTH is that certain truths can only encountered in art without them breaking us.

The rest of the discussion is excellent, allowing for just how complex the balance is between Nietzsche's insistence on the tragic element in life AND the psychological goal of The Eternal Recurrence / Amor Fati - to strive for a life in which you regret none of the significant events in your life.

Great work!


Excellent video. Been reading Nietzsche for going on 2 decades. But your summary is fresh and original.


I love your content Thank you for still doing these ! I’m thankful for what YOU do


Thank you so much for what you do, forever grateful that you exist and do all this work for us.


Aw, fantastic that you've put sections on the timeline!! <3 So happy. As always, amazing work. Been listening for almost three years now and I recommend this podcast to all my friends, and many of them have started listening as well. I would like for you to revisit Hegel because you used Fichte's model of thesis+antithesis=synthesis. Hegel was about the spirit discovering itself through historical dialectics.


First time listening your podcast. I'm not a native English speaker. By the way the talk was well clear and understandable for me. Appreciate your work. Amor fati is a system or game where you can provide a meaningful to the things around us based in our freedom of self perception that makes every life intense unique and valid at least for ourselves.


I’ve listened to this podcast again and again for years on end now and it’s gave me some of my best and funniest insights. Thanks for showing me how to be less wrong.


Thank you for being the channel I look forward to every night before bed. Thank you.


Now I understand why I have never had a "bad" day, only days I've enjoyed more than others. I didn't learn the term Amor Fati until today, yet, I live my life that way. ❤️


One of the best episodes yet- keep it up, good sir!


I wanna thank you for making the things you do, i love your style of rethoric and it helps me to organize my own thoughts at times. I find myself in a struggle to comphrehend the different world views of people around me, Thanks to your podcast i will try to listen more to people, instead of a constant dowloading my own thougths into the deeper understanding of things! i hope you will have a nice day!


Perfect timing!!! You are a godsend, dude


Hey Steven,

Anxiety is the Dizziness, and this episode, were both deep comforts upon losing my job in 2 very different times and places. I just wanted you to know how your work deeply helps folks like me on the literal day of chaos that is "losing one's job." ❤


Love the content! I am from spotify and thought I would subscribe to the youtube channel as well. It is amazing how underrated this show is!!! I thought it was kinda dry at first but after getting through the first couple episodes I have taken a strong liking to your dry and on the nose humor. Stay safe and remember that you are appreciated for all your hard work!


I love your podcast, please continue. It is so good, so useful!


Been anxiously waiting for this new episode. Made my day 👍
Thank u for what u do


phenomenal working through pragmatism, cioran, beauvoir, amor fati. thank you for what you're putting into your work. i appreciate you.


Thanks for the new episode Steven !! Big fan of your meaningful work from India 🇮🇳🤍
