Все публикации

Episode #211 ... Nietzsche returns with a hammer!

Episode #210 ... The Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Paulo Freire, Education)

Episode #209 - Improving our world through applied ethics. (Peter Singer, Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek)

Episode 208 - The moral evolution of a philosopher. (Peter Singer)

Episode #205 ... Why a meritocracy is corrosive to society. (Michael Sandel)

Episode #203 ... Why the future is being slowly cancelled. - Postmodernism (Mark Fisher)

Episode #200 ... The postmodernist subject and 'ideology without ideology' (Zizek, Byung Chul Han)

Episode #197 ... New Atheists and cosmic purpose without God. (Zizek, Goff, Nagel)

Episode #196 ... The improbable Slavoj Zizek - Part 1

Episode #195 ... Could Anarcho-Capitalism be the solution to our problems? - Anarchism pt. 4

Episode #194 ... Do we really need the police? - Anarchism pt. 3 - (Gelderloos, Security)

Episode #193 ... The main export of the western world is trash. - Anarchism pt. 2

Episode #192 ... Should we overthrow the government tomorrow? - Anarchism pt. 1 (Chomsky, Malatesta)

Episode #191 ... The modern concentration camp and the failure of human rights. (Giorgio Agamben)

Episode #190 ... Are emotions a waste of time? - Neo-Stoicism (Martha Nussbaum)

Episode #189 ... Everything that connects us is slowly disappearing. - Byung Chul Han pt. 2

Episode #188 Achievement Society and the rise of narcissism depression and anxiety - Byung-Chul Han

Episode #187 ... How much freedom would you trade for security? (Foucault, Hobbes, Mill, Agamben)

Episode #184 ... Is Artificial Intelligence really an existential threat?

Episode #183 ... Is ChatGPT really intelligent?

Episode #182 ... What if free will is an illusion?

Episode #181 ... What if consciousness is an illusion?

Episode #180 ... What if everything is consciousness? - Panpsychism - Philip Goff

Episode #179 - Why is consciousness something worth talking about?