Lies Doctors Tell DIABETICS (Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health)

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Nothing triggers me more than when a trusting patient is lied to by their doctor!

Worst of all is a diabetic patient, at risk for terrible diabetic complications, being told to do something that will almost certainly have a negative effect on their long-term health!

Here is a short list of Lies Doctors Tell Their Diabetic Patients. If your doctor has told you one of these lies please tell me about it in the comments below. It's time for doctors to either Get In The Game, or stay on the sidelines.

Patients, question your doctor about advice he gives you like the Lies I list in this video.

Doctors, either do your reading and give your patients good advice that actually decreases their risk of diabetic complications, or SHUT UP!!!

Join me and let's optimize your health!

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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I was told by my doctor that I was now a diabetic and we would discuss medication and treatment on my next visit. I did some research and decided on LCHF along with intermittent fasting. I lost 60lbs in four months without even trying. I consider it a side effect of trying to normalize my blood sugar. My A1C went from around 6.7 to 4.8. My triglycerides dropped from 315 to 99. All my blood work normalized. I was on three bp meds all of which I stopped taking as my blood pressure was dropping too low.

My doctor was curious about how I had achieved this and when I explained the way I was eat and fasting he looked at me like I was crazy, shook his head and said he knew nothing about keto and he wanted me to switch to a low fat diet and exercise program. Even though I had reached my goal weight, and reversed my diabetes. He wanted me to continue with the statins even though my cholesterol was only slightly elevated.

Had I listened to him, I’d be on diabetic meds and on the downward path of diabetes. I am currently searching for a new doctor.


The worst advice I have ever received was, you need to exercise. So why do I think that was some of the worst medical advice I have ever received? Because I was grossly morbidly obese, had cancer twice, was a size 32, and was a type two diabetic. I barely felt like I was alive. I am telling you the last thing I could do was exercise. it was physically impossible for me. Just getting up in the morning hurt. The best advice I should’ve received or the best advice a doctor could’ve given me was go on a ketogenic diet! Eventually, I became the leader of my own medical team. I became my own best medical advocate and guess what happened? I went on a low-carb ketogenic diet and I lost 164 pounds.


After being told I had type 2 Diabetes and put on metformin I went to a nutritionist. I had done my research on the Keto Diet and was really surprised on what the nutritionist was recommending. It was a carb based diet. ( Everything in moderation) I went with the Keto Diet and no longer take medicine and my A1C is 5.3 along with healthy cholesterol level and Blood pressure.😁


I have been doing this just 3 days now. I was on 220 Units of Insulin per day. The first day I took my morning insuling and I got low blood sugar and had to have some candy to bring it up. The next day I took 1/4 of my morning insulin felt okay and skipped evening insulin. Today I skipped my insulin and took my sugar throughout the day. 87, 78, 91, and 86. I haven't seen numbers like that in 10 years. Today I really started feeling better. It's like a fog has lifted and my mind is sharp. I quit forgetting things. I'm not tired. I have energy. I am happy. Clothes are already fitting looser. And the weirdest thing. I'm not hungry. For the first time in my life I am not hungry, constantly all the time crazy hungry. I ate a little lunch today but I could have skipped it, same with dinner. Thank you so much for your videos, you have changed my life and probably saved me from a slow painful death in the not so distant future.


My eight-year-old great grandson was just diagnosed with type one diabetes. Had a initial appointment with diabetes specialist to put him on insulin. Next appointment was with a dietitian who told me to let him eat whatever he wants and does him accordingly. After arguing with her for two hours, she called in a social worker to talk to me. At first, I felt threatened, but then stood my ground on the recommendation of letting him eat what he wants and give him more insulin. After watching this video, I felt validated about my feelings with his diet. Thank you, Dr. Berry.


I was given wrong information from my nutritionist. ( sent to by my doctor) I was on metformin and I was following a grain diet etc. Instead of getting better I gained weight ( even exercising) and my sugars were all over the place. I started keto and was taken off of metformin. I don't believe I ever needed meds what I needed was to eat better. Thank you for your videos and for sharing truths about some doctors. ☺


When I was in ICU a few years ago I was told I would not be released until my blood sugar was below 200. I was hooked to many different machines and was being pumped with God knows what. My levels would go down but would instantly rise after the foods they gave me. Carrots, bread, cornbread dressing. I asked this OLD nurse why would they feed me stuff that makes my levels rise. She talked to me like I was a child. Saying our bodies are like cars and carbs are gas and we need it to fuel our bodies. The ONLY reason I got out was because I refused to eat one day.


Drives me nuts that the ‘diabetes nurse’ always tells me that I must not cut out my carbs.
They raise my blood sugars, why wouldn’t I reduce them?.
Cynically I think it might be because the drug companies at least partially fund the diabetes nurses position!! (More carbs = higher blood sugars which will eventually = need for medication! )


Hi Dr. Ken, Been on Keto since February, I’ve lost 45lbs. Went to my cardiologist yesterday, he said how did you lose the weight? I hesitated, I said I’m afraid to tell you, I finally admitted to being Ketogenic. To my surprise, he said, “I’m proud of you, keep up the good work “! I was really shocked, but very relieved! I said I’m also doing intermittent fasting, he said it’s working, keep it up. He said it’s a lifestyle change you know, not a diet. I said, yes, I’m very much aware of that. Been doing it for 5 months, can’t see turning back now! I said you think my primary care physician will be as supportive? He said, they better be. I was so relieved.


Yep! I have bumped into these Diabetic doctor lies, but I have also bumped into Dr Fung too! I started fasting more often after seeing his videos as he is a kidney specialist and I have a kidney cyst. When I was 9 the doctors thought I would be dead within weeks, however my parents prayed and I am now nearing 57. God does hear the prayers of the righteous.


Today I went to one of three diabetes "education" classes. Today I was told to eat 2-3 carb choices per meal (15 grams each choice). I was also told to avoid fats especially butter, olive oil, coconut oil, and bacon (of course). I had to bite my tongue! The patients in that room were clinging to every choice they were allowed to have. I was told that I needed to eat a certain numbers of calories per day. When I asked should I eat the calories even if I feel full, the lady looked at me like I was crazy. She chuckled and said, "If you restrict your carbs you will be hungry." I so wanted to say, "If I eat fat I will be satisfied." But I didn't want to confuse the other people who were already spinning from all the information. Why encourage diabetics to eat carbs? I feel that's the same as allowing a drug addict to have 20% of their drugs, provide them with medication to maintain it, and then force them to purchase healthcare. What are we doing here?


Great info Dr. Berry, thanks for sharing. Four months ago my doctor gave me a prescription for Metformin. I hate to take a pill for something I know can be controlled with diet. So I told her I'd rather not take the pills and that I would try and do it with changing my diet. She was pretty adamant about me taking the pills as my fasting sugar at the time was 178mg. So I took the pills but told her I probably wouldn't try them and that I'd give my diet more work. She was certain that I couldn't do it with diet alone so I told her, just watch me, which she replied with a challenge to prove her wrong. Good motivator! :)

So I started changing my diet that day and have since found keto and have been following that style of diet. I'm now at 215lbs from 260lbs and my blood sugar is never over 90mg even after eating and averages 80mg throughout the day. It's only been less than four months! This works and I've never felt better for many years. Oh, and all with no pills thank you. :) Good luck everyone!


Dr. Berry, A 100 % dead on video. I want to believe that the medical community has altruistic viewpoints regarding the publics health but the evidence glaringly shows an industry just trying to sustain itself. I was diagnosed with type 2 in 7/2017. I immediately stopped ALL carbs. Did research. Viewed diabeties as an effect of a problem, not as the problem. I addressed inflammation as the core problem. I started to take Tumerim, also ACV 2 times a day. Found out the diet plan I was following was actually ketogenic. Incorporated exercise. I was out of shape. Only could walk 1/2 mile a day. Kept at it. Never was discouraged. Lbs dropped. 333 to 224 now. Run 3-5 miles per day 3-5 days a week.. Never took Meds but my sugar readings are 85 consistently. This video is so true. I absolutely believe diabeties is reverseable and can be controlled just by controlling and not activating insulin. (At least not inducing huge spikes) I wish great health to all who struggle.


Thank you! I have watched all your videos. I found you when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 3 months and 3 weeks ago! Also, fatty liver and high blood pressure. My doctor is not a fan of keto, because he claims it's not sustainable. He allowed me to do keto and check back in 3 mos! I came back, my A1c went from 7.5 to 5.3 in three months, and reversed my fatty liver and lowered my BP. It's really thanks to YOU for all your wonderful advise, I cried when I found out. Im just so happy and im not stopping. Other things I've noticed is my headaches are gone, and I dont retain water anymore, so my joints don't hurt. It's wonderful, I'm 42 and I feel 20 again. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!❤❤❤❤ You helped my save my life!!! I also lost 35 pounds in 3 mos!


My doctor told me that I can drink all the diet sodas that I want and it will not hurt me. He is no longer my doctor for reasons other than this.


Diagnosed with T2D years ago. I kept the diet plan my MD placed me on as well as metformin. 40 grams of carbs a meal plus two snacks! Had a stroke four years ago After that I said I have to do something and did my own research. Found you and other MDs that changed my life. No longer diabetic and have lost 77 pounds. Healthy and doing well. My new MD said I was his 🌟. Two years on keto. Thank you.


Bought your book after developing a diabetic foot ulcer and started watching your videos. The doctor in the wound clinic suggested I cut down my carbs to get my blood sugar under better control to help in the wound healing. As I did, I started having very low (<60) blood sugar levels. That's when I started researching the effects of diet on diabetes and learned that I could and should stop all carbs. After doing that, I had to stop taking all insulin, I went from 150 U of Lantus and typically 60 U of Novolog daily to 0. Reading your book was my Duh moment. I was born on a dairy farm. We fed corn to the hogs to fatten them up and oats to the cows to increase the fat content in their milk. Obviously carbs cause fat. I've lost 50# and haven't had a shot of insulin in over 2 months now. My A1C went from 10.1 to 6.1. I can't wait to see what the next reading is.


I was mortified to hear I have diabetes 2 .. 12 kilos down and listening very closely to you Doc .. Thank you !! Im doing the study as recommended and I’m going to beat this disease !! I’ll keep you posted !!


I was pre T2, my doctor almost did a happy dance when I said I was going to try Keto! One month later, feeling amazing, aches and pains much reduced, 11lbs down and no more bloating! I followed your advice and it’s GREAT advice! Thank you 😊


I just want to thank you for giving me hope may 2019 my a1c was 6.6... I was panicking didn’t know what to do then one day I was watching you tube and saw your video! That change my life... 6 months later my a1c was 5.5 thank you and gob bless u
