What to expect on an area SEND inspection? ASEND virtual roadshow
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This video is a recording of one of four virtual roadshows on the new area SEND inspection framework.
Watch the recording to find out about the changes under the new framework, how we gather evidence on inspection, an update on the SEND green paper reforms, and the plans for carrying out thematic visits, that will focus on alternative provision this year.
- André Imich, SEN and Disability Professional Adviser, Department for Education
- Sally Dyson, SEND Policy and Operations, Regions Group, Department for Education
- Lucy Harte, Children’s Services Inspector and Manager – SEND, Care Quality Commission
- Lee Owston, Interim National Director Education, Ofsted
- Tina Pagett, Specialist Adviser SEND and AP, Ofsted
- Paul DInverno HMI, Specialist Adviser Child Protection, Ofsted
- Lorraine Mulroney, National Specialist Advisor Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, NHSE
0:00 Introduction
5:43 Background
10:19 Key changes under the new area SEND framework
16:52 What to expect on inspection
20:52 How we gather evidence
37:06 Post-inspection
40:10 DfE and NHSE support and challenge
46:41 Update - green paper
48:26 Q1: Assessing sufficiency
49:33 Q2: EHCP annual review requests
50:53 Q3: DCO role
51:55 Q4: Voice of children and young people
52:57 Q5: Health sector responsibilities
54:43 Q6: Proprietary work
55:34 Q7: Parent carer forums, parents and carers
56:56 Q8: Effective joint working
58:41 Q9: Independent support and advice services
59:34 Q10: Survey circulation
1:00:18 Q11: 18 to 25 employment data
1:01:24 Q12: Evaluation
Questions in full:
Q1: How will inspectors inspect our sufficiency, not just in terms of school places but more generally about services for SEND and commissioning?
Q2: How is the process of EHCP annual review requests being standardised across all schools, special and mainstream?
Q3: Could we say a bit more about the expectations of the DCO role in the new framework – the designated clinical officer role?
Q4: Given the increased focus on the voice of children and young people, how do we propose these views are gathered during the new inspections?
Q5: What are CQC doing to ensure health colleagues within the new integrated care system arrangements are clear on their responsibilities within the new inspection framework?
Q6: Is there any proprietary work we need to do to understand who needs easy read surveys, etc.?
Q7: How will parent carer forums and parents and carers be involved in inspections?
Q8: How can we show more effective joined up working and practice?
Q9: How do you anticipate independent support and advice services will be included in the inspection?
Q10: Is it anticipated surveys will predominantly be circulated electronically can we do this via schools to ensure speedy distribution?
Q11: Can we give some clarification about the 18 to 25 employment data, whether that is for children and young people with an EHCP or for the full SEND cohort?
Q12: How will inspection evaluate looked after and previously looked after children?
Watch the recording to find out about the changes under the new framework, how we gather evidence on inspection, an update on the SEND green paper reforms, and the plans for carrying out thematic visits, that will focus on alternative provision this year.
- André Imich, SEN and Disability Professional Adviser, Department for Education
- Sally Dyson, SEND Policy and Operations, Regions Group, Department for Education
- Lucy Harte, Children’s Services Inspector and Manager – SEND, Care Quality Commission
- Lee Owston, Interim National Director Education, Ofsted
- Tina Pagett, Specialist Adviser SEND and AP, Ofsted
- Paul DInverno HMI, Specialist Adviser Child Protection, Ofsted
- Lorraine Mulroney, National Specialist Advisor Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, NHSE
0:00 Introduction
5:43 Background
10:19 Key changes under the new area SEND framework
16:52 What to expect on inspection
20:52 How we gather evidence
37:06 Post-inspection
40:10 DfE and NHSE support and challenge
46:41 Update - green paper
48:26 Q1: Assessing sufficiency
49:33 Q2: EHCP annual review requests
50:53 Q3: DCO role
51:55 Q4: Voice of children and young people
52:57 Q5: Health sector responsibilities
54:43 Q6: Proprietary work
55:34 Q7: Parent carer forums, parents and carers
56:56 Q8: Effective joint working
58:41 Q9: Independent support and advice services
59:34 Q10: Survey circulation
1:00:18 Q11: 18 to 25 employment data
1:01:24 Q12: Evaluation
Questions in full:
Q1: How will inspectors inspect our sufficiency, not just in terms of school places but more generally about services for SEND and commissioning?
Q2: How is the process of EHCP annual review requests being standardised across all schools, special and mainstream?
Q3: Could we say a bit more about the expectations of the DCO role in the new framework – the designated clinical officer role?
Q4: Given the increased focus on the voice of children and young people, how do we propose these views are gathered during the new inspections?
Q5: What are CQC doing to ensure health colleagues within the new integrated care system arrangements are clear on their responsibilities within the new inspection framework?
Q6: Is there any proprietary work we need to do to understand who needs easy read surveys, etc.?
Q7: How will parent carer forums and parents and carers be involved in inspections?
Q8: How can we show more effective joined up working and practice?
Q9: How do you anticipate independent support and advice services will be included in the inspection?
Q10: Is it anticipated surveys will predominantly be circulated electronically can we do this via schools to ensure speedy distribution?
Q11: Can we give some clarification about the 18 to 25 employment data, whether that is for children and young people with an EHCP or for the full SEND cohort?
Q12: How will inspection evaluate looked after and previously looked after children?