Purplecliffe Finally gets a Shiny Pokemon #pokemon #purplecliffe
Purplecliffe Catches his first Shiny in Pokemon Violet
Purplecliffe Predicts PM7's Shiny
Purplecliffe Misses his First Shiny in Pokemon Violet
I Trolled Shiny Hunters In Pokémon
Purplecliffe Finally Catches Shiny Lechonk
Even Shiny Hunters Have Limits... (Pokemon #shorts)
Purplecliffe Runs away from 2nd shiny
Who is This, Purplecliffe?
Why Purplecliffe Looses Shinies
Purplecliffe eats a PP Sandwich
Purplecliffe Throws it Back
Why does he sound like that?
most embarassing shiny fail of all time
Purplecliffe wants Moxie2D's Shiny Lopunny
Purplecliffe is a Wanted Man
Purplecliffe Yells About Being Short
Purplecliffe fails a shiny... AGAIN #shorts #pokemon
Purplecliffe finds shiny meditite!😱😳
Purplecliffe picks his Starter in Pokemon Violet
Purplecliffe misses another shiny
You Find A Shiny Pokemon, You Restart Your Game
*If you ever find a shiny, remember to first turn auto save off* (if it’s on), *SAVE and then start the encounter.* So if it runs away/you KO it you can try again. - Good luck everyone! 😊 ♡
Btw, I really wish the shiny Pokémon would sparkle/make a noise like they do in Legends Arceus -_- feel like I’ve ran past some without even noticing - (especially since there are way too many shinies that barely have any noticeable change in color)
Remember evolving shinies counts to your shiny profile total.
I randomly walked into one, didn’t even know it was shiny (it was pink deerling so it’s hard to tell anyway)
He found three shinies, but hatched them instead lmfao 🤣
4 - thank the shiny heavens cause where is the darn shiny noise? 😂
Almost right when I started playing I found a shiny
In this game, I have found six. In all my time shiny hunting though, I have found hundreds. I have only ever failed one, and that shiny graveler haunts me to this day.
I've been playing pokemon games for years( I never caught a shiny in the games)and I finally caught ashiny in VS. First encounter was right after I met Arven, it was a Shiny Psyduck standing next to a bridge. And then... I caught another shiny psyduck up by the snow mountain area. Only 2 shinies I've encountered.. and they had to be the same one.
I found two in what I think are full odds, caught both.
I found 3 shines too, a male combee, a rookadi and a teddiursa so far
I’ve found 3. The first one was a few hours into the game, Finizen. Second was Skiddo and third was Teddiursa.
I’ve only found one completely randomly while I was in the bamboo forest. All I was trying to do was find some Bisharp leaders to evolve mine into Kingambit, and ended up finding a shiny Bisharp just spawn right in front of me. Now I have a Shiny Kingambit.
Purplecliffe, I can catch shinies for you! With over 1000 shinies across multiple games and currently 13 in SV I will be honoured to be your next shiny hunter
Actually now that I remember i think i one by accident thinking it was an evolution and I’m glad I did
I found 3 shiny marpeep back to back yesterday from 1 sandwich, which was crazy!!!
In my main file I’ve found 3 shinies, caught all 3 (Rockruff, Mudbray, and Marill). However in a secondary file I was out exploring, ran into a shiny Luxray, and it used Roar and I was so sad I almost [content removed for violating Terms and Conditions]
I found three just randomly. Makes me wonder how many I missed.
If the bar was that low then where do I apply 😂
Legit got the game yesterday, played until I could start catching Pokémon. Decided to pick up a level 3 Fletchling. First pokemon in counter of the game (besides starter) and it was a shiny.
Found three, caught three and was given another four by friends