The Best Way To CONVERT Your GYM Clients Into LONG TERM Commitment.

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Another gem from our archive.

You ever find yourself in a situation where you're trying to increase EFT value in your gym but as soon as a new member enters your gym, another one leaves and you're stuck in this hamster wheel, not being able to stack up that monthly recurring revenue?

It's a really tough spot to be in, but don't worry, this video will give you the solution to that so you can stack more cash and continue to grow your gym.

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How would this work for a boxing fitness


When you down-sell the up-sell, are you rolling their deposit into the up-sell? In which case you aren't collecting any additional payment from them? Or are you extending the length of the up-sell so that they would need to pay an additional amount on top of the deposit that you collected in the beginning of the free trial?


So are you presenting both options to them at POS? $600 for 6 weeks or $49/wk for 12 months? Or only hitting them with the EFT halfway through the 7 weeks?


I cannot seem to wrap my head around the free offer, but a $500 deposit. I think I am missing something.


Bcoz people sucks and they not serious about health
