How To Tell When A Woman Wants To Destroy You

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Never explain yourself to someone dedicated to misunderstanding you.


Just tell her during the argument: "My ex girlfriend wouldn't do this to me". And then you pray.


Three signs to look for: 1) her pupils glow red 2) the room feels cold 3) plants and other living organisms begin to wither.


The more logical the argument the more a woman will get angry with herself and project that on a man.


I call this the 'sky is blue' syndrome. When you start arguing with someone that the sky is blue, and they insist that it's red, walk away. Immediately.

It took me a long time to learn this. I still get it wrong sometimes.


This is true. At a certain stage in our marriage my late wife made it clear that 'we' had to discuss all decisions. And this is how that worked: if she wanted it then it was obviously the right thing to do and she just went ahead and did it - no discussion. If I wanted something, anything, it had to be discussed and 99% of the time she decided that "we" had come to the decision not to do that 'stupid thing he wanted to do'. That was that! My late wife would start 'discussions' and if I raised a single counter proposal she immediately escalated to arguing, accusing me of being controlling, abusive, and narcissistic. I eventually realized that the only way out was to stop playing her game and just sit there quietly while she screamed abuse at me. When she would realize that I wasn't engaging her she would escalate by screaming louder and accusing me of more and more fantastic abuses. It truly was ridiculous. I swear she would start fights just prior to bedtime because she truly believed that I would cave to her desires to fulfill the dictum: "Never go to bed angry" and that she thought I would apologize to her for that reason alone. I never did since I would go to bed knowing that I had done nothing to apologize for. She died five years ago and my youngest son is in counseling for the PTSD the argument gave him. (She was constantly battling with him, too.)


"Women categorize men in two ways, breeding stock and livestock."
-Rollo Tomassi


Rather than writing her off as a crazy witch
Ask her to tell you more. Its shocking and disarming but it shows you care. If its downright abusive name calling or hitting...adios


Not play is a strategy, yes. You can also decide to remove your financial support or tell her to leave your place.


Women leverage the value of their relationships by cultivating guilt in their partners. This produces a feeling of indebtedness and reinforces their control over the relationship. So it is a win win for them to pick on trivial and meaningless issues to wear down their partners. When one argument doesn't work, they will find a different argument, or a different strategy.


I realized that making a woman happy is impossible. Thats her own responsibility and your happiness is yours. Its all about sharing that happiness/sadness together, not trying to make it your responsibility to make someone else happy. You can express love and appreciation, but you can't keep someone happy with your efforts!! Its not your responsibility


I’m 62. Learned to NEVER EVER argue with stupid people. One or two choice questions will reveal their level of stupidity and from there on I treat em accordingly. Only problem is, stupids hate being ignored.


All I got from this was, "Don't talk to women and you may find peace and happiness."


When she says to your face "I'm dedicating my life to destroying you" that might be a clue...(My ex-wife actually)


from calm to anger,
from questions to accusations,
from good mood to bad mood...
Stop talking....

Very good, 😊


You can see this starkly when dealing with borderline women. Every new thing you tell them (even when things are calm or benign), is just ammunition you are giving them to use against you later. It gets to the point where you can’t even answer simple questions like “where are you going?” or “What are you thinking?” because whatever your answer is, it will somehow be used against you later.


Ah yes, this is a very common problem. Also trying to read social cues many times is like trying figure out on a broken clock what time it actually is


I was just having an argument with my sister the other day. I did exactly what he said I stopped talking. My sister is lost to feminism ideals I could not believe the filth that had come out of her mouth.


Some women just conduct all interactions in bad faith. They have no interest in you, they just want to use talking with you as an opportunity to "win".


If you're constantly arguing with the woman you lay down with at night. At a certain point it becomes a you problem. A lot women get off on being petty. There are thousands of guys willing to entertain that.
