What if...Breast cancer could be caused by a virus?

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Presenter: Professor Ann Richardson, Wayne Francis Cancer Epidemiology Research Group, School of Health Sciences

· What are the risk factors for breast cancer?
· Could a virus cause breast cancer?
· How are UC researchers investigating this?

The causes of breast cancer are not fully understood. Although some important risk factors have been identified, many are not easily modifiable (which makes prevention difficult), and it is likely that some risk factors have not yet been identified. Several cancers are caused by viruses, and our previous research suggests that a virus, cytomegalovirus, may be important in human breast cancer. We have received funding to investigate this further and if this research supports a link between cytomegalovirus and breast cancer, it could lead to the worldwide prevention of a significant proportion of breast cancer.
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The clothes we wear for work determines the risk of the team wearing the cloth.

1 cup lost is an un-felt loss but if it's 1000 cups, it raises group awareness and the staff start hunting the source of the change- to right it.

The cloth of the job we each are in therefore is the shield of the Greater House of it's many [kinds of] staff.

I'm in a baseball jersey style T-shirt. When I buy one it'll affect New Jersey.

Outside of work as law enforcement in polyester, it's necessary to keep that law enforcement moat intact at the -K figure of tapping the keyboard.
So to ;ift u[ the economy which fixes most people's woes, the officers have to bridge out into the cloth of community members, 1st.

That's to go home, put on their cotton jersey sports shirts and do with the peopke what they do with each other at work as [people outside of the strict rules the office has upon the staff. So you may stop and chat. Take someone to a lunch table. Wash their car or accept yours beong washed. Carry junk out or taje home a dumped wood log. Normal community behaviors that LOOK like the movements of everyday society.

These moves drive down stress and cause good sleep in a people who live and die from a disease named bearing col-lects: the mixes of words used to classify true Bloodborne sicknesses from the lags in money traveling into the, any accounts of unneeded pills for the time they aren't tapped in that community where they sit- being a kind of goldilock credits. The people can't take those pi;;s but the writing on them is partially overlapping their futures or their clients, kids or captives.

If an officer doesn't somehow opt to go around the pill labels and let the labs know that they can't use those, then the interacting grows into a monster sized need with a bank behind it as a temptation for people around the Hippocratic world to work in [naughty] paying jobs holding that hard moment when an officer watches a 14 year old kid hang himself and nobody knows why but they sense being poor caused it.

corners mix with his neighborhood in his or her off duty as a community who's opinions are counted to the credit or discredit of his neighbors or, if they DIDN'T accept the handovers the job role hands out so the giving onto scales is balanced, them the people's credit goes down and as members of us, the officer loses home credit to job office credit. That's ties into closets full of standing paper towels and other crossover stuffs.

Rugs, chemical cleaners, seats...what a house or other places might buy.

So law enforcements must bridge out to the people with their backs to us. That's usually easy.

hen it might be the ultimate difference of the opinions of a few neighbors at the Market root which would be just outside of Mini Marts and having more normal human interactions with their immediate communities, knowing not how much it matters that they count brutality v neutrality.

So a little fair credit for the bearing cores would boosts *everyone# - from here.

There have been efforts to be kind and neutralizing to the acidic part of this sport .
Perhaps, counting people have maybe to lend an opinion to sellable particles, here, who have that much intuition.


I am non converting CMV-. Can I help with any thing. Thank you.


Screening to detect cancer early might not be so beneficial. Some early cancer detections regress without treatment. Early also means greater risk of a false positive detection. Viral interference can reverse cancer. Until such cures are available, the effort should be to prolong tumor dormancy. Also host resistance has to be considered when planning a therapy plan. Both mean using less drug doses and therefore less side effects of the treatment.
