Filipino Girl Went Missing In A Mall - Taken By Secret Tunnels In Fitting Room? Case Jovelyn Galleno

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This case gave me shivers, like when the boyfriend asked the cashier where his girlfriend was and they gaslight him I felt my stomach drop


This "urban legend" sounds like a blatant and obvious tale created to cover up an ACTUAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING RING or ORGAN HARVESTING 😮


I'm from Egypt and this used to happen more than a decade ago. Women would go in to changing rooms and just vanish in to thin air. One incident were a guy and his wife went to a clothes store and she went in to the changing room and vanished. The husband didn’t stay put and searched high and low for her. The husband was a police officer so he had the upper hand. He eventually found out the truth. The changing room was an elevator staged as a changing room. Once a woman gets in, it activates and they kidnap her for organ trafficing. I don’t remember honestly if he found his wife dead or alive but i think she was dead because her organs were missing. After that case, these kinds of abductions miraculously stopped. But organ trafficing still exists and way worse than before, they changed their tactics to go under the radar. What a world we live in.


For those wondering how to check a mirror to see if it's one way: Try looking through it. Trick mirrors require the observation room to be roughly 10 times dimmer, so if you cup your hand to make a tunnel around your face you should be able to see through it if it's false. You can also try sounding it out by tapping your knuckle. Regular mirrors are butted against a wall and should make a dull thumping sound.


As a nursing student at that time, we were all talking about the skeletal remains that is allegedly Jovelyn. Even our professors are kinda skeptical because of how fast the body decomposed. It’s kinda crazy to think that there is a chance that the police and the mall might’ve actually tried to hide the truth.


she was decomposed to bones in just 18 days…? i find that hard to believe. even if the weather played a part, i feel like that can only play a part to an extent. i feel the police definitely had their hand in this smh they’re covering something up..


To clarify: The mall in the urban legend (Robinsons Galleria) is located in the capital of Philippines, Metro Manila. The mall that Jovelyn disappeared (Robinsons Place Palawan) from is regional branch located in Palawan Island. Both malls are owned by the same corporation which is Robinsons but are located in different places.


I think the cousins were blackmailed bc whoever harvested her organs and disposed of her didn’t expect the case to become so widespread


I was honestly expecting this story to end with Jovelyn being found because she managed to escape. I'm sorry for her and her family.


You arent actually safe just because people are around. A crazy homeless woman tried to take a little kid from his mom at our local mall recently and all the people just watched or recorded on their phones. Only 1 man tried to help out of a huge crowd seeing the mom fight the woman off her child.


this case left me and my fam dumbfounded. we were following this case bc it was interesting that a girl disappeared just like that. when they found human bones and investigated it whether it was the girl, we were convinced that it wasn't her bc how can she just decompose, literally to bones, within just a few weeks? when they did the dna and it actually matched the parents, it was confusing and sketchy. even the professionals interviewed weren't convinced that she just decomposed that fast unless they used certain chemicals or faked the results.


I just hate how incompetent the police and NBI is. Shows how powerless us normal citizens are.


I want to look up how many of these cases where police claim “the victim is just a runaway” end up being not the case.
Unless there’s hard proof the victim ran away, it shouldn’t be considered. Period.

If something happened to my child and a cop even starts to begin the sentence “she ran away”…. I would lose my shit on them.


Stephanie is unknowingly helping with my weight loss. I watch her videos repeatedly while exercising😂


As a filipina, I rarely hear these crimes discussed so thank you for covering this case!


We still don’t have answers why the mall refuse to cooperate with the investigation. If there’s a crocodile in the area where the deceased was found, I’m pretty sure the neighbors will not allow their children to play there. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Having lived in the Philippines for the first 20 years of my life, I know corruption is pretty much the norm there. Even regular people with a little bit of money can cheat the system so easily. 
There is definitely an authority figure behind this, and they have connections with the police. That’s the only way the police would know where the body is if the cousins are innocent, which I truly believe. There’s no way these simple folks have the means to make the body decompose so quickly. 
There’s many leads in this case, but I doubt anything will be done in the end. That’s just how it is in the Philippines 😒


Stephanie covering more Filipino stories?! as long time fan and Filipino I’m so happy !


Philippines has a lot of weird, tragic and political crime cases. Tbh at this point I don't question the allegations against the corrupt officials when the Philippines has a track record of electing corrupt officials committing heinous crimes.


Found a hole/tunnel in the closet of one of our hotel rooms. Florida in 1998. It was really creepy. Dad made us leave and go to a different hotel after that
