Harvesting the Wave Energy: The Function of Wells Turbine

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In this episode, we explain the function of Wells Turbine. This turbine is one possible power take-off for the oscillating water column concept of harnessing the wave energy. In our movie about the "Limpet" wave power plant, this turbine is shown, but not explained. Several viewers couldn't understand the function of this turbine. Some of them even claim that this turbine couldn't produce any energy. This is the reason why we created this movie. We are not affiliated with any company which is producing this type of turbine. This movie is also not made in a commission of anybody. Its sole purpose is to explain the function of the Wells Turbine. Maybe, watching this movie, you will get another idea for the solution of harvesting wave energy and help to produce sustainable energy. We just spread the ideas to keep our planet green.
Harvesting the Wave Energy: The Function of Wells Turbine
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