August Favorites 2021 - The Secret, Beauty Sleep & Thunder

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You have to join me! I show you my Favorite things from the thunder of August! Makeup, skincare, book, thoughts, Desi....and a great pillow and weighted blanket from Sleep & Glow. I take you through a day where my friend Hal picked me up and took me to our old grade school for a swing and a Kick-Ball tournament and then fixed dinner. We visited an old diner and he did a fine job trying to cheer me up. You are by my side as I deal with grief this week and I hope you will share or understand the conclusion I came to at the end of the video.

The dress I model for you is from Simple Flavor on Amazon. I love it and will wear it to a party coming up for my friend Tim who used to do my hair years ago.

I am sending my love and well wishes to you~ I can't wait to see you again next week!
Love you to the moon and back,
Susan & Desi

"We have to allow ourselves to be loved by the people who really love us, the people who really matter. Too much of the time, we are blinded by our own pursuits of people to love us, people that don't even matter waste our time, while the people who do love us have to stand on the sidewalk and watch us beg in the streets! It's time to put an end to this. It's time for us to let ourselves be loved."
— C. JoyBell C.

Every week many ask me about the painting behind me...the beautiful sad woman at the window with the dove. I have owned that painting for 23 years. It is one of my very favorites!
FTC: This is not a sponsored video but please note that the 4 minutes I showcase my pillow and blanket were sponsored by Sleep & Glow. I am a participant in the Amazon Services

The discount code $10 off: Littlepoet10

4. Sleep & Glow Pillow Omnia SLEEP & GLOW PILLOW
The discount code $10 off: Littlepoet10


Thank you so much to the beautiful ladies who help me keep the lights on here and allow me to film the videos I want to film for us instead of having to take endless sponsorships that take me away from meaningful content for us all. My cup runneth over. And for those of you who don't join, please know how much just being here means to me.

I have a new Canon 80D now for our channel. I am grateful beyond words to 2 company sponsors that helped me make my dream of a new camera come true. Life is pretty amazing...I am grateful beyond words I can continue this journey.


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I am 68 taking care of my mom with dementia and I have some pretty hard days. I have let myself go and stopped my life as I knew it to be. My house is a mess, I am a mess. My beautiful granddaughter and grandson came by just to say hi and they will never know how driving by to see me and hugging me just allowed me to breathe yesterday. I don't have anyone to talk to about making so many decisions for my mom and how much anxiety being a caregiver is causing me. I feel guilty because even though I love her, she has rarely if ever hugged me or told me it will be ok. Never has thanked me for anything in her life. I just needed to be heard and loved and through my grandchildren I feel that. I so desperately wanted it from my mom and now I will never receive that. Thank you for your channel and the wonderful person that you are. I always feel we are friends because I can relate to you. When you dress up, I am in that beautiful brown polka dot dress with you. I don't know when happiness will come back because I also recently lost my younger brother and best friend. He made me laugh and he understood me. I too am angry that he died alone in another country. I have his ashes and made a nice setting for him across where my mother sits. Sorry for rambling. I just needed a friend to talk to. Thank you again for the positivity you send out in the universe. I hope some of those sparkles will blow my way.🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🥰🥰❤💞


The Polka Dot dress is Absolutely Stunning on You~ and Desi’s polka dot bow tie looks Marvelous as well~👍💕


It's been 14yrs since the love of my life took his own life. Still to this day something will remind me of him. Yes the grief comes in waves, you just have to ride it out. As time goes on you find yourself bursting with laughter over some stupid little thing. I feel alone & angry that he changed all of our hopes & dreams with one decision. As many here have said that
they are grateful. I too feel that way, I am blessed with so much. Life does go on, sometimes just not in the way we hoped. You're beautiful, intelligent & funny. Chin up, it does get easier.
Love to you & Dez xo Oh yes, the dress rocks!


I am 70 years old. I have worked hard all of my life, a single parent. Due to health reasons, working to keep alive economically, emotionally over the last 40 years here in Hawaii. With this pandemic I lost whom I was. Many mahalo s for bringing me back to my center again. You have inspired me. Faith has kept me strong.


I think God’s love heals and comforts us when things happen. I pray Jesus touches your heart and comforts you. at this time. You are sensitive and tender I think, but I also see that you are very strong, creative, and smart. God’s blessings to you today and everyday.


Hi Susan, so nice to see you after your difficult time. Your home looks so warm and inviting. My week hasn’t been as hard as yours, however, it was one of disappointment. I always seem to do housework to keep busy and not dwell into my thoughts. After a few days though I’ve been relaxing and reading. Hugs to you and Desi and you are in my thoughts and prayers. 🥰


Susan that dress is stunning on you just like Julia in Pretty Woman. Praying for you during your grieving and your happiness will come back, hugs to you and Desi.❤️🐾🙏🏻🥰


I totally experienced the same little bout of anger when my hubs passed away, but I knew I couldn't just lay down, roll over and sulk! As hard as it may be, we have to pull ourselves up, dust ourselves off and try to keep putting one foot forward! Just wondering who the mystery guy is that we keep getting glimpses of? Sending love and hugs to you and Desi!


I absolutely love your fur baby. I have never seen a be weighted blanket. Honestly, I must take a look into this.


I commend you for making the video. It's very difficult to keep moving forward. You are a very strong and inspirational person. I always try to remind myself, we are all the walking wounded.


I have always loved polka dots & your new dress is super! I am 64 & believe it or not, I still have a special polka dot dress I bought in my early twenties second hand at a thrift shop & it is my favorite of fav's! It is black with white polka dots & you can tell it must have been an expensive dress, as it seems very high quality, & I have enjoyed wearing it with black heels, or black boots, & with another fav of mine that's a keeper...a vintage long double strand pearl necklace! I have loved the book, the movie & The Secret DVD's. I went though a phase where I would play the DVD's & also the ones that came out after those ones, (The Power?) while I was doing things around my house & I found them truly inspirational. My husband & kids at the time would be like "You're listening to THAT AGAIN???!!!"! Hmm...maybe I should give them a listen again, I could use a little inspo, so thanks! Also even though you had a rough week, you looked especially beautiful in this weeks video!


Thank you Susan, you look stunning and beautiful in that dress just the right choice. You gave me an uplifting in my soul, you shared your story and it's just how I have been feeling about my brother's passing, thank you for that positive experience, yes I need to be more positive in my life right are a remarkable woman keep up with your videos they are very helpful to others. Loved that pillow and Desy 🐶❤🥰


I think the dress looks beautiful on you!! I practice Yoga everyday and try to have gratitude for everything to stay positive.


Funny I am able to stay positive by watching your channel. I can’t wait for your videos to pop up. On another note my mother would always say “This girl wakes up smiling”. I used to love that and I miss her so much. You have a good week. See you next time 🥰


Hi there I was watching Bridges of Madison county the other day and it reminded me of you . Such a great classic movie . Have you seen ?


Hi Susan.
Compared to your gentle nature I’m probably quite gruff but I find your little doors into you your life that you open up for us to peak in very soothing and inspiring. You see the best in every situation. I pray above all that you see the footprints in the sand.
Thank you
Margi Australia


Jesus is a constant reminder in my life, to be grateful, be positive and to love like he loves, it is hard to be negative, when your mind is on what Jesus has done for us all, it starts with a grateful heart, thank you for sharing your life experience with us you are beautiful blessed and amazing.


Don't forget white gloves to complete your Pretty Woman outfit!


I am a lively positive 82 years old and grateful toGod every day. Yesterday a man came up to me and said thank you for being beautiful. Another gift.


Your apartment inspires me. I've lived with family since a bad car wreck over four years ago. Now, I am remodeling a Casita (granny flat) and I can't wait to move into it! I miss my stuff!
