Wine or Grape Juice? - What Did Jesus Use For the Lord’s Supper? How Do We Know?

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One of the most debated issues in Christendom is over the use of wine or grape juice by Jesus Christ in the Lord’s Supper. We will see that, as usual, the Bible let’s us know the answer clearly if we can simple take it at it’s word and not try to Inject our own opinions from historical or linguistic angles.

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Only red wine is a suitable symbol of what the cup’s contents represent, that is Jesus’ shed blood. What was in the cup? Fermented wine, NOT fermented grape juice! When the Scriptures refer to wine, the unfermented juice of the grape is not what is meant. For instance, fermented wine, not grape juice, would burst “old wineskins, ” as Jesus said. (Matthew 9:17) And Christ’s enemies charged that he was “given to drinking wine.” That would have been a meaningless accusation if the wine were mere grape juice. (Matthew 11:19)

Plain grape juice wouldn’t have been available at the Passover because it would not have remained unfermented from harvesttime in the fall until Passover in the springtime. So, wine was drunk during the Passover observance, and Christ used it when instituting the Memorial of his death.


Also a lot of people forget how fermentation works! It takes time, and new wine is barely fermented.


They had wine in Jesus and Noah's time people used to get drunk on much wine. The bible says wine not grape juice. Besides wine is grape juice anyway.


At Passover they drank 4 cups of unfermented wine. Each cup containing three quarters of a pint, which amounts to 3 pints.


When he uses the parable of wine skins is he talking about grape juice or (alcoholic)wine


Very good, and exactly as I believe. I'm an old enough Presbyterian to remember pastors reading from the KJV and using fruit of the vine. Presbyterians use grape juice, not wine in Communion, which I am thankful for.


Brother, which version of the Bible says that Jesus squeezed fresh grapes into the cups?
I think you are against the drinking of wine or any alcoholic beverages because of 1 Corinthians 6:10
Casually drinking wine and being a drunkard are two completely different things.
I drink wine, beer, and sometimes even hard liquor, but I have never gotten drunk because I always stop when I start to feel tipsy.
Various fruits, such as grapes, apples, plums, pears, cherries, strawberries, blueberries, and pomegranates, can be used to make wine.
Wine is fermented fruit juice with the addition of yeast.


Why do people think drinking some wine will make you drunk? Drinking a lot of wine will make you drunk if drank in a short amount of time. A person could drink 12 glasses of wine at an all day wedding and still not get drunk because it is spread out over hours.


Grape harvest is in the fall. There was no such thing as fresh grapes or grape juice in the spring. Grape juice was fermented so it coould be stored and drunk throughout the year as wine.


I believe It does not refer to the juice of the grape fruit but to the origin of the wine which is from the fruit of the vine. Wine gets people drunk in Jesus time. It has alcohol content that can be used for disinfection. Wine has symbolic significance than juice...


Where did Jesus takes fresh grape in spring?


Hi. Can we take communion everyday at home? Is it Biblical?


Neither, but wine with 0.5 % alcoholic content as Baptists always have done.


The wine at the Last Supper was alcoholic wine; the wine produced by Jesus' first miracle at the Wedding in Cana was 454 litres of delicious wine alcoholic wine, as non-alcoholic wine was not invented until 1908. It was not in any way fruit or grape juice. There has been extensive academic research on this question, narrowing down the probable variety served at the Last Supper to three or four specific varieties. Before you lecture on something you appear to know nothing about, I suggest you gain education and expertise in the area or a complementary discipline of study.


i imagine no one would drink it if it were just grape juice but maybe im wrong


So. Jesus made the " best" grape juice at the end of the wedding feast at Cana? Grape juice for a big wedding feast? Tortured exegesis.While I appreciate your earnestness and commitment to the Bible, the problem isn't so much wine as it is the potential. abuse of wine that has shaped your opinion. . Scripture speaks of wine" making glad the heart of man" and such. Does that fit at all with grape juice? Don't think you are being literal, but have reversed it to bring a bias against actual wine into your interpretation.


Do you think that the biblical writers wrote in KJB 17th century English ?


It was Passover so it was wine, plus why was some of the Corinthians drunk in 1 Corinthians 11, they surely was not drunk from grape juice,


Daniel refused the wine and the meat from the king. Why would he refuse grape juice. Wine in the Bible is wine not grape juice.


Wine comes from grapes which is a fruit.
